Ziggy is really demotivating and I don't like how it covers my avatar

I had been weighing whether I wanted to continue using Pro and Ziggy has really swayed me toward not wanting Pro anymore. My streak and my rank were big motivational factors for me. Now this random alien creature that means nothing is covering up my avatar and I don’t feel any desire to reach the next level. I will probably still practice with Memrise from time to time but I’m wondering if I should just switch to Anki. Anki is less charming than Memrise used to be but at least it’s reliable.

Is there anything that could make “Ziggy” worth keeping? Maybe if the levels meant something, instead of just being numbers. I would also be happy if they weren’t a cartoon standing on top of my avatar but maybe just a little picture of their face inside a badge, away from my avatar, like the old rank badges. Seeing this alien looking at me where my rank used to be just makes me feel annoyed and I end up not reviewing my decks. I also really miss the gardening theme, I don’t understand why everything is about space now. Memrise used to have a simple, cheerful, and elegant idea, planting a garden of memories. Now it just feels like a disorganized mess. I really loved Memrise and I still want to keep loving it an recommending it to people but right now I feel really unmotivated and I feel like looking for alternatives, when previously I was inspired to one day make it all the way to “Overlord.”


I agree! Not impressed and very upset with the changes:(:frowning_face: Please get rid of Ziggy and revert to the system that worked!


There are three workarounds known at this time how to get rid of Ziggy on the web interface:


I liked your post, however I can not agree with the point, that the Android app version (number before Ziggy) is a “disorganized mess”.

Actually I do not really care if it is a “gardening theme” or a “space theme” where the first is maybe more intuitive (6 flower learn steps, watering, etc.).

I can arrange with the app “space theme” (old version) graphic style and space ship much better than with the new Ziggy and “Evolution level xx” texts on each user profiles (course leaderboard), which tells me nothing.

BTW: DuoLingo is already using 25 levels and should have used even more.

The (Android) app is IMHO quite good, has very different panel views and the “speed review” works much better with the timer than on the web interface, where the speed timer is just way too fast (the bar can not go to the top on Firefox), even for multiple-choice and offical PT1-7 courses (phrases/sentences).

Mixing learning ~7-14 new words and then switching to “speed reviews” on the app before you learn the next batch is IMHO a nice way not to learn too much at one time…and it helps to strengthen the words you have learned so far.

I also bulk learned about 70-90 words in a single level on the website with the great scripts from Cooljingle (infinitive learning), so I know how it feels.

As I am using Cooljingle’s “all typing” scripts the website for normal / regular reviews I know how it feels to have a growing backlog queue which you can not water daily (especially for finished courses) that easily.

I also like the app normal review special difficulty level of the pre-existing typing buttons per word, it feels like Mondly’s tapping exercise difficult level instead of pure typing.
On Bluestacks I have the full PC keywords anyways…

As I am more a fan of memory active recalling (typing) instead of “passive remembering (multiple-choice)” I do not use the app “normal (blue) review” button for items to be watered, to stay safe and not have false positives (review items pushed further back in the standard Memrise SR interval even you would NOT have known the asked word with quiz tests like front/back flashcard or by typing the L2 target langauge - including knowing HOW to write the word/phrase/sentence).