What's the logic in the official Japanese 1-3 courses?

Hi, I’m new to memrise, so maybe there are reasons I’m not seeing…
Japanese 1 has kanji and katakana, whereas 2 and 3 don’t! Why?
As I only know kana but already have a sound knowledge of the language, the irony is, I quickly went through level 2 and 3 but not level 1!
Also, there is no consistency in the teachings: sometimes the sentence has to have “watashi ha” or “anata ha” and sometimes it doesn’t; sometimes “ga”, sometimes “ha” is used; sometimes the “masu” polite form of the verbs is used, sometimes the casual form is used instead!
Plus, there is no flexibility in the answers when typing (in the use of synonyms or other expressions or sentences with the same meaning - like Duolingo allows) all of which makes reviewing very hard. In other words, I have to remember EXACTLY how each sentence was written. For example, for a sentence with please, I must remember whether “kudasai” or “onegai shimasu” was used!
I found some mistakes, but can’t say precisely where anymore… - why not create a report bug button on the spot like Duolingo? Some sentences don’t match the audio. And “sumimasen” is written “suimasen”.

Having said that, congratulations on your hard work and thanks for the free use of this tool, it’s a great help!


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