Will memrise user scripts work on Decks?

will memrise user scripts work on Decks?



if the UI will stay the same, why not? just replace “memrise.com” with the new address… (I bravely hope :persevere:)

Probably not seeing as it’s a different site and all. The Memrise team said the features will be the same, the UI most likely won’t be an exact copy.

@attebjorner scripts will need to be updated to reflect the new site URL and maybe also differences in styling on Decks. But these should only require small updates

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Hello @Kevin5284

As anybody from your developer team checked to make Decks compatible with the existing userscripts: [wiki] All the Userscripts

Any chance to do this before the big rollout phase?

For the moment I have (at least) 4-5+ userscripts installed to be able to work with Memrise (older ones from Cooljingle got corrupted because of web code updates) on the www.memrise.com web portal for reviews (and actually I would need further code adjustments to learn new items where a user-created course has deactivated typing for the first six learning steps).

Migrating on a fixed day (rollout) beginning or mid of March 2019 to Decks for your whole userbase will corrupt the review support for multiple days if any more complicated customizations (besides the easier web URL adjustment) need to be done.

We will be losing our course streaks!


Because the Memrise web by default only supports multiple-choice (heavily focuses on this) and no full typing support without a (deactivated) timer for courses which also contain phrases/sentences and to not give any false SR positives (increment the next SR interval because of guessing, on-screen hints, easy multiple-choice, etc.).

I really cannot go back disabling Tampermonkey userscripts, especially for my new three courses (5000 PT BR frequency by BenWhately, 6000 Plus PT BR words by Jaimebrasil, 1000 common PT BR verbs by Jaimebrasil)!

This includes several (user-created) courses from @BenWhately like “Learn Basic Portuguese BR”, (great mixed starter courses by Ben also available for French and other languages), “5000 Portuguese frequency (elementary/intermediate/advanced)” as well as the offical PT BR 1-7 courses created by the Memrise user where I actively review PT 7 (streak) and sometimes PT6 (completed, deactivated streak).

Do script programmers like @cooljingle really have to double their efforts to make these scripts compatible on two web sites with different code?

As I saw it, it is almost not possible to keep up with your (many) web code updates in the past two years which regularly break the current script functionality over and over again!

These userscripts are already (permanently) broken, especially the first two:

  • Memrise Catch-up Review (support for “Overdueness” SR reviews, especially for completed offical Memrise 1-7 courses with longer breaks)
  • Memrise Infinite learning (I really miss to finish a 100 review session earlier with the summary words screen)
  • Memrise Peek next
  • Memrise Wrong answer skips

There are even more userscripts (e.g Chinese examples, all audio multiple choice, reverse translations, double line error identification, etc.) which I have not checked for a while.



How about a 4+ weeks alpha/beta testing phase?

And only to permanently move ALL user-created courses to Decks - for all users - once there is a proof that your new site is reliably working?

Without Cooljingle’s “Memrise Audio Provider” TTS userscript I can not even learn new phrases or review sentences in the “50 languages” PT BR course without hearing any sound!

With best regards

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@kevin5284 @BenWhately

Because offical PT BR 1-6 are completed, is it allowed for me to say that they are paused for a longer time and that I cannot continue them (especially 1-5) as you miss the AnkiSRS feature “Overdueness”?

When is your www.memrise.com web portal code finally including support to get back to them after a several months break and not having to change the default next SR intervals for well-known words but instead of dynamically changing to the higher next SR interval because of full “Overdueness” support, like Cooljingle’s userscript supported once before your web code update broke this functionality?

I would only like to focus on the “not correctly recalled” words but not be overwhelmed with too many reviews in my backlog queue for PT1-5 because your next SR standard interval (for remembered words) is set way too low.

Any chance to incorporate this basic SR code enhancement (or shall I say requirement) into Decks as well?

With best regards

This was the userscript by @stream_nine90 to deactivate the “Auto accept” which is turned ON on the web by default: Get rid of the auto-accept in the web-version

If I should guess: Several users are already using it and have been turning this default accept functionality OFF for courses which include longer phrases/sentences.

It would be a really good thing if existing provided functionality by the community for the main Memrise website would also be working on the Decks website and does not have to be re-engineered totally from scratch (if that is even possible).

Or has “Decks” maybe incorporated any userscript functionality into your own main code when you started to newly build this sub website?

Hi @Thomas.Heiss, thanks for your ideas and questions

Yes we’re planning to have a beta testing phase for Decks when the site goes live. At the moment we’re thinking this will be 1-2 weeks, but it will depend on how many issues come up. As you say we’ll only make that permanent when it’s working well.

Unfortunately because the scripts aren’t made by us, we can’t take responsibility for them working or not. The styling changes to Decks are light though, so we think they shouldn’t require much work to update. During the beta testing phase, Cooljingle and other script creators should be able to get the scripts working for Decks. They would need separate (but similar) scripts for Memrise and Decks, yes.

At the moment we’re not planning to adjust the SR code or auto-accept in Decks from what it is currently on Memrise. Sorry about that. We are fixing some bugs on both Memrise Web and Decks at the moment though, so you should see some improvements from that


As I’m lazy I’m hoping the existing scripts can be tweaked to work on either platform. Doubling the number of scripts and having to keep both up to date sounds like a massive pain.


I have brainstormed the idea of the half-planting (stopping at 3 steps instead of 6 full learning steps) concept - which was supported by the Android mobile app - and enhancements for how to successfully clear overfilled backlog queues:

This does not only apply to my offical 1-7 course series (for PT BR), but any course which has more words (or phrases/sentences) contained, so alternative learning and reviewing concepts need to be available with the future introduction of Decks.