[Userscript] Attempt to Eliminate Phantom Entries

you’re welcome!

Also, as regards this one script: it does not work well with large courses (>1500 items), unless you have plenty of time on your hands and an angel’s patience, but even then the fail rate is pretty high

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Hey everyone :slight_smile:

Looks like the demand for this script is still pretty high :slight_smile: God willing, I’ll see what I can do to get it running on Decks.

@duaal, I saw your comment; do you know off the top of your head of anything special that needs to be modified for the script to run on Decks? I noticed they stopped having global databases for each language; not sure if there have been other major changes as well.


hi @neoncube!

Actually the script seems to work when you replace all instances of “memrise.com” with “decks.memrise.com” like @Angharad.Merfin said.

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Okay, cool. Thanks, @duaal :slight_smile:

Okay, everyone, I’ve updated the userscript to work on Decks, as well as Memrise. The new version of the script is 1.3.0. You may need to go into Tampermonkey and hit an update button in order for the new version of the script to be downloaded.

Please let me know if you run into any issues :slight_smile:


Cheers, @neoncube - thanks bunches!

May I discretly point you here as well? It shouldn’t take you long to update that as well. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Hi @neoncube

Thanks so much for updating this script. Everything looks great so far. :grin:

Thank you @neoncube! You’re a star. :slight_smile:

Happy to help :slight_smile:

@Olaf.Rabbachin I’m afraid I’m unable to update that script, because it’s one of cooljingle’s. He’d need to update it in his code repository.

Gee, sorry, I mixed up the names!

No worries! :slight_smile:

Hi @neoncube,
Thank you so much for writing and maintaining this script. I think the script has cleaned up my text responses - it seemed to run ok anyway. But I have a puzzling problem with audio. When I was tidying up my database I noticed some words have a lot of old (phantom) audio options associated with them and running the script does not seem to change that.
Here’s an example- all the audio files dated 28/01/19 are from a bad, now-deleted upload:
I can even play them in a web browser e.g.

But where are they? How do I delete them?
Is this something you would expect your script to be cleaning up or is it beyond its scope?
Again - thanks a million!

Hi @sarashaath.

I’ve heard of people having problems with phantom images before, although I think you might be the first one that I’ve heard of that’s having issue with phantom audio :slight_smile:

I think the that automatically fixing the phantom audio might be outside of the scope of the script, because I think it would involve uploading and deleting files, which sounds rather risky.

God willing, I’ll think about it and maybe give it a shot if I have time, though.

Would you be okay with adding me as a contributor to the course that you’re seeing the phantom audio on?

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Thanks for getting back so quickly. I’ll gladly add you.

Think I’ve seen at least one other person complaining of this audio problem in another thread. Probably not as widespread as the text issue though, as you say.

Here’s hoping you have a eureka moment! :crossed_fingers:t2: :grin:

Appreciate your time given to helping everyone here.

it is a quite widespread issue… i try to have natural voice all along my own and those i’m curating courses, but at the beginning i had only tts available, which in time were replaced… the tts still appears in listening skills, not for the right answer, but for the others…

i would not ask for solution, because, really… this is it, this whole thing, “it”, it is not worthy the effort of writing yet another script…


Okay, thanks :slight_smile: After you’ve added me as a contributor, can you please send me a link to one of the levels where you’re seeing the problem?

PM-ed you btw :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @neoncube,

over the past few weeks I have made extensive changes, i. e. prefixed verbs with “to” and nouns with “a”/“an”, made corrections and additions, deleted entries and so forth. I’ve finished my revisions today.
So I went ahead and threw your script several times at the course: Advanced English (C1, C2) - by csaba.olah.942 - Memrise

I’ve seen a few entries that turned gray. After three runs, the following entries were still gray instead of green:

  • to pull off
  • a prodigal
  • uppity
  • to sort out
  • a bugger
  • a badger
  • to pan out
  • a tally

OTOH, the following turned green during the third run after having been gray after the previous two runs:

  • bound to be
  • to squander

I don’t know exactly what significance the gray entries have, but I suppose that these couldn’t be fixed?

Also, I have seen phantom entries in the course prior to the today’s changes. Is it that this attempt is just that and that it doesn’t help to execute the script consecutively?

LMK if I should you as a contributor to the course - in case you’d like to do some tests. Just note that there is almost 300k people that are or have been working on the course, so I’m a bit wary regarding experiments. :wink:


Check earlier in this thread.


Hi again @sarashaath. I’m afraid I may not have time to work on this any time soon, sorry :confused: I do programming for my day job, so it’s rare that I come home and do more programming just for fun (although it does happen sometimes! :slight_smile:)

I also currently haven’t thought of a great way to solve the phantom audio issue. The only approaches that I’ve thought of so far come with risk, because they involve either uploading a fake audio entry and then immediately deleting it (which is risky because if the script dies between uploading the fake audio entry and deleting it, then there’s a fake audio entry left attached to the word) or deleting an existing audio entry and the quickly reuploading it (which sounds even more risky).