Ziggy is now live!

it does not, unless you want 2-4 years old to use memrise daily; the ziggy cannot attract too many teens and adults; they could have designed something less ugly and less booboo for the 2 years old

and taking into account that immediately after they changed the review script and that they made mems even less visible…

however, using the various solutions provided in here, I have ziggyfree memrise :slight_smile:


This new f**ng ziggy ranking system is stupid, childish and nonsense. I want membrain/memguru/memking system back. I’d like to know which idiot invented something that stupid.

Do you people target 3-7 years old? Or 15-35 yo?


Thank You for providing some useful explanation, why the Memrise team might want to get rid of their beautifull idea with Mem-related names.

I understand now … still, as a non-native-english speaker I still feel this is rather silly fear on their part.

Anyway of they would like to, this would still be possible starting point for some new naming game, where we as a community here, might have helped … there are possibly many internationally understandable words, which we would have employed into the names … like:

  • MemGuru (international meaning)
    MemLord (english - yet the meaning fully spread worldwide)
    Membassador (international meaning)
    and so on

The good thing about memrise is that people of any age can use it. Even those of us who are significantly older than 35!


I’m over 35 too.

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I’m quite upset about the change. Both me and my boyfriend use this site every day. The purple colour is extremely garish and sickly looking. It makes me want to close the window as early as possible. The ranking system used to be really cool, now it is completely meaningless. Being a Meminence, now that is something to brag about. Nobody cares that a made-up abomination becomes another made-up abomination. Seriously, it is not even cute. It has souless, crossing eyes.

Also… who in their right mind would market foreign language learning with ALIENS!? The gardening theme made sense and was a beautiful metaphor. Space exploration on the other hand? Meaningless, borderline offensive.

What hurt the most was the loss of all the Mems me and other shared, though.


I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. What I meant was that foreign people wouldn’t necessarily understand the pun behind “memperor” etc. and so having levels with just a number would make it easier for people who don’t speak English to understand. However, this doesn’t mean that I’m on board with Ziggy at all. I absolutely hate it and wish the update never happened.


I’d really be behind that idea if they decided to bring the names back using internationally understood words, especially if they asked the community for ideas and help. Let’s cross our fingers and hope!


So instead now we got something no one understands. Good job!


Edit: comment deleted


Edit: comment deleted


Hi there!

I just wanted to say pretty much the same thing that people in this thread has said: I don´t like Ziggy and I don´t like the new badges system. I thought that I should write just to let one more comment in here showing disagreement with the new changes in the site.

First of all; as some users have pointed, the previous badge system had a meaning. It was clever, fun and motivating. To pass from level 13 to level 14 means almost nothing. Passing to a new level costs a lot of effort, especially in the superior levels. Even if it sounds silly, it helps to feel that the badge recognizes this effort as the old badges did. Changing a unity in your level number does not have the same effect. Again, it might be silly, but that´s the way it feels from the user´s perspective.

Also, even if I, personally, didn´t get a huge strike, I can understand those people who got them and feel dissapointed because they are now vanished. Strikes worked as a motivation for many people: why take them away then?

Also, as some other users have said, I liked the garden theme better. Anyway this is uninportant compared to the Ziggy/Badges/Strikes thing. Even if you don´t go back to the garden theme, please bring back the old badges and strikes! The community is trying to communicate with you guys, please listen to us!

P.D: I´m sorry if they were any mistakes in this post, english isn´t my mother language.


I have to agree with many people here and in the other forum that’s now closed.

The older leveling up system and now the newer one even more so, is NOT an effective use of gamification (which Memrise is all about).

Practically doubling the points needed for each level doesn’t motivate people to work harder to level up, it encourages them not to bother because the difference between each level is just so ridiculous.

If you want to have a leveling system it makes more sense to have maybe 60 levels (yes that many!) with the difference between them increasing slightly each time. Just like leveling up in a real game.

I understand a lot of work was put into Ziggy for rebranding purposes but the people who use Memrise don’t really care about that. They care about learning languages. The points system Memrise has is a fantastic way to keep people motivated and to encourage groups of friends to work together.

Improving the leveling system will make people a lot happier and will draw more people to Memrise.

Thanks for all your hard work!


Yes, levels are cheap. The more the better, I think up to 999 is fine.

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Judging by the comments here, overall the Ziggy style ranking system is not liked.
I too preferred the previous ranking system, and I would prefer now to have no ranking at all,
in preference to looking at that stupid Alien ziggy thing all the time.

I wonder why the the memrise team are sticking with ziggy, after all its 2 months now
of mainly negative comments from memrise users


No ranking at all?
Sorry, but that would even be WORSE.
The problem with Ziggy is not that it looks juvenile or so, but that we lost the ranking names, like “membryo” and so on. They were nice word plays, and it felt more enjoyable then “Level 1”, “Level 2” and so on.
Some say they want gamification, but the numbered level system dates from times when there wasn’t enough memory in computersystems to do anything else but giving numbers.
Heck, in the beginning they ONLY had numbers, not even letters. That’s where it all comes from.
The Ziggy is really a step backwards.


Hey I’m not behind this and I’m as annoyed as you are

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To Memrise Creators

I was thinking more about your leveling up system and how ineffective it is and how you could improve it.

I personally use Memrise about 5 days a week. I have a 9-5 job so can’t use Memrise extensively for hours on end. (Which I’ve done in the past and is a terrible idea because brain overload.)

So in 1 week I earn about 150,000 points. In 1 month that’s about 600,000 points.

To “level up” again I need just over 16,000,000 points. Which (if I kept studying at the same rate I am now) will take me about 27 months. Which is 2 years and 3 months!

This is a ridiculous level up rate. It doesn’t encourage me to level up, if anything it fills me with dread and I’d rather not think about trying to get to the next level at all.

Having a level up system that’s a LOT more gradual will encourage people to play more so they can reach that next level.

The leveling up rate at the beginning up to Level 11 is great. But the jumps after that are too high to be effective motivators for members.

I hope the creators of Memrise see this. I think it’s a problem that many long-term users face and it would be nice to see a leveling system that’s more effective.



about the levels: the higher you come, the bigger the gaps between the levels are; but also: the higher you come, the easier it is to gather points

nonsense. It applies only to those learning one single language. I do not get points easier than before.