Some improvements suggestions for the course:
Affected sentences list
- Du talar fort. - You talk fast. (add alternative “Du pratar fort.”)
- [v] Ta bort lådan. - Take that box away! (change the period to the exclamation point)
- Tom är fri. - Tom is free. (Tom är ledig.)
- [x] Vänta en stund. - Give me a minute. (Ge mig en minut.) (update: there are actually 2 separate sentences “Give me a minute” and “Wait a second”)
- [x] Vems är de? - Whose are they? (should not be “dem”?) (update: dem -> them (object), de -> they (subject form))
- [v] Sa Tom det? - Did Tom do that? (Did Tom say that?)
- [v] Jag är här. - We’re right here. -> I’m right here. (x “precis”)
- [?] Jag är bäst. - duplicate
- [x] Tom är rädd. - duplicate (update: there are actually 2 sentences “Tom’s scared.” and “Tom is scared.”)
- [v] Det är sant. - It’s true! (exclamation point)
- [v] Spring inte! - Don’t run. (ditto)
- [v] Sluta skjuta! - Stop shooting. (ditto)
- [v] Han bor i Kyoto. - She lives in Kyoto. (She -> He)
- [v] Come whenever you like. - Come at any time you like.
- [v] Tom can’t hear you. (x kan)
- [v] Do you speak Swedish? (x “pratar”)
- [v] The girl is lonely. (x “flicka”)
- [v] Tom is in trouble. (x “problem”)
- [v] Give it to him. (utrum)
- [v] Give it to her. (neutrum)
- [v] Is he Japanese? (x “Japansk”)
- [v] Tom went back. (x “gick”)
- [x] I speak Swedish. (x “pratar”)
- [v] I study Spanish. (x “studerar”)
- [v] It looked cheap. (utrum)
- [v] Tom seemed lost. (x “vilse”)
- [v] Don’t you want to go? (x “gå”)
- [v] Bob is my friend. (x “vän”)
- [v] Tom wants to help. - Tom vill ha hjälp. -> Tom wants help.
- [v] Tom is right there. - Tom är precis här. -> Tom is right here.
- [v] Tom has to go home. (x “åka”)
- [v] Can you find it? (utrum, x “hitta”)
- [v] Grab that. (utrum)
- [v] What was it like? (neutrum)
- [v] Are you coming with us? (x “du”)
- [v] Where did it come from? (utrum)
- [v] Tom doesn’t have a home. (x “inte”)
- [v] Tom just disappeared. (x “bara”, “precis”)
- [v] Tom is looking at it. (utrum)
- [x] Does she speak French? (x “pratar”)
- [v] How could you do that? (x “kunde”)
- [v] I’ll look into it. (missed “ska”)
- [v] Tom yelled at Mary. (x “på”)
- [v] Don’t be rude. (“of…”)
- [?] My pet cat died yesterday. (x " ")
- [v] Tom looks agitated. (“or…”)
- [v] I’ll pay the bill. (x “ska”)
- [v] Where are your kids? (x “dina”)
- [v] Möt konsekvenserna. - Face the music. -> Face the consequences.
- [v] He has ten cows. (x “kor”)
- [v] I can’t compete. (x “tävla”, “ställa upp”)
- [v] I made that one. (utrum)
- [v] I played tennis. - Han spelade tennis. -> He played tennis.
- [v] Are those for me? (x “för”, “åt”)
- [v] Don’t talk to me. (x “tala”)
- [v] I’ll talk to Tom. (present)
- [v] That is mine. (neutrum, x “där”)
- [v] Those are nice. (x “fina”)
- [v] Tom is my nephew. (brother’s son)
- [v] Vad skulle ha veta? -> han
- [v] How did you find us? (x “du”)
- [v] I’ll pick Tom up. (present)
- [v] I’m free. (x “fri”)
- [v] Tom’s free. (x “ledig”)
- [v] There’s a couple here. (x “finns”)
- [v] Tell me you’re kidding**!**
- [v] Did it go well today? (with space)
- [v] My pet cat died yesterday. (no space)
- [v] What is this? (x “här”)
- [v] I’ll buy a new one. (not present)
- [v] Tom’s crazy. (x “galen”)
- [v] I came here yesterday. (with space)
- [v] Leave me alone. (x “ifred”)
- [v] I lost everything. (x “ing”)
- [v] I will take it. (utrum, present)
- [v] I saw everything. (x “ing”)
- [v] Does it have a bathroom? (utrum)
- [v] They were watching television. (x “tv”)
- [v] It’s my CD. (“CD-…”)
- [v] It’s very big. (utrum)
- [v] He walked home. (x “gick”)
- [v] We drank a lot. (x “mycket”)
- [v] Who broke this? (utrum, x “här”)
- [v] This is incorrect. (x “här”)
- [v] Open your mouth! (x “din”)
- [v] It’s time to go. (x “gå”)
- [v] What’s this for? (utrum, x “används”)
- [v] He began running. - Hon började springa. - She began running.
- [v] I can’t find Tim. (x “kan”)
- [v] Min hat trillade av. - My hat blew off. -> Min hatt trillade av.
- [v] How can we thank you? (x “dig”)
- [v] Tom är en bra person -> Tom är en bra person.
- [v] I want to see Tom. (x “se”)
- [v] He was alone. (x “ensam”)
- [v] You may be correct. (2 is adv.)
- [v] The book is mine. (It’s my book.)
- [v] Köpte du en nya bil? -> Köpte du en ny bil?
- [v] When does Tom need it? (utrum)
- [v] Do you speak Bulgarian? (x “du”)
- [v] He doesn’t understand you. (x “dig”, formal)
- [v] When did you get this? (utrum)
- [v] I didn’t know that. (reverse)
- [?] Tom looked relieved.
- [v] What do you think of Japan? (missed subj.)
- [v] I like tennis. (x “gillar”)
- [v] I cooked dinner. (x “middag”)
- [v] I know all this. (x “vet”)
- [v] I like swimming. (x “tycker om”, x “…ing”)
- [v] I was very happy. (x “mycket”)
- [v] We can’t do that. (reverse)
- [v] I like your scarf. (x “tycker om”, x “halsduk”)
- [v] Tom can’t do that. (reverse, x “det”)
- [v] Do you like robots? (x “gillar”)
- [v] This is outrageous! (x “här”)
- [v] I give you my word. (x “lovar”)
- [v] I know what I want. (x “ha”)
- [v] I never touched it. (utrum)
- [v] Tom liked that idea. (x “tyckte om”)
- [v] Would Tom like that? (x “tycka om”, x “där”)
- [v] How many do you want? (x “du”)
- [v] We’re ready for this. (x “här”)
- [v] Am I talking too fast? (x “pratar”)
- [?] They looked after the boy.
- [v] Shouldn’t you go home? (>you<)
- [v] Can you watch the kids? (x “passa”, x “barnen”)
- [v] Have you heard from her? (x “från”)
- [v] It belongs to my brother. (utrum)
- [v] Did Tom actually say that? (2-nd adv.)
- [v] Did you enjoy that? (x “njöt”)
- [v] What does “PTA” stand for?
- [v] What’s your father’s name? (x “heter”)
- [v] Tomten stod på tomten.
- [v] I need my coat. (x “rock”, x “kappa”)
- [v] I’ll go shopping. (x “shoppa”)
- [v] How bad can it be? (x “dåligt”)
- [v] I want to go back. (x “gå”)
- [v] This is very easy. (x “här”)
- [v] What’s that smell? (x “för”)
- [v] He asked for my help. (x “mig”)
- [v] Tom asked for my help. (x “min”)
- [v] Do you like summer? (x “gillar”, bestämd)
- [v] I checked it twice. (x “två”)
- [v] I just borrowed it. (utrum, x “bara”, x “just”)
- [v] Let me talk to Tom. (x “tala”)
- [v] There’s a bus here. (x “är”)
- [?] Det här är mina byxor.
- [v] You can’t hurt Tom. (x “kan”)
- [v] Tom såg förbryllad ut. - Tom looks confused. - Tom ser förbryllad ut.
- [v] I stole it from Tom. (utrum)
- [v] They look horrified. - De såg förskräckta ut. - They looked horrified.
- [v] Tom is in the attic. (up)
- [v] Ann loves chocolate. (x “älskar”, x “tycker om”)
- [v] This book will do. (x “här”)
- [v] She is quiet. (inte bara “tyst”)
- [v] You can’t call Tom. (x “kan”)
- [v] Tom looks confused. (x “förvirrad”)
- [v] Tom just showed up. (x “bara”, x “just”)
- [v] What did you tell Tom? (x “berättade”, x “-de”)
- [v] Fill this out, please. (utrum)
- [v] Tom is my husband. (x “man”)
- [v] I don’t believe this. (it)
- [v] I’m about to leave. (x “väg”)
- [v] He is about to leave. (x “strax”)
- [v] Tom has been hurt. (x “har”)
- [v] Can I help? (x “kan”)
- [v] How is this relevant? ("-ta")
- [v] I’ll be in my office. (present)
- [v] It’s made of leather. (utrum, x “skinn”)
- [v] There’s a glass here. (x “finns”, x “är”)
- [v] Tom likes reality TV. (x “tycker om”)
- [v] Can you speak Chinese? (x “prata”)
- [v] I didn’t ask for this. (x “här”)
- [v] Tom ate a quick lunch. (space)
- [v] What’s Tom hiding for? (x “för”)
- [v] Where should I put it? (utrum)
- [v] Did they find anything? (x “de”)
- [v] Does that make you sad? (x “gör”, it)
- [v] Tom wanted to see Mary. (x “se”)
- [v] When can we meet again? (x “träffas”, x “ses”)
- [v] Yesterday was Thursday. (space)
- [v] Did you actually see it? (utrum)
- [v] I have another question. (x “annan”)
- [v] What’s your name? (x “heter”)
- [v] This is my car. (x “här”)
- [v] It’s too small. (utrum)
- [v] Did you get it? (understand)
- [v] I got it. (understand)
- [v] I saw her yesterday. (space)
- [v] I’ll get the book. (present)
- [v] He won everything. (x “ing”)
- [v] We need to hurry. (x “behöver”)
- [v] How can we do that? (x “där”)
- [v] He doesn’t know me. (>me<)
- [v] I’m a doctor. (x “läkare”)
- [v] I won’t move. (x “mig”)
- [v] He doesn’t have a ticket. (x “inte”)
- [v] Do you need to drink wine? (x “du”)
- [?] Vart i Turkiet bor du?
- [v] How’s school? (x “på”, x “i”)
- [v] He likes to run. (x “tycker om”)
- [v] I can’t find it. (utrum)
- [v] I just found it. (utrum, x “just”)
- [v] I thought you’d left. (x “gått”)
- [?] Vi ursäktar avbrottet. - We are sorry for the interruption.
- [v] Tom is about to go. (x “väg”, x “strax”)
- [v] I run every day. (x “joggar”)
- [v] I’ll go ask Tom. (x “ska”, x “kommer att”)
- [v] I want that bag. (x “där”)
- [v] I can’t help you. (x “dig”)
- [v] I just opened it. (utrum)
- [v] She likes to run. (x “tyker om”)
- [v] I got paid today. (space)
- [v] He kept it secret. - Han håller det hemligt. -> He keeps it secret.
- [v] I don’t like eggs. (x “gillar”)
- [v] I don’t like that. (x “gillar”, x “där”)
- [v] I’m late for work. (x “arbetet”)
- [v] Tom can’t hurt me. (x “får”)
- [v] I found your diary. (x “fann”)
- [v] I like comic books. (x “tycker om”)
- [v] He is very tall. (x “väldigt”)
- [v] Just throw it away. (utrum)
- [v] Tell me what to think. - Säg mig vad du tycker. -> Tell me what you think.
- [v] You talk fast. (x “pratar”)
- [v] Who used to do this? (x “här”)
- [v] Did you lose weight? (x “ner”)
- [v] Have you lost weight? (x “ned”)
- [v] I’m not going to die. (x “ska”)
- [?] Han kanske inte är ung.
- [v] There’s a crown here. (x “är”)
- [v] Leave Tom out of this. (x “här”)
- [v] She needs to help him. (x “behöver”)
- [v] The baby smiled at me. (S…)
- [v] Tom didn’t kill anybody. (x “inte”)
- [v] You alone can do this. (x “här”)
- [?] Alister dödade Barbare.
- [v] This is going to take years. (x “här”, x “-tal”)
- [v] It happened so fast. (x “snabbt”)
- [v] I have a headache. (x “ont”)
- [v] Call them this evening. (space)
- [v] You did not say so. (reverse)
- [v] I saw Tom today. (space)
- [v] Can I sit down? (x “ner”)
- [v] Tom’s insane. (x “sinnessjuk”, x “vansinnig”, x “vanvettig”)
- [v] Thanks for your hospitality. (x “din”)
- [v] I’m very fat. (“j…”)
- [?] She may not come. (2-nd “k…”)
- [?] Maybe he’s not young. (2-nd “k…”)
- [?] What’s your name again? (past)
- [v] What happens tomorrow? (space)
- [v] Don’t you like me? (x “gillar”)
- [v] How will you manage? (x “det”)
- [v] How do you manage? (x “dig”)
- [v] I heard a noise. (x “o…”)
- [v] I love my mother. (x “mor”)
- [v] Tom passed out. (x “svimmade”, x “kolade av”, x “dog”)
- [v] Tom looked relieved. - Tom ser lättad ut. -> Tom looks relieved.
- [?] Jag sovde väldigt bra. -> Jag sov väldigt bra.
- [v] I can’t hear a thing. (x “inte”)
- [v] I’m going with Tom. (x “kommer”)
- [?] There is a cat in the kitchen. (x “det”, x “finns”)
- [v] You do not have a good memory. (x “inte”)
- [v] I’ll be here. (“kommer att”, x “stannar”)
- [v] I’ll tell you. (“ska”)
- [v] How can I help? (“t…”)
- [v] They’ll attack. (“k…”, “at…”)
- [v] I can’t do this. (x “här”)
- [v] Tom is still up. (x “vaken”)
- [v] He likes to swim. (x “gillar”)
- [v] I’ll get my coat. (“ska”, x “ta”, x “rock”, x “kappa”)
- [v] I’ll get my keys. (present, x “-na”)
- [v] I’ll handle this. (present)
- [v] Tom’s downstairs. (x “nedre”)
- [v] You’ll be fine. (“kommer”)
- [v] Speak more slowly. (x “tala”)
- [v] I’ll work on that. (x “där”)
- [v] Is this actually happening? (x “här”)
- [v] He had a headache. (x “-värk”)
- [v] He told the truth. (x “sade”)
- [v] I have to see Tom. (“få”)
- [v] Tom will be there. - Tom kommer att vara här. -> Tom kommer att vara där.
- [v] I don’t really know. (“e…”)
- [v] Tom is really sorry. (“v…”)
- [?] Don’t be fresh to me.
- [?] Han är sitt vanliga jag.
- [v] Tom looked horrified. - Tom ser skräckslagen ut. -> Tom looks horrified.
- [v] He put the book on the shelf. (x “-de”)
- [v] I don’t speak Swedish. (x “talar”)
- [?] Jag konstaterade en sak. - I found out something. -> I found out something. (x “fick reda på”, x “kom underfund”)
- [v] Tom took off his shirt. (x “tröjan”)
- [v] The song was a big hit. (x “sången”)
- [v] I just want to have fun. (x “kul”)
- [v] I just want to help you. (x “dig”)
- [?] Jag växte upp på landet. - I grew up in the country.
- [v] Did you brush your teeth? (perfect)
- [v] It’s junk. Throw it away**!**
- [v] He ate a piece of the pie. - Hon åt en bit av tårtan. -> She ate a piece of the pie.
- [v] If you want to talk, talk. (x “så”, x “då”)
- [v] Place it wherever you like. (utrum)
- [v] He speaks a little English. (x “pratar”)
- [v] She will be late for dinner. (present, x “middag”)
- [v] That lake looks like an ocean. (bestämd)
- [v] She is able to speak ten languages. (x “tala”)
- [v] You’re very likely wrong about that. (reverse)
- [v] Grandmother carried the table by herself. (mother’s side)
- [v] Tom is the boss. (x “chef”)
- [v] What’s so funny? (x “roligt”)
- [v] I’ll handle it. (“ska”)
- [v] He’s dark and handsome. (x “stilig”)
- [v] That’s just an excuse. (it)
- [v] Let’s put the Christmas tree here. (x “ställer”)
- [v] Tom needed the cash. (x “kontanter”)
- [v] I actually work here. (x “arbetar”)
- [v] I’ll go with you. (x “kommer”)
- [v] How can this be true? (x “här”)
- [v] What is this for? (x “till”)
- [v] How is your dad? (x “mår”)
- [?] “Follow the car.” - “Följ efter bilen.” and “Follow that car.” - “Följ den bilen.”
- [v] Can I talk to you? (“få”)
- [v] I saw Tom tonight. (space, x “såg”)
- [v] I’m all alone now. (x “helt”)
- [v] Watch how I do it. (“på”, x “kolla”)
- [v] I liked your story. (x “tyckte om”)
- [v] I can’t come tonight. (space)
- [v] Tom grabbed his bag. (x “grep tag”, x “ryckte till”)
- [?] Tom la på i örat på Mary.
- [v] Do you own a handgun? (“h…”)
- [v] I don’t deserve this. (x “här”)
- [v] Tom craves attention. (x “behov”)
- [v] I just stubbed my toe. (x “-n”)
- [v] I need it by tomorrow. (space, utrum)
- [?] Jag har varit där mycket. - I’ve been there a lot.
- [v] My room is very small. (x “väldigt”)
- [v] Don’t waste Tom’s time. (“bort”)
- [v] He doesn’t like coffee. (x “gillar”)
- [v] I appreciate your work. (x “arbete”)
- [v] I don’t speak Japanese. (x “kan”, x “talar”)
- [~] I only went there once. (“var”)
- [v] Vad menar du med “den”? -> Vad menar du med den?
- [v] He did not get up early. (x “steg”)
- [v] I do not like the house. (x “gillar”)
- [v] What do you mean by it? (utrum)
- [v] Don’t waste your time. (x “slösa”)
- [v] This is their house. (x “här”)
- [v] This was a good feeling. (x “här”)
- [v] Do you like Japanese food? (x “gillar”)
- [v] Hang up your coat, please. (“k…”)
- [v] I do not want your houses. (x “dina”)
- [v] I want to have my own room. (x “mitt”)
- [?] Vi åker om en vecka idag. - We’ll go a week from today.
- [v] We played baseball. ("-all")
- [v] He is crazy about baseball. ("-oll")
- [v] Why are you looking at me? (x “varför”)
- [v] I didn’t write anything. (x “inte”)
- [v] I hope you are having fun. (x “roligt”)
- [v] I don’t have vodka. (x “inte”)
- [v] He behaved badly. (x “bete sig”)
- [v] He behaved like a child. (x “bära sig åt”)
- [?] I have some money. (x “några”?)
- [v] I didn’t touch anything. (x “inte”)
- [v] Don’t put anything on top of the box. (x “inte”)
- [v] Jag tror att hon är ärlig -> Jag tror att hon är ärlig**.**
- [v] There wasn’t anyone in the room. (x “inte”)
- [v] They are my grandfather’s books. (father’s)
- [v] I love this job. (x “arbete”)
- [v] It could be fun. (x “roligt”)
- [v] How’s your sister? (x “mår”)
- [v] I like that shirt. (x “skjorta”)
- [v] I need to see Tom. (“få”)
- [v] I ran to my mother. (x “mor”)
- [v] Tom is unstoppable. (x “stoppa”, x “ohejdbar”)
- [v] I’m furious. (x “rasande”)
- [v] Tom is furious. (x “ursinnig”)
- [v] I must go now. (x “bege sig”)
- [v] Tom is absent. (x “frånvarande”)
- [v] Where would you like to go? (x “gå”)
- [v] Try on that shirt. (x “prova”, x “skjorta”)
- [v] May I try this on? (x “testa”)
- [v] He made it. (managed to do)
- [v] Just get off the stage. (x “ner”)
- [v] Why did he do that? (x “så”)
- [v] I see Tom every day. (x “ser”)
- [v] How old is your uncle? (mother’s side)
- [v] Someone lost a wallet. (x “en”)
- [v] This wine tastes good. (x “är”)
- [v] You can’t buy respect. (“M…”)
- [v] He had a strange dream. (“u…”)
- [?] Jag kan inte se någonting. - I couldn’t see a thing. - I couldn’t see a thing. (“kan inte”)
- [v] I hear a strange sound. (“k…”)
- [v] This is not acceptable. (x “här”)
- [?] Tom alltid på sig en hatt. - Tom always wears a hat. (missed “har”)
- [v] Tom couldn’t find Mary. (x “finna”)
- [v] May I use the telephone? (x “få”)
- [v] This is a Japanese doll. (x “här”)
- [v] Tom didn’t kill himself. (x “tog”)
- [v] Tom looked at his watch. (x “kollade”)
- [v] Grandpa bought it for me! (mother’s side, utrum) - Morfar köpte den till mig**!**
- [v] Did you sew this by hand? (utrum)
- [v] How much is that? (x “är”)
- [v] Where would I find books? (“få”)
- [v] She cried out in surprise. (x “till av”)
- [?] Var finns närmaste hotell?
- [v] What did you do last night? (spaces)
- [v] They went fishing yesterday. (space)
- [v] Listen to this! (x “här”)
- [v] Don’t touch my stuff. ("-or", x “prylar”, x “saker”)
- [v] What did you do last evening? (spaces)
- [v] I only wish it were that simple. (x “önskar”, x “vore”)
- [v] What did you do yesterday evening? (spaces)
- [v] Vill ni ha té eller kaffe? - Vill ni ha te eller kaffe? - Do you want some tea or some coffee? (x “du”)
- [v] He seems tired. (“som”, x “det”)
- [v] I had to resign. (x “fick”, x “säga upp”)
- [v] I love that story. (x “histori”, x “saga”, x “där”)
- [v] I made you coffee. (perfect)
- [v] Tom isn’t in jail. (x “är”, x “häkte”)
- [v] He likes music a lot. (x “gillar”)
- [v] He likes to watch TV. (x “gillar”)
- [v] He likes watching TV. (x “gillar”)
- [v] I know how this works. (x “här”, x “funkar”)
- [v] I gave Tom no choice. (x “inget”)
- [v] I never went to sleep. (x “-de”)
- [v] Can I get you anything? (x “dig”)
- [v] I advise you not to go. (x “gå”)
- [v] I want to study abroad. (x “plugga”)
- [v] May I look at the menu? (x “meny”)
- [v] May I put it down here? (utrum, x “få”, x “ned”)
- [v] My mother cooks for me. (x “mor”)
- [v] De utgör att skickligt lag. - De utgör ett skickligt lag.
- [v] Tom seldom wears a hat. (x “bär”)
- [v] Where did you get that? (utrum)
- [?] Why did you come early? (present, “så”)
- [v] How do you think I feel? (x “mig”)
- [v] We just fed the baby. (x “barn”)
- [v] You will speak Swedish. (x “kommer att”)
- [v] I thought you went home. (x “gick”)
- [v] Someone broke my camera. (x “sönder”)
- [v] There’s a bus stop here. (x “buss-”)
- [v] He is very fond of music. (x “gillar”)
- [v] He likes music very much. (x “gillar”)
- [?] He set his house on fire. (x “sätta eld på”)
- [v] Why are you following me? (x “för-”)
- [v] It is seven in London now. (x “hon”)
- [v] My apartment is near here. (x “ligger”)
- [?] Bob wasn’t in on the plan.
- [v] Why am I studying Icelandic? (x “studerar”)
- [v] Read this first. (x “här”)
- [v] This morning it cleared up. (space)
- [v] I take care of my grandfather. (father’s)
- [v] I’m an innocent man. (x “man”)
- [v] Did Tom get hurt? (x “-es”)
- [v] Det är för mycket att göra**!**
- [v] My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. (father’s)
- [v] Jag kommer inte att förlora**!**
- [v] It won’t work. (“kommer att”, x “funka”, x “gå”)
- [v] Get off my lawn**!**
- [v] I’m going crazy. (x “blir”)
- [v] I can’t break free. (x “fri”)
- [v] It’s a quarter after nine in the morning. (x “klockan”)
- [?] Tell Tom I’m ready. (x “säg till”)
- [v] I can’t do it alone. (x “klarar”)
- [v] I can’t do it today. (space, x “klarar”)
- [v] I’d like to see Tom. (x “se”)
- [v] I’ll tell Tom later. (present)
- [v] Ken beat me at chess. (x “slog”)
- [v] Tom can’t be serious. (x “seriös”)
- [v] We’re in a recession. (x “recession”, x “låg-”)
- [v] I thought it was good. (x “bra”)
- [v] I should get some rest. (“upp”, x “få”)
- [?] Han är flytande på engelska.
- [v] I don’t want it anymore. (utrum)
- [v] How can you not like him? (x “du”)
- [v] I have to leave now. (x “bege mig”)
- [v] This book seems interesting. (x “här”)
- [v] Tom didn’t want to talk to me. (x “prata”)
- [v] Are you afraid of horror movies? (x “rysare”)
- [v] You ought to ask him for advice. (x “du”)
- [v] He does not wear a hat. (x “en”, 4 word is object)
- [v] I’m getting a cat. (“ska”, x “en”)
- [v] That sounds like a good idea. (it)
- [v] That’s actually not true. (it)
- [v] Tom rarely wears a hat. (x “en”)
- [v] Where was Tom born? (“är”)
- [v] That didn’t really happen. (it)
- [v] Please speak slowly. (x “prata”)
- [v] You’re old enough to understand. (x “tillräckligt”, x “för”)
- [v] A tiger has escaped from the zoo. (x “djurpark”)
- [v] I am grateful to you for your help. (x “din”)
- [v] We are expecting company this evening. (space)
- [v] The accident took place at that corner. (x “där”)
- [v] There is a pair of scissors on the desk. (x “skriv-”)
- [v] Sign on this line. (x “signera”)
- [v] I hope we find Tom. (x “finner”)
- [v] I think you’re nice. (x “snäll”)
- [v] Did you enjoy the show? (x “roligt”)
- [v] Don’t worry. It’s easy. (x “lätt”)
- [v] I can’t answer that. (it)
- [v] I can’t dance either. (4-th adv.)
- [v] Tom made me do that. (it)
- [v] I can’t confirm that. (it)
- [v] He could not believe his eyes. (x “kunde”)
- [v] I have to go now. (x “bege sig”)
- [v] I’m going to try. (“ska”)
- [v] We saw something white in the dark. (x “-ing”)
- [v] He denied that fact. (x “där”)
- [v] May I watch TV now? (“tv”)
- [v] I’m feeling hungry. (x “är”)
- [v] Will he be here soon? (x “strax”)
- [v] He scares easily. (“r… l…”)
- [v] Tom is back in town. (x “-d”)
- [v] I will gladly help you. (present)
- [v] You should look that word up. (x “där”)
- [v] He kept his hat on. (x “sin”)
- [v] His mistake was intentional. (x “misstag”)
- [v] That’s actually the good news. (it)
- [v] I have an announcement. (x “kungörelse”, x “meddelande”)
- [v] Kärleken kommer så småningomg - Kärleken kommer så småningom**.**
- [v] Tom has never had a job. (x “arbete”)
- [v] Can I buy only the lenses? (x “bara”)
- [v] I can’t find my briefcase. (x “kan”)
- [v] Nobody’s going to blame you. (x “beskylla”)
- [?] Whose idea was that? (it)
- [v] They were acting strangely. (“u…”)
- [v] Don’t throw anything on the floor. (“m…”)
- [v] It’s nice and warm. (“s…”)
- [v] He ran into the room. (x “sprang”)
- [?] För inte oväsen här. - För inte oväsen hit.
- [v] I’ll call you at seven. (x “klockan”)
- [v] I didn’t get his joke. (x “fattade”)
- [v] I don’t get it. (x “förstår”)
- [v] I left home at seven. (x “klockan”)
- [v] I can’t stand liars. (x “står”)
- [v] I can’t stand hospitals. (x “klara”)
- [?] She had gone to bed. - Hon har gått och lagt sig.
- [v] I watched an old movie on TV. (“tv”)
- [v] I feel sad every now and then. (reverse)
- [v] That’s actually pretty clever. (x “där”)
- [v] I took an art class last year. (space)
- [v] Do you have any food? (x “mat”)
- [v] That’s actually a good point. (it)
- [v] I can’t do that anymore. (it)
- [v] We are to meet at seven. (x “klockan”)
- [v] He’ll return at six. (x “vid”, x “klockan”)
- [v] Give me your shirt. (x “skjorta”)
- [v] I have to iron my shirt. (x “trjöja”)
- [?] Dörren öppnar nu. -> Dörren öppnas nu.
- [v] Tom’s harmless. (x “ofarlig”)
- [v] English is difficult, isn’t it? (x “eller hur”)
- [v] The tiger escaped from the zoo. (x “zoot”)
- [v] You don’t like sashimi, do you? (x “eller hur”)
- [v] I actually don’t know the answer. (x “vet”)
- [v] I never thought that about you. (reverse)
- [v] Jane didn’t play tennis, did she? (“väl”)
- [v] We need to talk to you about Tom. (x “dig”, x “tala”)
- [v] Do you want to play tennis with us? (x “du”)
- [v] I would like to buy some postcards. (x “skulle vilja”)
- [v] I beat him at chess. (x “slog”)
- [v] I think I’m in love. (x “kär”)
- [v] Have him wait a moment. (x “slag”)
- [?] Armén var tvugna att reterera. - The army had to retreat.
- [v] I’d like to borrow this. (utrum)
- [v] Tom wears a hat every day. (x “en”)
- [v] Tom doesn’t often wear a hat. (x “en”)
- [v] Vår skola är femton år gammal. - Our school is fifty years old. -> Vår skola är femtio år gammal.
- [v] Our car is three years older than yours. (x “din”, x “-a”)
- [v] This hall is capable of holding 2,000 people. (x “här”)
- [v] I can’t take chances. (x “ta”)
- [v] Don’t make me do this. (x “här”, x “få”)
- [v] I can’t stand the noise. (x “klara”)
- [v] This car runs on alcohol. (x “går”)
- [v] I’ll explain the incident. (“kommer”, x “att”)
- [v] He did not buy it after all. (utrum)
- [v] I’m the captain of this ship. (x “här”)
- [v] Tomorrow I am going shopping. (space)
- [v] Greek is not an easy language. (x “lätt”)
- [v] The hotel is run by his uncle. (father side)
- [v] Who is it? “It’s your mother.” -> Who is it? “It’s your mother.”
- [v] You look just like your father. (x “far”)
- [v] I studied for a while this morning. (space, x “pluggade”)
- [v] He will be back in a couple of days. (vard. “t…”)
- [v] Will you wait for us at the station? (present, “v…”)
- [v] You aren’t afraid of ghosts, are you? (“v…”)
- [v] I finished reading the book last night. (spaces)
- [v] The days are getting longer and longer. (x “allt”)
- [?] When does your father leave his office? - När lämnar din far hans kontor? - in this case the office is not father’s but relates to some other masculine person.
- [v] The weather today is worse than yesterday. (spaces)
- [v] I’ll call you a cab. (“e…”)
- [v] I’m hardly ever home. (x “nästan”)
- [v] Jag råkade höra konversationen. - He overheard the conversation by accident -> I overheard the conversation by accident.
- [v] I think Mary likes me. (x “gillar”)
- [?] Jag trodde att jag var lyckligt.
- [v] I hope that’s not true. (x “där”)
- [v] Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig, - Jag trodde att jag förlorat dig**.**
- [v] My plans failed miserably. (x “kapitalt”)
- [v] I thought Tom would show up. (x “dyka upp”)
- [v] I want to know what’s funny. (x “det”, x “så”)
- [v] Tom doesn’t always wear a hat. (x “en”)
- [v] Ann will not come to our party. (vard.)
- [?] What did you do with that book? - Vad gjorde du med den här boken?
- [?] The hospital opened last month.
- [v] I don’t see a problem with this. (x “här”)
- [v] It took little more than an hour. (“n… o… j…”)
- [v] I have a friend whose name is Tom. (x “heter”)
- [v] I will be back in two week’s time. (“2”)
- [?] Ten miles is not a short distance.
- [v?] You are really clumsy, aren’t you! - Du är riktigt klusmig av dig va! -> You are really clumsy, aren’t you! (“v…”) - Du är riktigt klumpig av dig va!
- [v?] He stayed at his aunt’s house. (father’s, x “sov över”) - Han stannade hos hans fasters hus**.**
- [v] I don’t know if he’s a doctor. (x “läkare”)
- [v] He often doesn’t come to school. (reverse)
- [v] I regret that I didn’t go there. (x “gick”)
- [v] Han du någonsin ätit en bananpaj? - Har du någonsin ätit en bananpaj?
- [v] I don’t want to see anybody today. (space)
- [v] Did you buy it on the black market? (utrum)
- [v] How do you know someone is a runner? (x “vet”)
- [v] I will go regardless of the weather. (x “gå”)
- [v] She has not seen him for a long time. (reverse)
- [v] Have you written down the phone number? (x “ner/ned”)
- [v] Tomorrow is her birthday. (x “fyller”); Imorgon är det hennes föddelsedag. - Imorgon är det hennes födelsedag.
- [v] Han är ofta förskenad till skolan. - Han är ofta försenad till skolan.
- [v] He is proud of being a doctor. (x “läkare”)
- [v] Would you please lock the door? (x “är”)
- [?] I’m sorry, we have no vacancies. - Jag är ledsen, vi har inga vaccin.
- [v] This child has grown up normally. (x “här”)
- [v] I might have left it on the table. (utrum)
- [v] Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. (space)
- [?] The farmer plowed his field all day. (sitt)
- [v] Bob dropped in at his uncle’s house. (father’s)
- [?] Peter isn’t anything like his father. (sin?)
- [v] We named my son after my grandfather. (father’s)
- [v] I don’t like this place. - Jag tycker om inte den här platsen. - Jag tycker inte om den här platsen.
- [v] I visited Canada long ago. (reverse)
- [v] We advised them to start early. (x “dem”)
- [v] Can I have some water, please? (x “tack”)
- [?] I have lived here a long time. (bott istället för levt?)
- [?] She informed me of her departure. (sin?)
- [v] They say that he was born in Germany. (x “sägs”)
- [?] There was a shortage of imported oil.
- [v] Tom is able to come to our party tomorrow. (space)
- [?] Is this the bus for Park Ridge? (går istället för åker?)
- [?] I’m sure I have the right number. (missed “har”)
- [v] Who is the woman in the brown coat? (“that”)
- [v] It was impossible to find an answer. (x “finna”)
- [v] Tom came here to ask us to help him. (x “vår”)
- [v] Her grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old. - Min mormor blev åttioåtta år gammal. -> My grandmother lived to be eighty-eight years old. (mother’s)
- [v] There are a lot of dustballs under the couch. (reverse, missed “det”)
- [v] How about playing chess tonight? (space)
- [?] He’s gone to Nagoya on business. (åkt?)
- [v] No medicine can cure this disease. (x “här”)
- [v] Sometimes, I don’t understand him. (“på”)
- [v] Jag väntar på att affärens ska öppna.
- End
Some useful grammar rules or just articles on topic:
- Satsadverbialet står efter ett obetonat pronomen som objekt (personligt eller reflexivt) när satsen bara innehåller en enkel verbform.
- Språkspalt: Kanske, kanske inte
- To ‘speak’ in Swedish: tala, prata, snacka. Which one do I use?!
- “Tycker om” vs “gillar”
- “Åka or gå”
- [?] gå upp - stiga upp; inget - ingenting, allt - allting, nåt - något - någonting; sån - sådan; det - det här - detta; lycklig - glad; mycket - väldigt; är - finns - står; hitta - finna; bestämd form - min/din/sin; fel - misstag; snabbt - fort; klockan - vid; dåligt - illa; en - x yrkenamn; context dependent: är - finns - ligger - står etc; politeness: snälla - var snäll - om du är snäll; kul - roligt; väl - bra - go-d/-tt; faktiskt - egentligen - verkligen - riktigt; tycka - tro - tänka; (expression of so called “Tag questions” ( eller hur - inte sant - visst - väl - va; behöver - måste - tvungen; ska/skall - kommer att - present; laga/göra mat; göra något färdigt/klart; vara förkyld - ha en förkylning; vanligtvis - brukar.
Fix categories:
- Utrum / neutrum (still some problems are present though for it/this/that and their Swedish equivalents den/den här/denna for utrum and det/det här/detta for neutrum)
- Du / ni (where context doesn’t help)
- Synonyms (gilla - tycka om, prata - tala etc)
- Igår - i går, idag - i dag, imorgon - i morgon (same meaning, different, but correct in both cases written expression)
Limitations of the course:
- Many separate entries for semantically same English prompts like “He is …” and “He’s …”.
- Beware of some negative phrases which are with the help of memrise repeated quite a lot