~5000+ Swedish Sentences

Some improvements suggestions for the course:

Affected sentences list
  • Du talar fort. - You talk fast. (add alternative “Du pratar fort.”)
  • [v] Ta bort lådan. - Take that box away! (change the period to the exclamation point)
  • Tom är fri. - Tom is free. (Tom är ledig.)
  • [x] Vänta en stund. - Give me a minute. (Ge mig en minut.) (update: there are actually 2 separate sentences “Give me a minute” and “Wait a second”)
  • [x] Vems är de? - Whose are they? (should not be “dem”?) (update: dem -> them (object), de -> they (subject form))
  • [v] Sa Tom det? - Did Tom do that? (Did Tom say that?)
  • [v] Jag är här. - We’re right here. -> I’m right here. (x “precis”)
  • [?] Jag är bäst. - duplicate
  • [x] Tom är rädd. - duplicate (update: there are actually 2 sentences “Tom’s scared.” and “Tom is scared.”)
  • [v] Det är sant. - It’s true! (exclamation point)
  • [v] Spring inte! - Don’t run. (ditto)
  • [v] Sluta skjuta! - Stop shooting. (ditto)
  • [v] Han bor i Kyoto. - She lives in Kyoto. (She -> He)
  • [v] Come whenever you like. - Come at any time you like.
  • [v] Tom can’t hear you. (x kan)
  • [v] Do you speak Swedish? (x “pratar”)
  • [v] The girl is lonely. (x “flicka”)
  • [v] Tom is in trouble. (x “problem”)
  • [v] Give it to him. (utrum)
  • [v] Give it to her. (neutrum)
  • [v] Is he Japanese? (x “Japansk”)
  • [v] Tom went back. (x “gick”)
  • [x] I speak Swedish. (x “pratar”)
  • [v] I study Spanish. (x “studerar”)
  • [v] It looked cheap. (utrum)
  • [v] Tom seemed lost. (x “vilse”)
  • [v] Don’t you want to go? (x “gå”)
  • [v] Bob is my friend. (x “vän”)
  • [v] Tom wants to help. - Tom vill ha hjälp. -> Tom wants help.
  • [v] Tom is right there. - Tom är precis här. -> Tom is right here.
  • [v] Tom has to go home. (x “åka”)
  • [v] Can you find it? (utrum, x “hitta”)
  • [v] Grab that. (utrum)
  • [v] What was it like? (neutrum)
  • [v] Are you coming with us? (x “du”)
  • [v] Where did it come from? (utrum)
  • [v] Tom doesn’t have a home. (x “inte”)
  • [v] Tom just disappeared. (x “bara”, “precis”)
  • [v] Tom is looking at it. (utrum)
  • [x] Does she speak French? (x “pratar”)
  • [v] How could you do that? (x “kunde”)
  • [v] I’ll look into it. (missed “ska”)
  • [v] Tom yelled at Mary. (x “på”)
  • [v] Don’t be rude. (“of…”)
  • [?] My pet cat died yesterday. (x " ")
  • [v] Tom looks agitated. (“or…”)
  • [v] I’ll pay the bill. (x “ska”)
  • [v] Where are your kids? (x “dina”)
  • [v] Möt konsekvenserna. - Face the music. -> Face the consequences.
  • [v] He has ten cows. (x “kor”)
  • [v] I can’t compete. (x “tävla”, “ställa upp”)
  • [v] I made that one. (utrum)
  • [v] I played tennis. - Han spelade tennis. -> He played tennis.
  • [v] Are those for me? (x “för”, “åt”)
  • [v] Don’t talk to me. (x “tala”)
  • [v] I’ll talk to Tom. (present)
  • [v] That is mine. (neutrum, x “där”)
  • [v] Those are nice. (x “fina”)
  • [v] Tom is my nephew. (brother’s son)
  • [v] Vad skulle ha veta? -> han
  • [v] How did you find us? (x “du”)
  • [v] I’ll pick Tom up. (present)
  • [v] I’m free. (x “fri”)
  • [v] Tom’s free. (x “ledig”)
  • [v] There’s a couple here. (x “finns”)
  • [v] Tell me you’re kidding**!**
  • [v] Did it go well today? (with space)
  • [v] My pet cat died yesterday. (no space)
  • [v] What is this? (x “här”)
  • [v] I’ll buy a new one. (not present)
  • [v] Tom’s crazy. (x “galen”)
  • [v] I came here yesterday. (with space)
  • [v] Leave me alone. (x “ifred”)
  • [v] I lost everything. (x “ing”)
  • [v] I will take it. (utrum, present)
  • [v] I saw everything. (x “ing”)
  • [v] Does it have a bathroom? (utrum)
  • [v] They were watching television. (x “tv”)
  • [v] It’s my CD. (“CD-…”)
  • [v] It’s very big. (utrum)
  • [v] He walked home. (x “gick”)
  • [v] We drank a lot. (x “mycket”)
  • [v] Who broke this? (utrum, x “här”)
  • [v] This is incorrect. (x “här”)
  • [v] Open your mouth! (x “din”)
  • [v] It’s time to go. (x “gå”)
  • [v] What’s this for? (utrum, x “används”)
  • [v] He began running. - Hon började springa. - She began running.
  • [v] I can’t find Tim. (x “kan”)
  • [v] Min hat trillade av. - My hat blew off. -> Min hatt trillade av.
  • [v] How can we thank you? (x “dig”)
  • [v] Tom är en bra person -> Tom är en bra person.
  • [v] I want to see Tom. (x “se”)
  • [v] He was alone. (x “ensam”)
  • [v] You may be correct. (2 is adv.)
  • [v] The book is mine. (It’s my book.)
  • [v] Köpte du en nya bil? -> Köpte du en ny bil?
  • [v] When does Tom need it? (utrum)
  • [v] Do you speak Bulgarian? (x “du”)
  • [v] He doesn’t understand you. (x “dig”, formal)
  • [v] When did you get this? (utrum)
  • [v] I didn’t know that. (reverse)
  • [?] Tom looked relieved.
  • [v] What do you think of Japan? (missed subj.)
  • [v] I like tennis. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] I cooked dinner. (x “middag”)
  • [v] I know all this. (x “vet”)
  • [v] I like swimming. (x “tycker om”, x “…ing”)
  • [v] I was very happy. (x “mycket”)
  • [v] We can’t do that. (reverse)
  • [v] I like your scarf. (x “tycker om”, x “halsduk”)
  • [v] Tom can’t do that. (reverse, x “det”)
  • [v] Do you like robots? (x “gillar”)
  • [v] This is outrageous! (x “här”)
  • [v] I give you my word. (x “lovar”)
  • [v] I know what I want. (x “ha”)
  • [v] I never touched it. (utrum)
  • [v] Tom liked that idea. (x “tyckte om”)
  • [v] Would Tom like that? (x “tycka om”, x “där”)
  • [v] How many do you want? (x “du”)
  • [v] We’re ready for this. (x “här”)
  • [v] Am I talking too fast? (x “pratar”)
  • [?] They looked after the boy.
  • [v] Shouldn’t you go home? (>you<)
  • [v] Can you watch the kids? (x “passa”, x “barnen”)
  • [v] Have you heard from her? (x “från”)
  • [v] It belongs to my brother. (utrum)
  • [v] Did Tom actually say that? (2-nd adv.)
  • [v] Did you enjoy that? (x “njöt”)
  • [v] What does “PTA” stand for?
  • [v] What’s your father’s name? (x “heter”)
  • [v] Tomten stod på tomten.
  • [v] I need my coat. (x “rock”, x “kappa”)
  • [v] I’ll go shopping. (x “shoppa”)
  • [v] How bad can it be? (x “dåligt”)
  • [v] I want to go back. (x “gå”)
  • [v] This is very easy. (x “här”)
  • [v] What’s that smell? (x “för”)
  • [v] He asked for my help. (x “mig”)
  • [v] Tom asked for my help. (x “min”)
  • [v] Do you like summer? (x “gillar”, bestämd)
  • [v] I checked it twice. (x “två”)
  • [v] I just borrowed it. (utrum, x “bara”, x “just”)
  • [v] Let me talk to Tom. (x “tala”)
  • [v] There’s a bus here. (x “är”)
  • [?] Det här är mina byxor.
  • [v] You can’t hurt Tom. (x “kan”)
  • [v] Tom såg förbryllad ut. - Tom looks confused. - Tom ser förbryllad ut.
  • [v] I stole it from Tom. (utrum)
  • [v] They look horrified. - De såg förskräckta ut. - They looked horrified.
  • [v] Tom is in the attic. (up)
  • [v] Ann loves chocolate. (x “älskar”, x “tycker om”)
  • [v] This book will do. (x “här”)
  • [v] She is quiet. (inte bara “tyst”)
  • [v] You can’t call Tom. (x “kan”)
  • [v] Tom looks confused. (x “förvirrad”)
  • [v] Tom just showed up. (x “bara”, x “just”)
  • [v] What did you tell Tom? (x “berättade”, x “-de”)
  • [v] Fill this out, please. (utrum)
  • [v] Tom is my husband. (x “man”)
  • [v] I don’t believe this. (it)
  • [v] I’m about to leave. (x “väg”)
  • [v] He is about to leave. (x “strax”)
  • [v] Tom has been hurt. (x “har”)
  • [v] Can I help? (x “kan”)
  • [v] How is this relevant? ("-ta")
  • [v] I’ll be in my office. (present)
  • [v] It’s made of leather. (utrum, x “skinn”)
  • [v] There’s a glass here. (x “finns”, x “är”)
  • [v] Tom likes reality TV. (x “tycker om”)
  • [v] Can you speak Chinese? (x “prata”)
  • [v] I didn’t ask for this. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tom ate a quick lunch. (space)
  • [v] What’s Tom hiding for? (x “för”)
  • [v] Where should I put it? (utrum)
  • [v] Did they find anything? (x “de”)
  • [v] Does that make you sad? (x “gör”, it)
  • [v] Tom wanted to see Mary. (x “se”)
  • [v] When can we meet again? (x “träffas”, x “ses”)
  • [v] Yesterday was Thursday. (space)
  • [v] Did you actually see it? (utrum)
  • [v] I have another question. (x “annan”)
  • [v] What’s your name? (x “heter”)
  • [v] This is my car. (x “här”)
  • [v] It’s too small. (utrum)
  • [v] Did you get it? (understand)
  • [v] I got it. (understand)
  • [v] I saw her yesterday. (space)
  • [v] I’ll get the book. (present)
  • [v] He won everything. (x “ing”)
  • [v] We need to hurry. (x “behöver”)
  • [v] How can we do that? (x “där”)
  • [v] He doesn’t know me. (>me<)
  • [v] I’m a doctor. (x “läkare”)
  • [v] I won’t move. (x “mig”)
  • [v] He doesn’t have a ticket. (x “inte”)
  • [v] Do you need to drink wine? (x “du”)
  • [?] Vart i Turkiet bor du?
  • [v] How’s school? (x “på”, x “i”)
  • [v] He likes to run. (x “tycker om”)
  • [v] I can’t find it. (utrum)
  • [v] I just found it. (utrum, x “just”)
  • [v] I thought you’d left. (x “gått”)
  • [?] Vi ursäktar avbrottet. - We are sorry for the interruption.
  • [v] Tom is about to go. (x “väg”, x “strax”)
  • [v] I run every day. (x “joggar”)
  • [v] I’ll go ask Tom. (x “ska”, x “kommer att”)
  • [v] I want that bag. (x “där”)
  • [v] I can’t help you. (x “dig”)
  • [v] I just opened it. (utrum)
  • [v] She likes to run. (x “tyker om”)
  • [v] I got paid today. (space)
  • [v] He kept it secret. - Han håller det hemligt. -> He keeps it secret.
  • [v] I don’t like eggs. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] I don’t like that. (x “gillar”, x “där”)
  • [v] I’m late for work. (x “arbetet”)
  • [v] Tom can’t hurt me. (x “får”)
  • [v] I found your diary. (x “fann”)
  • [v] I like comic books. (x “tycker om”)
  • [v] He is very tall. (x “väldigt”)
  • [v] Just throw it away. (utrum)
  • [v] Tell me what to think. - Säg mig vad du tycker. -> Tell me what you think.
  • [v] You talk fast. (x “pratar”)
  • [v] Who used to do this? (x “här”)
  • [v] Did you lose weight? (x “ner”)
  • [v] Have you lost weight? (x “ned”)
  • [v] I’m not going to die. (x “ska”)
  • [?] Han kanske inte är ung.
  • [v] There’s a crown here. (x “är”)
  • [v] Leave Tom out of this. (x “här”)
  • [v] She needs to help him. (x “behöver”)
  • [v] The baby smiled at me. (S…)
  • [v] Tom didn’t kill anybody. (x “inte”)
  • [v] You alone can do this. (x “här”)
  • [?] Alister dödade Barbare.
  • [v] This is going to take years. (x “här”, x “-tal”)
  • [v] It happened so fast. (x “snabbt”)
  • [v] I have a headache. (x “ont”)
  • [v] Call them this evening. (space)
  • [v] You did not say so. (reverse)
  • [v] I saw Tom today. (space)
  • [v] Can I sit down? (x “ner”)
  • [v] Tom’s insane. (x “sinnessjuk”, x “vansinnig”, x “vanvettig”)
  • [v] Thanks for your hospitality. (x “din”)
  • [v] I’m very fat. (“j…”)
  • [?] She may not come. (2-nd “k…”)
  • [?] Maybe he’s not young. (2-nd “k…”)
  • [?] What’s your name again? (past)
  • [v] What happens tomorrow? (space)
  • [v] Don’t you like me? (x “gillar”)
  • [v] How will you manage? (x “det”)
  • [v] How do you manage? (x “dig”)
  • [v] I heard a noise. (x “o…”)
  • [v] I love my mother. (x “mor”)
  • [v] Tom passed out. (x “svimmade”, x “kolade av”, x “dog”)
  • [v] Tom looked relieved. - Tom ser lättad ut. -> Tom looks relieved.
  • [?] Jag sovde väldigt bra. -> Jag sov väldigt bra.
  • [v] I can’t hear a thing. (x “inte”)
  • [v] I’m going with Tom. (x “kommer”)
  • [?] There is a cat in the kitchen. (x “det”, x “finns”)
  • [v] You do not have a good memory. (x “inte”)
  • [v] I’ll be here. (“kommer att”, x “stannar”)
  • [v] I’ll tell you. (“ska”)
  • [v] How can I help? (“t…”)
  • [v] They’ll attack. (“k…”, “at…”)
  • [v] I can’t do this. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tom is still up. (x “vaken”)
  • [v] He likes to swim. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] I’ll get my coat. (“ska”, x “ta”, x “rock”, x “kappa”)
  • [v] I’ll get my keys. (present, x “-na”)
  • [v] I’ll handle this. (present)
  • [v] Tom’s downstairs. (x “nedre”)
  • [v] You’ll be fine. (“kommer”)
  • [v] Speak more slowly. (x “tala”)
  • [v] I’ll work on that. (x “där”)
  • [v] Is this actually happening? (x “här”)
  • [v] He had a headache. (x “-värk”)
  • [v] He told the truth. (x “sade”)
  • [v] I have to see Tom. (“få”)
  • [v] Tom will be there. - Tom kommer att vara här. -> Tom kommer att vara där.
  • [v] I don’t really know. (“e…”)
  • [v] Tom is really sorry. (“v…”)
  • [?] Don’t be fresh to me.
  • [?] Han är sitt vanliga jag.
  • [v] Tom looked horrified. - Tom ser skräckslagen ut. -> Tom looks horrified.
  • [v] He put the book on the shelf. (x “-de”)
  • [v] I don’t speak Swedish. (x “talar”)
  • [?] Jag konstaterade en sak. - I found out something. -> I found out something. (x “fick reda på”, x “kom underfund”)
  • [v] Tom took off his shirt. (x “tröjan”)
  • [v] The song was a big hit. (x “sången”)
  • [v] I just want to have fun. (x “kul”)
  • [v] I just want to help you. (x “dig”)
  • [?] Jag växte upp på landet. - I grew up in the country.
  • [v] Did you brush your teeth? (perfect)
  • [v] It’s junk. Throw it away**!**
  • [v] He ate a piece of the pie. - Hon åt en bit av tårtan. -> She ate a piece of the pie.
  • [v] If you want to talk, talk. (x “så”, x “då”)
  • [v] Place it wherever you like. (utrum)
  • [v] He speaks a little English. (x “pratar”)
  • [v] She will be late for dinner. (present, x “middag”)
  • [v] That lake looks like an ocean. (bestämd)
  • [v] She is able to speak ten languages. (x “tala”)
  • [v] You’re very likely wrong about that. (reverse)
  • [v] Grandmother carried the table by herself. (mother’s side)
  • [v] Tom is the boss. (x “chef”)
  • [v] What’s so funny? (x “roligt”)
  • [v] I’ll handle it. (“ska”)
  • [v] He’s dark and handsome. (x “stilig”)
  • [v] That’s just an excuse. (it)
  • [v] Let’s put the Christmas tree here. (x “ställer”)
  • [v] Tom needed the cash. (x “kontanter”)
  • [v] I actually work here. (x “arbetar”)
  • [v] I’ll go with you. (x “kommer”)
  • [v] How can this be true? (x “här”)
  • [v] What is this for? (x “till”)
  • [v] How is your dad? (x “mår”)
  • [?] “Follow the car.” - “Följ efter bilen.” and “Follow that car.” - “Följ den bilen.”
  • [v] Can I talk to you? (“få”)
  • [v] I saw Tom tonight. (space, x “såg”)
  • [v] I’m all alone now. (x “helt”)
  • [v] Watch how I do it. (“på”, x “kolla”)
  • [v] I liked your story. (x “tyckte om”)
  • [v] I can’t come tonight. (space)
  • [v] Tom grabbed his bag. (x “grep tag”, x “ryckte till”)
  • [?] Tom la på i örat på Mary.
  • [v] Do you own a handgun? (“h…”)
  • [v] I don’t deserve this. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tom craves attention. (x “behov”)
  • [v] I just stubbed my toe. (x “-n”)
  • [v] I need it by tomorrow. (space, utrum)
  • [?] Jag har varit där mycket. - I’ve been there a lot.
  • [v] My room is very small. (x “väldigt”)
  • [v] Don’t waste Tom’s time. (“bort”)
  • [v] He doesn’t like coffee. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] I appreciate your work. (x “arbete”)
  • [v] I don’t speak Japanese. (x “kan”, x “talar”)
  • [~] I only went there once. (“var”)
  • [v] Vad menar du med “den”? -> Vad menar du med den?
  • [v] He did not get up early. (x “steg”)
  • [v] I do not like the house. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] What do you mean by it? (utrum)
  • [v] Don’t waste your time. (x “slösa”)
  • [v] This is their house. (x “här”)
  • [v] This was a good feeling. (x “här”)
  • [v] Do you like Japanese food? (x “gillar”)
  • [v] Hang up your coat, please. (“k…”)
  • [v] I do not want your houses. (x “dina”)
  • [v] I want to have my own room. (x “mitt”)
  • [?] Vi åker om en vecka idag. - We’ll go a week from today.
  • [v] We played baseball. ("-all")
  • [v] He is crazy about baseball. ("-oll")
  • [v] Why are you looking at me? (x “varför”)
  • [v] I didn’t write anything. (x “inte”)
  • [v] I hope you are having fun. (x “roligt”)
  • [v] I don’t have vodka. (x “inte”)
  • [v] He behaved badly. (x “bete sig”)
  • [v] He behaved like a child. (x “bära sig åt”)
  • [?] I have some money. (x “några”?)
  • [v] I didn’t touch anything. (x “inte”)
  • [v] Don’t put anything on top of the box. (x “inte”)
  • [v] Jag tror att hon är ärlig -> Jag tror att hon är ärlig**.**
  • [v] There wasn’t anyone in the room. (x “inte”)
  • [v] They are my grandfather’s books. (father’s)
  • [v] I love this job. (x “arbete”)
  • [v] It could be fun. (x “roligt”)
  • [v] How’s your sister? (x “mår”)
  • [v] I like that shirt. (x “skjorta”)
  • [v] I need to see Tom. (“få”)
  • [v] I ran to my mother. (x “mor”)
  • [v] Tom is unstoppable. (x “stoppa”, x “ohejdbar”)
  • [v] I’m furious. (x “rasande”)
  • [v] Tom is furious. (x “ursinnig”)
  • [v] I must go now. (x “bege sig”)
  • [v] Tom is absent. (x “frånvarande”)
  • [v] Where would you like to go? (x “gå”)
  • [v] Try on that shirt. (x “prova”, x “skjorta”)
  • [v] May I try this on? (x “testa”)
  • [v] He made it. (managed to do)
  • [v] Just get off the stage. (x “ner”)
  • [v] Why did he do that? (x “så”)
  • [v] I see Tom every day. (x “ser”)
  • [v] How old is your uncle? (mother’s side)
  • [v] Someone lost a wallet. (x “en”)
  • [v] This wine tastes good. (x “är”)
  • [v] You can’t buy respect. (“M…”)
  • [v] He had a strange dream. (“u…”)
  • [?] Jag kan inte se någonting. - I couldn’t see a thing. - I couldn’t see a thing. (“kan inte”)
  • [v] I hear a strange sound. (“k…”)
  • [v] This is not acceptable. (x “här”)
  • [?] Tom alltid på sig en hatt. - Tom always wears a hat. (missed “har”)
  • [v] Tom couldn’t find Mary. (x “finna”)
  • [v] May I use the telephone? (x “få”)
  • [v] This is a Japanese doll. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tom didn’t kill himself. (x “tog”)
  • [v] Tom looked at his watch. (x “kollade”)
  • [v] Grandpa bought it for me! (mother’s side, utrum) - Morfar köpte den till mig**!**
  • [v] Did you sew this by hand? (utrum)
  • [v] How much is that? (x “är”)
  • [v] Where would I find books? (“få”)
  • [v] She cried out in surprise. (x “till av”)
  • [?] Var finns närmaste hotell?
  • [v] What did you do last night? (spaces)
  • [v] They went fishing yesterday. (space)
  • [v] Listen to this! (x “här”)
  • [v] Don’t touch my stuff. ("-or", x “prylar”, x “saker”)
  • [v] What did you do last evening? (spaces)
  • [v] I only wish it were that simple. (x “önskar”, x “vore”)
  • [v] What did you do yesterday evening? (spaces)
  • [v] Vill ni ha té eller kaffe? - Vill ni ha te eller kaffe? - Do you want some tea or some coffee? (x “du”)
  • [v] He seems tired. (“som”, x “det”)
  • [v] I had to resign. (x “fick”, x “säga upp”)
  • [v] I love that story. (x “histori”, x “saga”, x “där”)
  • [v] I made you coffee. (perfect)
  • [v] Tom isn’t in jail. (x “är”, x “häkte”)
  • [v] He likes music a lot. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] He likes to watch TV. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] He likes watching TV. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] I know how this works. (x “här”, x “funkar”)
  • [v] I gave Tom no choice. (x “inget”)
  • [v] I never went to sleep. (x “-de”)
  • [v] Can I get you anything? (x “dig”)
  • [v] I advise you not to go. (x “gå”)
  • [v] I want to study abroad. (x “plugga”)
  • [v] May I look at the menu? (x “meny”)
  • [v] May I put it down here? (utrum, x “få”, x “ned”)
  • [v] My mother cooks for me. (x “mor”)
  • [v] De utgör att skickligt lag. - De utgör ett skickligt lag.
  • [v] Tom seldom wears a hat. (x “bär”)
  • [v] Where did you get that? (utrum)
  • [?] Why did you come early? (present, “så”)
  • [v] How do you think I feel? (x “mig”)
  • [v] We just fed the baby. (x “barn”)
  • [v] You will speak Swedish. (x “kommer att”)
  • [v] I thought you went home. (x “gick”)
  • [v] Someone broke my camera. (x “sönder”)
  • [v] There’s a bus stop here. (x “buss-”)
  • [v] He is very fond of music. (x “gillar”)
  • [v] He likes music very much. (x “gillar”)
  • [?] He set his house on fire. (x “sätta eld på”)
  • [v] Why are you following me? (x “för-”)
  • [v] It is seven in London now. (x “hon”)
  • [v] My apartment is near here. (x “ligger”)
  • [?] Bob wasn’t in on the plan.
  • [v] Why am I studying Icelandic? (x “studerar”)
  • [v] Read this first. (x “här”)
  • [v] This morning it cleared up. (space)
  • [v] I take care of my grandfather. (father’s)
  • [v] I’m an innocent man. (x “man”)
  • [v] Did Tom get hurt? (x “-es”)
  • [v] Det är för mycket att göra**!**
  • [v] My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. (father’s)
  • [v] Jag kommer inte att förlora**!**
  • [v] It won’t work. (“kommer att”, x “funka”, x “gå”)
  • [v] Get off my lawn**!**
  • [v] I’m going crazy. (x “blir”)
  • [v] I can’t break free. (x “fri”)
  • [v] It’s a quarter after nine in the morning. (x “klockan”)
  • [?] Tell Tom I’m ready. (x “säg till”)
  • [v] I can’t do it alone. (x “klarar”)
  • [v] I can’t do it today. (space, x “klarar”)
  • [v] I’d like to see Tom. (x “se”)
  • [v] I’ll tell Tom later. (present)
  • [v] Ken beat me at chess. (x “slog”)
  • [v] Tom can’t be serious. (x “seriös”)
  • [v] We’re in a recession. (x “recession”, x “låg-”)
  • [v] I thought it was good. (x “bra”)
  • [v] I should get some rest. (“upp”, x “få”)
  • [?] Han är flytande på engelska.
  • [v] I don’t want it anymore. (utrum)
  • [v] How can you not like him? (x “du”)
  • [v] I have to leave now. (x “bege mig”)
  • [v] This book seems interesting. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tom didn’t want to talk to me. (x “prata”)
  • [v] Are you afraid of horror movies? (x “rysare”)
  • [v] You ought to ask him for advice. (x “du”)
  • [v] He does not wear a hat. (x “en”, 4 word is object)
  • [v] I’m getting a cat. (“ska”, x “en”)
  • [v] That sounds like a good idea. (it)
  • [v] That’s actually not true. (it)
  • [v] Tom rarely wears a hat. (x “en”)
  • [v] Where was Tom born? (“är”)
  • [v] That didn’t really happen. (it)
  • [v] Please speak slowly. (x “prata”)
  • [v] You’re old enough to understand. (x “tillräckligt”, x “för”)
  • [v] A tiger has escaped from the zoo. (x “djurpark”)
  • [v] I am grateful to you for your help. (x “din”)
  • [v] We are expecting company this evening. (space)
  • [v] The accident took place at that corner. (x “där”)
  • [v] There is a pair of scissors on the desk. (x “skriv-”)
  • [v] Sign on this line. (x “signera”)
  • [v] I hope we find Tom. (x “finner”)
  • [v] I think you’re nice. (x “snäll”)
  • [v] Did you enjoy the show? (x “roligt”)
  • [v] Don’t worry. It’s easy. (x “lätt”)
  • [v] I can’t answer that. (it)
  • [v] I can’t dance either. (4-th adv.)
  • [v] Tom made me do that. (it)
  • [v] I can’t confirm that. (it)
  • [v] He could not believe his eyes. (x “kunde”)
  • [v] I have to go now. (x “bege sig”)
  • [v] I’m going to try. (“ska”)
  • [v] We saw something white in the dark. (x “-ing”)
  • [v] He denied that fact. (x “där”)
  • [v] May I watch TV now? (“tv”)
  • [v] I’m feeling hungry. (x “är”)
  • [v] Will he be here soon? (x “strax”)
  • [v] He scares easily. (“r… l…”)
  • [v] Tom is back in town. (x “-d”)
  • [v] I will gladly help you. (present)
  • [v] You should look that word up. (x “där”)
  • [v] He kept his hat on. (x “sin”)
  • [v] His mistake was intentional. (x “misstag”)
  • [v] That’s actually the good news. (it)
  • [v] I have an announcement. (x “kungörelse”, x “meddelande”)
  • [v] Kärleken kommer så småningomg - Kärleken kommer så småningom**.**
  • [v] Tom has never had a job. (x “arbete”)
  • [v] Can I buy only the lenses? (x “bara”)
  • [v] I can’t find my briefcase. (x “kan”)
  • [v] Nobody’s going to blame you. (x “beskylla”)
  • [?] Whose idea was that? (it)
  • [v] They were acting strangely. (“u…”)
  • [v] Don’t throw anything on the floor. (“m…”)
  • [v] It’s nice and warm. (“s…”)
  • [v] He ran into the room. (x “sprang”)
  • [?] För inte oväsen här. - För inte oväsen hit.
  • [v] I’ll call you at seven. (x “klockan”)
  • [v] I didn’t get his joke. (x “fattade”)
  • [v] I don’t get it. (x “förstår”)
  • [v] I left home at seven. (x “klockan”)
  • [v] I can’t stand liars. (x “står”)
  • [v] I can’t stand hospitals. (x “klara”)
  • [?] She had gone to bed. - Hon har gått och lagt sig.
  • [v] I watched an old movie on TV. (“tv”)
  • [v] I feel sad every now and then. (reverse)
  • [v] That’s actually pretty clever. (x “där”)
  • [v] I took an art class last year. (space)
  • [v] Do you have any food? (x “mat”)
  • [v] That’s actually a good point. (it)
  • [v] I can’t do that anymore. (it)
  • [v] We are to meet at seven. (x “klockan”)
  • [v] He’ll return at six. (x “vid”, x “klockan”)
  • [v] Give me your shirt. (x “skjorta”)
  • [v] I have to iron my shirt. (x “trjöja”)
  • [?] Dörren öppnar nu. -> Dörren öppnas nu.
  • [v] Tom’s harmless. (x “ofarlig”)
  • [v] English is difficult, isn’t it? (x “eller hur”)
  • [v] The tiger escaped from the zoo. (x “zoot”)
  • [v] You don’t like sashimi, do you? (x “eller hur”)
  • [v] I actually don’t know the answer. (x “vet”)
  • [v] I never thought that about you. (reverse)
  • [v] Jane didn’t play tennis, did she? (“väl”)
  • [v] We need to talk to you about Tom. (x “dig”, x “tala”)
  • [v] Do you want to play tennis with us? (x “du”)
  • [v] I would like to buy some postcards. (x “skulle vilja”)
  • [v] I beat him at chess. (x “slog”)
  • [v] I think I’m in love. (x “kär”)
  • [v] Have him wait a moment. (x “slag”)
  • [?] Armén var tvugna att reterera. - The army had to retreat.
  • [v] I’d like to borrow this. (utrum)
  • [v] Tom wears a hat every day. (x “en”)
  • [v] Tom doesn’t often wear a hat. (x “en”)
  • [v] Vår skola är femton år gammal. - Our school is fifty years old. -> Vår skola är femtio år gammal.
  • [v] Our car is three years older than yours. (x “din”, x “-a”)
  • [v] This hall is capable of holding 2,000 people. (x “här”)
  • [v] I can’t take chances. (x “ta”)
  • [v] Don’t make me do this. (x “här”, x “få”)
  • [v] I can’t stand the noise. (x “klara”)
  • [v] This car runs on alcohol. (x “går”)
  • [v] I’ll explain the incident. (“kommer”, x “att”)
  • [v] He did not buy it after all. (utrum)
  • [v] I’m the captain of this ship. (x “här”)
  • [v] Tomorrow I am going shopping. (space)
  • [v] Greek is not an easy language. (x “lätt”)
  • [v] The hotel is run by his uncle. (father side)
  • [v] Who is it? “It’s your mother.” -> Who is it? “It’s your mother.”
  • [v] You look just like your father. (x “far”)
  • [v] I studied for a while this morning. (space, x “pluggade”)
  • [v] He will be back in a couple of days. (vard. “t…”)
  • [v] Will you wait for us at the station? (present, “v…”)
  • [v] You aren’t afraid of ghosts, are you? (“v…”)
  • [v] I finished reading the book last night. (spaces)
  • [v] The days are getting longer and longer. (x “allt”)
  • [?] When does your father leave his office? - När lämnar din far hans kontor? - in this case the office is not father’s but relates to some other masculine person.
  • [v] The weather today is worse than yesterday. (spaces)
  • [v] I’ll call you a cab. (“e…”)
  • [v] I’m hardly ever home. (x “nästan”)
  • [v] Jag råkade höra konversationen. - He overheard the conversation by accident -> I overheard the conversation by accident.
  • [v] I think Mary likes me. (x “gillar”)
  • [?] Jag trodde att jag var lyckligt.
  • [v] I hope that’s not true. (x “där”)
  • [v] Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig, - Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig**.**
  • [v] My plans failed miserably. (x “kapitalt”)
  • [v] I thought Tom would show up. (x “dyka upp”)
  • [v] I want to know what’s funny. (x “det”, x “så”)
  • [v] Tom doesn’t always wear a hat. (x “en”)
  • [v] Ann will not come to our party. (vard.)
  • [?] What did you do with that book? - Vad gjorde du med den här boken?
  • [?] The hospital opened last month.
  • [v] I don’t see a problem with this. (x “här”)
  • [v] It took little more than an hour. (“n… o… j…”)
  • [v] I have a friend whose name is Tom. (x “heter”)
  • [v] I will be back in two week’s time. (“2”)
  • [?] Ten miles is not a short distance.
  • [v?] You are really clumsy, aren’t you! - Du är riktigt klusmig av dig va! -> You are really clumsy, aren’t you! (“v…”) - Du är riktigt klumpig av dig va!
  • [v?] He stayed at his aunt’s house. (father’s, x “sov över”) - Han stannade hos hans fasters hus**.**
  • [v] I don’t know if he’s a doctor. (x “läkare”)
  • [v] He often doesn’t come to school. (reverse)
  • [v] I regret that I didn’t go there. (x “gick”)
  • [v] Han du någonsin ätit en bananpaj? - Har du någonsin ätit en bananpaj?
  • [v] I don’t want to see anybody today. (space)
  • [v] Did you buy it on the black market? (utrum)
  • [v] How do you know someone is a runner? (x “vet”)
  • [v] I will go regardless of the weather. (x “gå”)
  • [v] She has not seen him for a long time. (reverse)
  • [v] Have you written down the phone number? (x “ner/ned”)
  • [v] Tomorrow is her birthday. (x “fyller”); Imorgon är det hennes föddelsedag. - Imorgon är det hennes födelsedag.
  • [v] Han är ofta förskenad till skolan. - Han är ofta försenad till skolan.
  • [v] He is proud of being a doctor. (x “läkare”)
  • [v] Would you please lock the door? (x “är”)
  • [?] I’m sorry, we have no vacancies. - Jag är ledsen, vi har inga vaccin.
  • [v] This child has grown up normally. (x “här”)
  • [v] I might have left it on the table. (utrum)
  • [v] Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. (space)
  • [?] The farmer plowed his field all day. (sitt)
  • [v] Bob dropped in at his uncle’s house. (father’s)
  • [?] Peter isn’t anything like his father. (sin?)
  • [v] We named my son after my grandfather. (father’s)
  • [v] I don’t like this place. - Jag tycker om inte den här platsen. - Jag tycker inte om den här platsen.
  • [v] I visited Canada long ago. (reverse)
  • [v] We advised them to start early. (x “dem”)
  • [v] Can I have some water, please? (x “tack”)
  • [?] I have lived here a long time. (bott istället för levt?)
  • [?] She informed me of her departure. (sin?)
  • [v] They say that he was born in Germany. (x “sägs”)
  • [?] There was a shortage of imported oil.
  • [v] Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. (space)
  • [?] Is this the bus for Park Ridge? (går istället för åker?)
  • [?] I’m sure I have the right number. (missed “har”)
  • [v] Who is the woman in the brown coat? (“that”)
  • [v] It was impossible to find an answer. (x “finna”)
  • [v] Tom came here to ask us to help him. (x “vår”)
  • [v] Her grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old. - Min mormor blev åttioåtta år gammal. -> My grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old. (mother’s)
  • [v] There are a lot of dustballs under the couch. (reverse, missed “det”)
  • [v] How about playing chess tonight? (space)
  • [?] He’s gone to Nagoya on business. (åkt?)
  • [v] No medicine can cure this disease. (x “här”)
  • [v] Sometimes, I don’t understand him. (“på”)
  • [v] Jag väntar på att affärens ska öppna.
  • End

Some useful grammar rules or just articles on topic:

Fix categories:

  1. Utrum / neutrum (still some problems are present though for it/this/that and their Swedish equivalents den/den här/denna for utrum and det/det här/detta for neutrum)
  2. Du / ni (where context doesn’t help)
  3. Synonyms (gilla - tycka om, prata - tala etc)
  4. Igår - i går, idag - i dag, imorgon - i morgon (same meaning, different, but correct in both cases written expression)

Limitations of the course:

  1. Many separate entries for semantically same English prompts like “He is …” and “He’s …”.
  2. Beware of some negative phrases which are with the help of memrise repeated quite a lot :slight_smile:

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Do you have a link for this course?

From a Swede on a Facebook group I heard that “att tala” is used for serious matters, whereas “att prata” is for more everyday matters. So they are not really synonyms.

Do you know what source has been used for the sentences in this course?

It just sounds like an odd sentence to say, somehow …

I don’t think this is maintained.

Hm, didn’t know that, but actually there are more things to improve, than just this :slight_smile:

If so, I wonder if me or somebody else, who currently actively learns the course could become a course contributor. @Lien, what do you think?

1 Like

Good idea! I have emailed the course creator and invited them to this thread.
If we haven’t heard from them in a week or so, let me know so I can look into adding a contributor.


Woah, I had no idea that people were using this course this much. Completely forgot about, and I haven’t been really active on Memrise these months.

Do you know what source has been used for the sentences in this course?

As the description states, it’s from an Anki deck which is originally data scarped from Tatoeba.

It looks like ivan.skachkov is already a contributor. If anybody else wants edit access, feel free to ping me via e-mail. The mods are free to add contributors too based on their best judgement, if the platforms allows for that.

Happy learning everybody!

Affected sentences list 2
  • [v] This point deserves special emphasis. (x “här”)
  • [v] His stupid answer surprised everybody. (x “alla”)
  • [v] You must talk with him about the matter. - Du måste prata med honom angående det - Du måste prata med honom angående det**.**
  • [v] I’m very happy … acquaintance. (x “dig”)
  • [v] One of the tigers … the zoo. (x “zoot”)
  • [v] My alarm clock didn’t go off this morning. (space)
  • [v] …? Will you have orange juice, too? (x “-jos”)
  • [v] She likes music. “So do I.”
  • [v] Han skickade mig ett föddelsedagskort.
  • [v] This product is made in Italy. (x “här”)
  • [v] That was very funny. Do it again! (“really”, x “roligt”)
  • [v] Crime doesn’t pay in the long run. (x “loppet”, x “sikt”)
  • [v] Thank you so much for inviting me. (x “du”)
  • [v] What do you like to do on Sundays? (x “gillar”)
  • [v] School starts in September in Europe. (reverse)
  • [v] We’re going to search the whole ship. (x “ska”)
  • [v] I don’t know what has happened to him. (x “hänt”)
  • [v] Pass me the salt, please. “Here you are.”
  • [v] You should be more careful the next time. (x “noggrannare”)
  • [v] Många tror att fladdermöss är fåglar.. - A lot of people think that bats are birds. (x “människor”)
  • [v] Don’t worry. He doesn’t understand German. (x “kan”)
  • [v] I’m going to study English this afternoon. (x “studera”)
  • [v] They sell various kinds of goods at that store. (x “de”, x “diverse”, x “varor”, x “i”)
  • [v] This beer is not cold enough. (x “nog”)
  • [v] How old are you? “I’m sixteen.”
  • [v] I saw Tom less than an hour ago. (x “sedan”)
  • [v] Are the drinks free? “Only for ladies.”
  • [v] He can do whatever he likes with the money. (x “kan”)
  • [v] There were two hundred people in the room. - Det finns två hundra personer i rummet. -> Det fanns två hundra personer i rummet.
  • [v] Tom took out a pencil and started to write. (x “fram”)
  • [v] Some people like coffee and others prefer tea. (x “människor”)
  • [v] Tom har två sönder. Bägge bor i Boston. -> Tom har två söner. Bägge bor i Boston.
  • [v] Don’t be offended. Tom’s that way with everyone. (x “stött”)
  • [v] I put ten thousand yen into the bank every month. (x “på banken”)
  • [v] I thought it’d be worth it. (x “tänkte”)
  • [v] My dictionary is very useful. (x “ordbok”)
  • [v] It will probably snow tomorrow. (space)
  • [v] I came with my friends. (“here together”)
  • [v] Jag trodde Tom vad en fullständig idiot. -> Jag trodde Tom var en fullständig idiot.
  • [v] This building is about to collapse. (x “här”)
  • [v] En vis man drar nytta ut av sina mistag. -> En vis man drar nytta ut av sina misstag.
  • [v] Mom remained in the car while Dad shopped. (x “mamma”)
  • [v] Det fanns en hatt och en kappa på vägen. -> Det fanns en hatt och en kappa på väggen.
  • [v] Tom pratar faktiskt inte mycket Franska. -> Tom pratar faktiskt inte mycket franska.
  • [v] Are you Swedish? “No, I’m Swiss.”
  • [v] She may realize later what I meant. (reverse)
  • [v] Flickan var alldelles utom av sig av sorg. -> Flickan var alldeles utom av sig av sorg.
  • [v] I don’t know what you want me to say. (x “du”)
  • [v] I watched a Swedish movie last night. (spaces)
  • [v] Some burglars broke into my house last night. (spaces)
  • [v] If I get rich, I will buy it. (utrum)
  • [v] I got a new stereo at that store. (x “där”)
  • [v] I’ve never been to my uncle’s house. (father’s)
  • [v] My grandmother’s nurse is very kind. (mother’s)
  • [v] Den här gammla bilen går sönder hela tiden. -> Den här gamla bilen går sönder hela tiden.
  • [v] I want to become a TV announcer in the future. (reverse)
  • [v] En katt dök upp från baksidan av drapperiet. -> En katt dök upp från baksidan av draperiet.
  • [v] Jag sade aldrig att det inte vad en bra idé. -> Jag sade aldrig att det inte var en bra idé.
  • [v] The man finally confessed what he had done. (x “äntligen”, x “till slut/sist”)
  • [v] Do you want to leave a message? “No, thanks.”
  • [v] She picked out the shoes that match the dress. (x “matchar”)
  • [v] I need to understand the meaning of this sentence. (x “här”)
  • [v] This is the house where I lived when I was a child. (x “här”)
  • [v] She’s going to talk her father into buying a new car. - Han ska övertala sin far att köpa en ny bil. -> Hon ska övertala sin far att köpa en ny bil.
  • [v] Jag hittade ett väldigt trevligt ställe i går. - I discovered a very nice place today. -> I discovered a very nice place yesterday. (space)
  • [v] If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. (x “du”)
  • [v] The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather. (father’s)
  • [v] He walked slowly so the child could follow. (x “sakta”, x “hänga”)
  • [v] We were very disappointed to hear the news. - Vi har väldigt besvikna över att höra nyheterna. -> Vi var väldigt besvikna över att höra nyheterna.
  • [v] I don’t think that it will rain tomorrow. (space)
  • [v] Vad har du gjort angående reperationen av bilen? -> Vad har du gjort angående reparationen av bilen?
  • [v] It’s not my opinion, but just my translation. -> It’s not my opinion, but just my translation**!**
  • [v] Jag är inte mannen som du en gång kännde mig som.
  • [v] Avdokaten insisterade över klientens oskyldighet.
  • [v] Why aren’t you going? “Because I don’t want to.”
  • [v] The policeman said to the girls, “Is this car yours?”
  • [v] Run fast, or you will be late for school**!**
  • [v] De här blommorna blommar tidigare än vad andra gör.
  • [v] Jag representerade mitt universitet på konferensen.
  • [v] We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. (x “steg”, x “gick”)
  • [v] With it raining like this, we’ll never be able to leave**!**
  • [v] My father insisted on our waiting for the train. (x “far”)
  • [v] Jag vet inte om han kommer att besöka oss nästa söndag.
  • [v] Just a second. This call might be important. (x “här”)
  • [v] President Truman had to make a difficult decision. (x “ta”)
  • [v] Ärligt talat, jag är inte särskilt imponerad av hans idée. -> Ärligt talat, jag är inte särskilt imponerad av hans idé.
  • [v] Oavsätt hur mycket hon äter, så går hon aldrig upp i vikt.
  • [v] My English teacher recommended that I read these books. (x “här”)
  • [v] Vi körde för snabbt för att njuta ut av det vacka landskapet.
  • [v] I have just been to the station to see my uncle off. (father’s)
  • [v] Vad är den mest behändliga vägen att ta sig till Tokyo Station?
  • [v] I didn’t sleep well last night, so I don’t have much energy today. (spaces)
  • [v] Tom’s grandfather and Mary’s grandfather fought together in World War II. (both father’s)
  • [v] Han har ett tillräckligt bra omdömde för att inte låna ut pengar till dig.
  • [v] Det är en bra regel varsomhelst att se åt båda håll innan du gå över gatan . -> Det är en bra regel varsomhelst att se åt båda håll innan du går över gatan.
  • [v] He’s been sick. “Oh really, I hope it’s nothing serious.”
  • [v] Den här rörelsen från landbygds- till stadsområden har pågåtts i över tvåhundra år.
  • [v] Once elected, I will do my best for all of you who supported me**!**
Questionable sentences
  • [?] Where would you like to go next Sunday? (vart?)
  • [?] I very nearly had a heart attack and died. - Jag var nära att dö av en hjärtattack.
  • [?] Jag har problem med att pulvermedicin.
  • [?] He must buy a new bicycle for his son. (most likely should be “sin”, otherwise this means he buys a bicycle to someone else’s son)
  • [?] Ditt hus är tre gånger så stort än mitt.
  • [?] Paula has to help her father in the kitchen. (hennes - sin)
  • [?] Jag fick reda på det av en ren händelse. (uttryck)
  • [?] Eleverna såg alla fram emot sommarlovet. (ordföljd)
  • [?] Jag väntade inte länge förän han dök upp.
  • [?] Han kände sig obekväm i hans fars närvaro.
  • [?] Föräldrarna var förtjusta av hennes skönhet. - Those present were charmed by her beauty.
  • [?] Jag trodde aldrig att Tom skulle sluta prata.
  • [?] Jag skulle vilja ställa dig några till frågor.
  • [?] Du är det vackraste flickan jag någonsin sett.
  • [?] Liftarna var närapå förfrusna när de hittades.
  • [?] En bra lärare måste vara tålmodig med hans elever.
  • [?] Han är känd som den bäst advokaten i den här staden.
  • [?] Stranden är ett idealiskt ställe för att barn att leka.
  • [?] Han är väldigt upptagen med att skriva till hans vänner.
  • [?] Hon studerade utomlands för att borsta upp hennes engelska.
  • [?] Han sprang inte tillräckligt fort nog för att hinna med tåget.
  • [?] Tom förlöjlar sig alltid över John på grund ut av hans dialekt.
  • [?] Det är bara ett par minuter kvar tills tåget går och hon har inte dykt upp än!

Whew. Went through all of them.


Can I become a course contributor? This course is great.

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Of course. Done!


Would it be ok to try to supplement tts recordings?

I have read this combination - "hur kom det sig att … - on several occasions. It is perfectly OK and doesn’t need to be changed. There are also a number of examples using this construction on ord.se “engelska pro”.

Maybe it should be “Jag har problem med att äta pulvermedicin”???

I have read that “att äta” is used in connection with taking tablets and pills and so on.

or: “jag har svårt att äta pulvermedicin”

This one seems OK, grammatically. What is your problem with this one?

First wanted to ask what “tts recording” is, but after thinking a bit understood that it probably is “text to speech recording”.
Hm, not sure if it would be a pleasant experience for learners. Would be really nice to cut the phrases/sentences from real Swedish speech (radio/songs/movies etc) though :blush:.

Grammatically yes, but I have a feeling that it should be “så stort som mitt” (“så … som”).

Or “att ta” (don’t know if this could be directly translated from English). The problem with a number of sentences in this course is that some words are missed :slight_smile: (I need double check, but some “gaps” seem to be grammatically correct, but not sure that it is the case for all of them).

All right :slight_smile:

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Yes, but that will never happen unless we a get a native Swedish volunteer and the likelihood for that is small as it’s a huge job.

At the moment using tts seems like the best option, but it’s a matter of preference, and some might not take a liking to it, and thus I ask. I personally think the google tts pronunciation for Swedish is quite good, and much better than nothing.

So if that is something people here think is preferable let me know.
I myself can’t use the audio provider script since I had some issues with it, which put a bit of a hamper on my reviews and progress.