[Userscript] Memrise Audio Provider

Yes! Thank you very much! Switching to Tampermonkey has fixed it, now everything is working. You are my hero! :kissing_heart:

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Hi @cooljingle!
I wonder if there’s a way to add the TTS audio regardless whether there are audios in the course or not?
The use case is the following.
A course has a lot of audios with poor recording quality. I can’t remove all of the audios, so trying to find a workaround with your script so I can hear generated sounds instead of the ones attached to the course.
Thanks in advance!

Hey Cooljingle
I really love your scripts ( I use all multiple choice , Audio Provider and sometimes Autolearn)
The Problem is when I am using Audio Provider and than review Japanese words it freezes usually after 1 or 2 words. When I deactivate Audio Provider it is working fine.It’s also working fine when i review Spanish words - no freezes at all.
Thanks for your great scripts.I dont think i would use Memrise without them :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the script with an option to do that (v0.1.19) - check out the audio provider options on the left to toggle it on.

Do you use firefox? Could be to with the script having to rely on google tts for Japanese (chrome would use speech synthesis to generate Japanese which is more reliable).

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Hi thanks for the answer.No I am using Chrome. But i just tested something:
Spanish reviewing works fine
English words reviewing works fine
Japanese words with a course which has audio added = Freezes
Japanese words with a course without any audio = works fine
I really have no idea why it crashes.It crashes with Kanji (with added audio) and with Hiragana (added audio ) (katakana i think too )

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Thank you so much! It indeed works now. Overrides old audios.
A small issue: sometimes the audio from TTS doesn’t play automatically, so I have to hover with the mouse over the speaker icon, so it starts playing the audio.
The issue comes up exactly when I go to the next word/card before the current audio finishes playing. In this case the next one won’t autoplay. Is there a way to fix this?

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I’ve tested on a couple of Japanese courses with and without audio and had no issues for learning sessions - maybe send me a link for a course where it’s freezing?

I think I’ve fixed it (v0.1.21)

Hi it freezes here :

Learning new words is no problem with the script but reviewing isn’t working.
A odd thing is
in the Genki 1 course It was possible to review 2 words till freeze
In the lingodeer 3
In the Tae Kims course 5
But if you have no problem than i think its maybe some other chrome addon or script which maybe interferes.

Thank you!
It’s better now. A more smooth learning experience now.

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I tried reviewing the lingodeer course and got through about 40 items with no errors - so I can’t say for sure why your sessions are freezing. If you want you can send me a private message with a screenshot of your console and I’ll see if there are any errors that can locate the problem.

I’ve found issue - I reviewed 70 words and after more-less 40-50 the audio crashed. There was no menu for Audio Provider (on the left side) anymore.
I used RSS code but still heard Googles voice instead.

Generally it is still quite unstable addon or Memrise changes code too often.

The menu option disappearing was something I’d put in so there would be some sort of visual indicator that the script was no longer trying to generate audio. This is probably happening for you because google limits how often you can call their tts service within a certain time period. I could maybe add local storage caching so that if you review the same words at a later time it won’t need to hit the tts service (I added caching for the current learning session but I guess it’s not enough for long review sessions).

I used RSS code but still heard Googles voice instead.

This is because voice rss audio is the lowest quality so google tts takes higher priority. If google tts fails then voice rss is used as a fallback.

Also worth noting is if the browser you are using supports speechSynthesis for your target language then this should be reliable as there isn’t a call limit, see here for a list of what’s supported in your browser.

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@cooljingle Greetings!

Oh grief! Oh sorrow! Something terrible has happened in our kingdom! Audio has stopped playing! Memrise update monster has attacked again and is now terrorizing peaceful citizens! People are hoping for a hero to come and save them!

Will patiently wait and hope that when you have time you will maybe fix the script again as it is absolutely awesome and it’s really very sad to have to use memrise without it. Thank you so much for supporting it.

Yep, it’s happened again. I’ve fixed the script so should be working now (0.1.22).

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Do you have, or do you know, any other alternative scripts that disable the timer? The one that I use with Tampermonkey hasn’t been updated for ages and it broke with this new update.

This script will disable the timer: https://github.com/cooljingle/memrise-turbo/raw/master/MemriseTurbo.user.js


Awesome! Thanks!

THANK YOU cooljingle. I will crosspost this.