Web based Bug - Errors in MEMRISE GERMAN 5

Hello all!

I’ve spotted a problem in the GERMAN 5 course (the official MEMRISE one), such that it is impossible to answer them.

The questions in question (!) are as follows:

  • wie war euer Urlaub?
  • warum seid ihr nach Europa gegangen?

In the format where you are asked to construct the sentence in the correct order by clicking on the
word boxes, some of the boxes incorrectly contain multiple words. For example, one box contains “warum seid”, instead of each word being in its own box.

Thus, even when you construct the sentence in the correct order, it is marked as incorrect.

NOTE: This only appears to affect the website version. The iPad app, for instance, is fine.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Impossible to answer right

As this is more of a web related bug, and not with the German course, I will move this thread out of this section.