[wiki] All the Userscripts

Do you mean you want a tapping test for four words or more? The script already has an option for not turning off tapping tests, which as I recall memrise selects for you if the word is > 15 characters.

Yes, tapping text for 4 words or more, but before the first semicolon. Because with the second example above, I get a tapping test even if there are less then 15 characters before the semicolon. My problem is actually with this 15 characters rule

Mate, you providing your scripts is the only reason I am still using Memrise at all, so I am immensely grateful. Also happy to make a donation in whatever way is suitable.

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I’m thinking just because the logic you want is so specific it makes it not a candidate to put in as an extra option, but I can give you a line replacement which will do the job for you, note that if the script gets updated your change might get overridden in the future! You’ll need to keep the replace tapping option off but the change will turn tapping to typing if it meets your conditions.

replace line 106

            (localStorageObject["replace-tapping"] !== false && box.template === "tapping") ||


            ((localStorageObject["replace-tapping"] !== false || MEMRISE.garden.learnables[box.learnable_id].item.value.match(/[^;]+/)[0].split(' ').length < 4) && box.template === "tapping") ||

hi there

the reverse translation script seems not functional anymore…or it is just my firefox quantum the latest update the reason for this?

many thanks

Here is another update about the previously linked “Timer disabler” and new error messages I get today (for loading the dashboard) and some weeks ago for the rest of the three remaining code lines and “variable not found” failures:

I really enjoyed using cooljingle’s “Memrise Catch Up Review” script while it was working. I’m sad that it’s not functioning anymore ):

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is there a script to see the number of reviews you have on each lesson?

This unofficial extension allows you to add a word or phrase to your Memrise in a few clicks. You can add a selection from a web page or type in a word directly. The extension adds a word to a selected course that you can then practice on decks.memrise.com.


Hello everyone,

I’ve uploaded a new userscript for disabling the auto-submit answer feature, if anyone’s interested :slight_smile:

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Ooh if this still works then that would be so great! Would this also work on mobiles?

They still work, @cooljingle has a github repository of about 25, that particular one “disable correct answer auto submit” that guy also has a github repository which he has linked in that post above yours. I added one of cooljingles ones today for typing only. You download tampermonkey add on for your browser(I’m using firefox) then you go to the github, selct which one you want, hit install and it automatically installs it. For cooljingles ones you then have an added option in the left pane on the course when you open it that you select which settings you want to use. It is very easy but seems daunting when you haven’t done it before. The scripts can only be used on the web version with your browser not the mobile app.

Just realised you are talking about the post above the one I was referencing. :drooling_face: It won’t work on mobile app, maybe on chrome browser on your mobile though. :slight_smile:

I think Firefox Nightly on Android has support for installing plugins, perhaps including Tampermonkey :slight_smile:

the man with the plan @neoncube !!!


is there a script for changing the word definition?

I already tried with the ones we can find in greasyfork. But they’re from 2015 and don’t work anymore.


Update: The new Firefox for Android (version 79.0.5) temporarily does not support many add-ons [source], including user-script ones like Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey. I guess it will take at least a couple of months. Maybe one can run the userscripts with a bookmarklet.
Previous version:
I have Tampermonkey (stable, v4.11.6114) on Firefox for Android stable (68.10.1) on Android 10 (worked also on Android 9) just for memrise, with the user-scripts: “Memrise All Typing” and “Memrise Auto Accept Disabler”. They work. Wonderful scripts; I wish memrise never stops allowing them (and even implement them as options!).

If the userscripts recently stopped working for you, try this:
I believe memrise changed the addresses of their lessons from
https://www.memrise.com/course/... to https://app.memrise.com/course/...
To fix this, edit the scripts as follows. To edit scripts in Tampermonkey for Firefox, left-click its icon, click “dashboard”, then under “actions” to the right, click the edit symbol.
What to edit: Find the following lines at the beginning of each of the userscripts you use, duplicate them and change the www to app in one of the copies.

// @match          https://www.memrise.com/course/*/garden/*
// @match          https://www.memrise.com/garden/review/*

tested as working for “Memrise All Typing” and “Memrise Auto Accept Disabler”. Hopefully the kind authors will correct it for everyone soon. Thank you @cooljingle and others

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The only script I can get to work is All Typing.
And that’s all I really need, thank you!
But out of curiosity I did try some others (All Multiple Choice, All Audio) and they simply don’t work :frowning:

It would great if a userscript God could fix this script that Change word definition

(it’s the most annoying thing I find in Merize to don’t be able to modify/improve/customize the definition of a course. The change could be only saved locally, and visible by the user).

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