Whoops. Could not load the session on Learn new words (Beta)

@rosquet42 If you are learning an official Memrise course, you will need to refer to this thread or our FAQ page which explains how to resolve this issue.


Do you mean a teaching column blank (as the system provides lots of columns and only two may be used) OR

do you mean an item (ie line entry) in a pair being tested?

Hi @DW7, sorry for not being clear. The error occurs when either a whole line is left blank, like this:

and/or when one of the items is missing a translation, like this:


Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.

  • Description of the issue: cource Tweede Ronde : Nederlands voor buitenlanders - words and phrases 25 and 26 error message “sorry there was an error loading the session” appears
  • Your device and browser details android + iOS
  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue mentioned above
  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Hi @maciaszekw1706, thanks for your report. I’ve moved it to this thread as the issue is the same as above. Unfortunately, the course creator has missed out several English translations in level 26, which they will need to complete in order for this to function well. It doesn’t look like they are active on the community, so I’d recommend ignoring all items in level 26 in order to complete the course.


I am a student and to finish my course i have to finish reviewing this level. Could someone on the memerise team fix this cause this isn’t just for me it is for everyone in my school.

Hi @20ymousawi, this should now be fixed.


Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

I encountered a learning glitch in this course (please see screenshot below). Pretty much all the words in the level are learned and when you click the “continue learning” button, a typical error displays.

  • Your device and browser details

I’m using Chrome.

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue
  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Hi @ekoi1995, I’ve moved your issue here as it is a known bug. Unfortunately, the course creator has missed out several English translations in level 21, which they will need to complete in order for this to function well. It doesn’t look like they are active on the community, so I’d recommend ignoring all items in level 21 in order to complete the course.
You can read a more detailed explanation here.


I’m getting the same message on my Welsh course. Tried various welsh courses with same result;speed review, learn new words all result in same message. I’ve logged out and back in again with no change. When trying to report the bug, it asked me to create a new account and sent me an e-mail to confirm it??!!
I’m using Firefox
Any help appreciated

Hi @CazHarris, this sounds like there may be an issue with the browser you are using if none of your lessons or modes are launching.

Are you able to test a few things:

  • Please make sure AdBlock, AdBlocking technology or Ghostery have been disabled
  • Clear cache and cookies
  • Enable Javascript
  • Disable any active extensions and/or userscripts
  • Ensure your browser is updated, and restart it
  • Can you try loading the session in Google Chrome?
  • If Chrome fails, can you try loading the session in incognito mode?

If you are still having trouble logging in to your original account, please send us a DM and we’ll look into this :slightly_smiling_face:


My login is a-s-a-999 and I faced with the mentioned problem (An error with code 500 ) while learning new words 4 or 5 days ago and every time I try to learn new words it appears again and again… The course is: Французский (разговорные фразы) - by Lenotchka - Memrise
I use OS Widows 10, Opera browser.

What would you you suggest me to do?

Hi @a-s-a-999 the creator of the course you mentioned left out a translation or entered a blank item, which can cause an error when trying to Learn New Words. This has now been corrected, so the course should work as normal.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Grammar sections show up as not done even after completing on mobile

ciao il mio login è marcolangellage in Francese 3- livello 13 trovo indicate 20 parole, ma sono presenti solo 19, quindi il livello risulta non completato e se provo ad effettuare log out e rientrare non carica l’ultima parola mancante, ma risponde sempre con “ERRORE Spiacenti,si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento della sessione!”
L’errore è sempre presente sia nella versione App Mobile per Android sia nella versione Web con Browser Chrome
Ho completato il resto del livello ed il successivo Francese 4 senza riscontrato altri errori simili

Ciao Marco,

Puoi provare di nuovo adesso? Dovrebbe essere stato risolto :slightly_smiling_face:

Se persiste, ti consiglio di provare a reinstallare l’app.



I’ve finished the course Learn In Your Car Spanish (looking at the words listed for each level), but it says that I still have more words to learn on levels 25 and 34. I understand this is probably a Memrise issue and nothing to do with the user, but I’m reporting it for reference.

Hi @KiarashZ, we found a gap (item without a translation) in level 25 which will have caused this, but level 34 all looks okay. Can you please check again and let us know if the issue is fixed?

It’s fine. Thank you.

Scusami Alessio ho dimenticato di confermarti che il problema lo hai risolto e ti ringrazio.
Con l’occasione , anche questi in ritardo, i più sinceri Auguri di Felice Anno Nuovo