without access to Chatbot, Gramabot

Hello, I am PRO member of memrise but I can not access the gramabot, chatbots and learn from the sites. What is the reason? I am in the “American English 2” course and my level is 11. It is precisely for these functionalities that I signed the PRO.
thank you!

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I’m too have this problem. :angry:
help, please :slight_smile:

I’m the same.
There is no chat bot in American English.
But there is a chat bot in British English (I don’t know why.)

Because I pay money, I want to be able to use all functions…

What a beauty, the app is good, but you have to have something to ask for the charm. Without gramabot I do not see why pay to have the pro version. If it does not work out in a week, I’ll ask for a cancellation. Waiting for answers, explanations to understand why it does not work, etc.

Hello :slight_smile:
These characteristics (chatbot and grammabot) are currently available on selected language pairs.

Memrise support link:

What are Chatbots and where can I find them on web?
What is Grammabot and which courses is it available on?

For example, you are learning American English for Portuguese speakers. This pair is not on the list.

Look at the following link for more information on: Memrise Pro.