Hi, in some of the courses, there’s no button “LEARN”. Could you please explain me why it so and how I can learn words from this course?
I am having the same issue…I was wondering if it could be due to the website having problems but I don’t think this is the case. It appears to be missing on new courses that I create, old ones seem fine.
it looks to be a bug.
If you click on the level that is to learn, then the button appears again:) http://pasteboard.co/2u6ctL17o.png
If you update your course, the learn button should return.
Add a word to your level and then save the course. The learn button will reappear, you can remove the newly added word from your level and database.
The developers are aware of this issue, and are currently working on fixing this and other bugs which were raised.
Amazing - thanks to you both for your help.