[Userscript] Memrise Auto Learn

It’s due to the recent Memrise update, I’ll let you guys know when it’s functional again

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Script should be working again - latest is 0.0.5

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Thanks - working better now.

Thanks It’s Back!

This script achieves the ‘next word’ part of what you were looking for

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Awesome, thanks!

Thanks for updating the script! A blessing to have the working auto-learn-function again!

Hi, the script is currently not working for me.
All other userscripts seem to work fine.
Can anyone confirm this?

Seems to work fine for me, although I just fixed an issue which was making it not work well with the Audio Provider script.

Yes you are right. I reinstalled the script and now everything is working fine again. Not sure what went wrong there before though.

So I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I just can’t seem to get this working in Firefox. It works fine in Chrome, just not in Firefox. It used to work, but now the auto-learn icon doesn’t even show up.

This is probably the reason: Warning: Disable Firefox Greasemonkey addon auto-update - V4.1 breaks user-scripts!

Thanks for the heads-up. I installed Tampermonkey instead and everything is working fine now.

For some reason, if I click on the general “learn” it works, but if I go to a specific level and learn, then the button disappears.

@cooljingle I always forgetting to toggle. Is there a way to set “auto learn on” default?

@cooljingle yeah that would be very useful…

I’ve tried to create a good script like this for a little while, but always ran into some sort of problem. You, however, have created a subtle addition to the GUI, which works really well and without bugs. Thanks billions!

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@cooljingle By the way, I’m curious - how long does it take you to write a working script?

The first ones I wrote obviously took the longest, you learn from previous experience which helps things a bit. It depends a lot on the complexity and how much testing needs to be done to get it working. Some scripts have quite a few hours in them over the course of its life due to being gradually improved or getting broken and requiring a fix.


You might want to consider putting a bigger setting in there