What @stamperwaffle’s trying to say is: that is a freaking pervert.
He does kinda look like he’s on drugs. Not gonna lie…
Also, I’m planning to do HUGE updates to the Discord today. How long until we launch it? @isharr. And anyone else who’s here who doesn’t know. Cough, cough @tampora, that’s right, we’re making an unofficial Memrise Discord, opening soon. Done loads of work on it. may be hiring more Admins/Mods upon release.
It’s my birthday tomorrow… Will finish bot later. I’m still a ball of bone ache and grumpiness, but will bot – 10/10 this will happen. Or I might eat cake. …My bet’s on the cake.
No, sorry. That was all flippant and mean…
I’ve been having a couple of problems with convincing my bot to reliably accept the args1 var and choose the correct dictionary to do lookups from. If it doesn’t do that, of course, it quite successfully does nothing. It’s a bug. Am trying to fix but at this point spent so long staring at it through a codeine/codeine withdrawal haze that I just can’t anymore. Hoping I will have a spark of genius while doing other things – always think better when I’m not thinking, lol : 3
Maybe I will go watch tampy’s much revered Big Trouble in Little China. I’m sure that will help.
Also I found out they are making a dispicable me 4
Ah. Won’t bother you. I also forgot to add updates , will try to remember today though. and I’ve never got along with those Despicable Me films, frankly I find them a tiny bit annoying. with the fart jokes and just plain bad puns. But if you like it, you like it.
What is that???
There’s messages in every game. Like Pac-Man. Do you know what PAC stands for? P-A-C: “program and control.” He’s Program and Control Man the whole things a metaphor, he thinks he’s got free will but really he’s trapped in a maze, in a system, all he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head, and even if he does manage to escape by slipping out one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back in the other side. People think it’s a happy game, it’s not a happy game, it’s a f*cking nightmare world and the worst thing is it’s real and we live in it. It’s all code. If you listen closely, you can hear the numbers.
It’s more than just what @stamperwaffle’s saying (spoilers blurred, even though they’re small things – wouldn’t want to ruin it for anyone who’s not watched it yet). Or, he explains with no context.
Currently it’s the symbol from the Yuletide special of Black Mirror. Good fun, that one. Especially the therapist/patient action movie fight… Not saying the rest isn’t totally awesome too, but that took me by surprise after a good couple of hours playing with the episode. It was new and surprising and funny. (Except not funny really because, you know, it’s Black Mirror.) And that bit when you can suddenly personally choose to try to explain to the main character that you’re watching him on Netflix. Never had so much fun mucking with the fourth wall before. Really great episode… but obviously Charlie Brooker needs to be institutionalised, lol.
Also, you weren’t bothering me. I’m just very unhappy at the moment. And no, I didn’t get cake (unless you count the one that came up next to my name here on the community, lol).
Despicable Me makes me want to hurt things. The first one was just bearable, but they get infinitely worse as time goes on. Studios should know how to quit when they’re ahead.
Thanks for explaining why I’m not completely mad lol
Anytime… but just so you know, I personally believe you are completely crazy. PAC rant just confirms it.
Yeah if you say anything from that episode out of context it does make you sound like a madman
Huh. I got that too…
I don’t know if I got that, because I never check my email…
edit: Nope – nothing, nada. Guess you guys are just special : )
@MohammedSherwi, I wish I could draw like you do. Beautiful dragon pic. I always loved dragons and when I see a statue or a drawing my heart melts.
After many reviewing sessions today. And 250,000 points in the past 2 days. I’ve achieved 7 million points.
“The Wolf of Wall Street” is my one of my favourite film.