Why different login community from memrise.com?

I am doing a lot of courses in memrise.com, then I need communicate with the course-author.
I go to community.memrise.com and the web say me: login in or create a new account, I create the account with same e-mail and password than in memrise.com
Why the web need a different account in community than in memrise?

Estaba haciendo muchos cursos en memrise.com y al ver un error en una palabra quise contactar con el autor del curso.
Voy a community.memrise.com y la web me dice que cree un nuevo usuario, le pongo los mismos datos que los que tengo en memrise.com y me deja.
¿Por qué es necesario tener distintas cuentas en la sub-web community que en memrise.com tal cual?


It’s a real pain in the neck isn’t it? And what’s worse, you are not allowed more than 3 posts in the one thread, as I found out to my chagrin the other day, so you can’t say thank you for example or ask what is going on if you have noticed that your suggestions or changes have not been implemented.
Memrise is becoming a pain in the ass but for now I will push on and complete the courses I am doing.

I think this is related to an intermittent bug that was first reported a few days ago by Wildsage in this thread:

As mentioned there, the login system is not supposed to work this way. It’s supposed to be a single sign on to both places at once, handled through the main web page login.

Hopefully they’ll get it all sorted out again soon.

This issue is not a bug and hence we are moving it to the General discussion forum to keep things organised :slight_smile:

Your forum account is linked to your Memrise account, you’ll need to be logged in Memrise.com with your Memrise account to be able to use the forums. If you already have an existing Memrise account, there is no need to create a new account specifically for the forums.

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@Joshua, there does seem to be an intermittent bug that multiple users are experiencing.

Although it usually works correctly for me, it didn’t work yesterday when I tested it, before posting my response.

I went to community.memrise.com, hit login, was sent to the main memrise.com login, entered my info, but didn’t get logged into the forum as I normally would be.

Today, it worked again as it should, with no changes on my end.

It would have been interesting to see that error message. I haven’t heard of this limitation. Most of the memrise user trust levels are inherited directly from the:

Anyway, your ability to do more increases the more you do, if you follow my drift. I have offered this advice previously and here again for you:

It is not to much to do and before you even realise it, you will be enjoying this site and deriving a lot of benefit out of it as many of your fellow users have already found out.

Have a nice day and happy memrising. :relaxed:


@sifushano, that issue about the 3 post limitation seems to have sorted itself out as now I can post more.

My level of posting is usually restricted to suggesting changes or pointing out mistakes to course creators. That’s plenty of ‘love’ for me. I am happy with that. I also have other things to do with my time.

The rest of your response - ‘user trust levels’ ‘causing problems’ '‘restricted for safety’ etc - shows that certain people here take themselves too seriously on memrise but pretend it is memrise they are looking out for.

Once upon a time, memrise was fun - and in some way it still is if you stay away from the forums - and suggesting even small changes to course creators or contributors was so much easier. Someone has really sucked the fun out of it.

Look again. That’s a quote from a different website that uses the same forum software. You don’t know what’s happening re: the post restrictions and jump to the wrong conclusions instead of asking what’s going on [redacted].

Is it intermittent? I’ve never been able to login to these forums any other way than having to do it twice.

Yes, for me, and apparently for some others, it is intermittent, but I understand that it never works right for you and perhaps others also, for reasons unknown.

Memrise and their forum software are hosted in a cloud environment, and pull in scripts from many different third parties, and servers, with probably dozens of different load-balancers and caching servers in diverse locations. There are plenty of opportunities for things to get out of sync in an environment like that. Then consider all of the possible combinations of settings that users can set on their browsers, such as cookie policy, script-blocking, local storage, header policy, etc. It’s really not surprising that not everything works.

But we can see that memrise has spoken officially in this thread, and according to them there are no bugs of any kind, intermittent or otherwise, with the login system, period. And don’t even try to post this in the web bugs section. After all, we are just confused users, and who are we supposed to believe, them or our lying eyes? Given their response, I think reporting bugs is a waste of time.

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Yeah, it’s amazing that they went through all of the trouble to set up these websites and select people to answer in them all to just brush users off.

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I was going to ask why Memrise has a bug that involves "creating"a new account to comment in the community forums, but from reading this thread, it appears that Memrise calls this a feature.

In any case, it’s a PITA. (Pain in the A**)

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if you read the thread once again, and you have a look at the site once again, you’ll notice that this is a “discourse” environment - memrise deleted its own fora. Given that “discourse” is a different site, one needs a separate login, of course. I am not saying the situation is bad/good, I am saying it is just natural not to indiscriminately transport of all client data from one site/company to another