Where will everyone go after the Death of Memrise?

Memorion is a free Android flashcard management system based on spaced repetitions, many games and a very flexible configuration, working completely offline. It is a non-profit project that I am working on since 10 years.

Memorion has been updated, the import of Memrise cards has been simplified (unfortunately the learning progress cannot be imported).

Every asian language course in the world is like a joke unless you learn them in a university or proper institution :smiley:

Even better, in an environment where everyone speaks the language. Meanwhile, good we have Memrise and similar tools as traveling and staying in such places is not doable just now and in future.

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huuuh, except that I learned 2000+ kanji in 1 year online, while doing it at the University would get me… probably 300 kanji maximum…? :roll_eyes: