A modest proposal to reduce clutter

Apparently “clutter” in these forums is a big problem for some users. What is clutter? Clutter is, it seems, when comments about different things happen on multiple posts rather than being combined into one comment thread on one posts. More posts, about different topics, is a bad thing - fewer posts means a tidier forum, right?

Let’s clean up the forum, by having one post for each category.

We can have the “General Discussion” post. Instead of ever posting anything new to the general discussion category, you just comment on that post. We can have the “French” post; anything you have to ask about French language, you comment on that post. And so on.

If everyone does that, there will be far far fewer posts on the forum. It will be much much less “cluttered”.

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit @cos :’(

It’s not meant just as “wit”, it’s meant to point out that all this talk about “clutter” as if it should somehow be self-evident to people that something good (people posting about things and keeping each post on topic) is bad (“clutter”). It’s really frustrating and sometimes infuriating. So take it to its logical conclusion. Will anyone actually defend the proposal? Or stop assuming that more posts is inherently a bad thing and that everyone else should agree with that.

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useless straw man argument, cos. Nobody ever asked for such thing - you know that very well - and your “Überspitzung”/exaggeration doesn’t help …

From my point of view, what people are asking for is just a milder form of this. And the “clutter” rationalization that I think 3 people have used for it, is exactly the same justification as would be used for this much broader suggestion here. If that argument holds water, than this suggestion follows from it as well. If that argument doesn’t hold water, people should stop bringing it up.

well, using your rethorical tricks against you: what you’re asking is a memrise in your own image, a memrise fully to your liking… (don’t get me wrong, that memrise could be astrolutely amazing, but my own ideas about what and how about learning and not gaming are also amazing)

While I would like to see people be less quick to combine threads, I have to admit I was kinda hoping someone would have combined this with the other thread by now.

This proposal is almost exactly the one you are suggesting in the other direction. If someone recognizes the ridiculousness of this solution perhaps they can also recognize why your solution won’t work.

This is simply a categorization problem. You have to categorize at the right level. You are suggesting to have every blade of grass have its own topic, this suggestion would have you put everything about a planet in a single thread. Both of these are not at the right level.

The point cos tries to make in this thread doesn’t address the concerns I have raised there so it would be kind of off-topic there. The other topic: [Site Feedback] To use the [Course Forum] prefix and put all comments about a single course into a single topic or not?
