there was a further update which broke the script and has now been accounted for in 0.0.7
Edit: just realised my fix was broken by another memrise update later, so you’re right the script is still broken
Update: Script now fixed (0.0.8)
there was a further update which broke the script and has now been accounted for in 0.0.7
Edit: just realised my fix was broken by another memrise update later, so you’re right the script is still broken
Update: Script now fixed (0.0.8)
I think the memrise update from last week now achieves what the main point of the script was, which was to keep plants in the learning session instead of kicking them out when you answer wrong. Without the script I’m not sure what happens with regards to test placements and test types after answering wrong; with the script on the behaviour is to add a retest of the word and then keep the future tests as before.
Update: Looks like the default memrise behaviour is when you answer wrong it creates a multiple choice test and puts it just before the next occurrence of the word. This script instead creates a copy of the original test, puts it ahead and then tries to avoid the word repeating twice in a row if possible (in fact memrise used to already use logic to avoid repeats but they removed it).
Hi @cooljingle
I noticed new errors with “Memrise Learning Retries” V0.0.8 and this course:
It crashes for me after a few words on this 9th word after the first 8 words were “Auto learned”:
Firefox V52.9.0esr console error exception with Tampermonkey:
jQuery.Deferred exception: b is undefined b.load<@moz-extension://0ae47eb2-9a98-49a8-bf05-561a74b06db8/userscript.html?id=612e04d7-d1a0-4ac9-910b-a29d2f864cff:20:13
undefined libs-a4fd8e8bf113.js:1:431624
TypeError: b is undefined[Weitere Informationen] eval line 2 > eval:20:13
b.load< moz-extension://0ae47eb2-9a98-49a8-bf05-561a74b06db8/userscript.html:20:13
<anonym> moz-extension://0ae47eb2-9a98-49a8-bf05-561a74b06db8/userscript.html:19:15
It is from the following script code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var g =,
b = g.boxes;
b.load = (function() {
var cached_function = b.load;
Recently I am also having some problems in 3+ user-created courses with “all typing” when learning NEW 10-20 words (turned OFF learning setting) that the spacing is not always right (it often is repeated right as the next item in the queue when planting); I am not 100% but I think having to turn off 2-3 user scripts made it any worse!?!
And if the “all typing” user script is activated that the 1st item is nowadays ALWAYS learned in typing mode, instead of multiple-choice.
But I think we used “Wrong answer skips” just for the review, or was it also active in parts for planting/learning mode?
My previous comment: Userscript: wrong answer skips
We also have your “learning retries” user script, which also is broken since the last Memrise web code updates.
Do you remember (aus dem Arm geschüttelt) without investing much time if the 3-6 question spacing was maybe also implemented additionally in “Learning retries” or is this Memrise auto default?
Is “all typing” also touching (with turned off learning mode) the web code for any (better) 3-6 question spacing?
Currently I feel “pretty much dumbed down” by Memrise when learning item steps are represented too soon (only 1-2 question spacing).
The spacing of learning steps between 10-20 new words can be bigger than 3, spreading it for 4-6 might be better if the word is normal (not easy) and not VERY difficult.
The only solution right now is:
Sorry that I did not come back earlier to discuss some of my ideas and requirements more in detail with you.
I know, I was not that much successful 1-2 years ago when I tried to explain it on the community forum
Too many options and side dependencies.
With best regards / Viele Grüße