What IS it? New design happened too fast

It’s very offtopic but let me explain, while we can disagree on the looks, Duolingo had a serious reason to rework it, it runs on a new engine, is much faster and scales properly. Which at least for me offsets the pain of the new look. In case of Memrise it’s just a different coat of paint, not only not improving anything but introducing new visual bugs.


Horrible - like the page of Ryanair

Why color yellow and blue?

Why canˇt the user chooce the desing?


Very awfull design!!! I thought its a programming bag. Guys from Memrise new design is awfull. I dont want to use your app with this design. Whats up with you?!!!


Ok, I see where you are coming from.
From ordinary user prespective it looks unnecessary, it looked just fine.


Yup, I’m not disagreeing with you, I hate being forced into bright interfaces. But from engineering perspective they are at least excused. You can’t say that about memrise.


Was half convinced the CSS just didn’t load or something.
I don’t want to complain too much, but I really don’t like this.
Making Learn new words, review, etc. all the same color really doesn’t make any sense at all.


I had to register an account just to make a comment. That’s how much I dislike the new design. It looks like it’s not fully loaded and the bright design looks unsightly. Hopefully they add the option that gmail did when they changed.


Dear Memrise, if your goal was to stop me from using the webpage, than you’re successful. Congratulations. You made it ugly, gaudy, childish and just bad. And now I’m going to turn auto-updating for my Android up. I don’t want this abomination to spread to my mobile. :slight_smile:


Why does Memrise suddenly look like it wants to teach me how to assemble IKEA furniture?
Why are all the buttons the same colour?
Why is this even happening?
According to the blogpost, this is what users wanted, but from the comments before mine, I’m not really sure who they are talking about.
I really hope they switch back to the old design, or at least have an option to choose the old design.
And yes, I just registered simply so I could say how much I hate this change :confused:


What’s worse is that they knew about such complaints for at least a month and choose to do nothing about them, promised explanations and reasoning behind all of this ended empty.


At least they didn’t change anything inside the lessons. I’m thankful for that, hope it will remain the same.

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It looks really terribly. There is not even clear distinction, whether the daily goal was met, because now it has the same colour as everything else.

I wanted to avoid Decks for as long as possible, because it had terrible design, but now there is no need for that. What is the link to Decks? I cannot find it now :-/


Yeah this looks appalling. I already didn’t like the old design very much because it had too much white so I used an add-on called Stylish to overwrite the design. Now this stupid new design that somehow is even WORSE than the old one broke ALL of the community made themes from the Stylish add-on.

Great, now I’m forced to use this eye-cancer white theme. Right now I don’t even want to use this website anymore.


Not as aesthetically bad as Duolingo’s recent re-design. I can actually look at this without my eyes watering unlike the new Duo. However, there are a number of serious facepalms here:

First, this design, like the previous design, still forces unnecessary menus and clicks every time I want to review something. Used to be a single click from the main page to start a review or new words session.

Second, this problem is now made worse by having everything be the same color, as I now have to go through multiple clicks AND distinguish between options in a tile layout that all look the same.

I really don’t understand the constant degrading of design. These seem like incredibly obvious design flaws.

Third, the interface for writing this post is awful. Why do I need a window showing what I’m typing immediately next to…another window showing what I am writing? All this does is cause distraction and lag. And typos caused by the lag.


That’s actually a very useful tool, it’s BBcode/editing mode and next how the post will look. It avoids a lot of editing.


Oh and thanks for changing the way course icons are displayed. It’s such a great thing TO NOT BE ABLE TO READ WHAT’S WRITTEN IN THE DAMN ICON.

Seriously, why would you mess this up? The text used to say “時をかける少女” Now you can only read “かける少”. This goes for hundreds, if not thousands of community course.

Let’s see if they break userscripts next.


I can see how it would be useful under those circumstances, but it does come at the cost of making a vanilla text post more effortful. I question whether that trade-off is worth it overall.

Horrendous. Design and graphics team trying to justify their wages by fixing things that aren’t broken again?


This is just terrible. Like, I don’t know if I want to still use the app even though I just bought a year subscription bad.

It looks like a bootleg kid’s app. Or like spam.