[Userscript] Memrise all typing

Yes. I noticed something similar happens occasionally. When it happens, I just turn the script off and back on again. That seems to re-set it ok. As you say, it’s a bit random.

Hi, they changed the site again, do you think you can make the script work with the new version?

Edit: it works when I opt out of beta, so it’s fine as long as that is an option.

Yes. That’s what I do. I don’t think any of the userscripts work with the beta format and, sadly, @cooljingle hasn’t been active on the forum for a couple of years now.

I was going to say they updated the script last year, but that was in 2018. Time flies. :older_man:

I have no clue how to install the script, is there a tutorial?

Hi @billygruff1234 and welcome to the forum,

Each of Cooljingle’s scripts has an installation guide in the relevant link: cooljingle (Aaron Miles) / Repositories · GitHub

It’s quite straightforward. Once you have installed Tampermonkey and then the script, it is easy to turn the script on and off via the Tampermonkey button. As mentioned above, though, the scripts don’t work in Memrise beta.

Come back if you hit any snags.

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Yea, I was using beta. It’s good now thanks :slight_smile:

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Ive noticed that this keeps happening for me. I know this might be a tough ask, but is there anyone that would be able to update the userscript, as I am really relying on it for exams coming up!

Hi @08ovij ,

Sorry but I’m unable to help with that.

I’m only seeing the problem very occasionally. I review my courses one at a time and if, after being shown a multiple choice question the first time, I turn the script off and turn it back on again, I usually don’t see the problem again during that session.

Have you tried a different browser? I use Firefox.

Sorry I can’t be any more help. Good luck with your upcoming exams!

Hi Stuart,

Perhaps you can try running this other script in which I added better handling of IME input:

Are you running any other scripts too? If you know how to reliably reproduce the issue I can take a look.

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Might not be a script problem but this Memrise bug.

I have been getting multiple choice questions again for quite a while now. Turning the script off and on doesn’t really seem to make a difference.

Yeah, it’s a strange one. I only turn the script on for certain Spanish courses and the multiple choice questions have only been appearing very infrequently, even though I review those courses daily. I haven’t noticed a pattern and haven’t been able to force it to reappear. On the odd ocassion when I do get a MC question, turning the script off and back on does still seem to clear the bug for me for the rest of that session, though.

Did try and went right back to multiple choice for me.

It sounds like you and 08ovij are seeing a lot more MC than I am. I suppose all we can do is to try to spot any kind of pattern and then pass that to cooljingle. I don’t know what else to suggest.

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Thanks for getting back to me, I really appreciate it. I am not running any other scripts and cannot reliably reproduce the issue so it seems like there isn’t any point in investigating further.

Thank you sooo much! I was using Duolingo for like 2 weeks and got used to typing which stopped me from coming back here. That helped a lot! Also, it rolled me into the beta version of the site where the script didn’t work so I had to opt-out. It is noted above but I’ll repeat it in case someone didn’t see it.

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Hi dear
I use courses that can not be typed, I used your script to learn and remind, which allowed me to type, but with the changes made in the memrise site, your script does not work and the possibility Typing is disabled in courses that do not allow typing. Is it possible to update the plugin you created?
Win 10
Chrome 97.0.4692.99


Obviously not as good but I found an option called “Prioritise typing-only tests in Classic Review” in the settings.

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