User-Created Global Leaderboard II

Personally, I don’t review everything. When your words reach about 7 months to a year I feel like you should just delete/ignore them. A whole year of retaining a word is more than enough.

In any case, if you watch or read constantly in your target language, those words will eventually appear and your reviewing cycle will restart, so even 7 months is a bit stretching it for the more common words. I recommend taking a look at your courses and ignoring some stuff that you’re 100% sure you won’t forget.


I have a slight problem with reviewing more often than learning new words. :tired_face:
I all ways have to constantly review things as I just easily forget things.
I think I will start to attempt to start adding in more reading practice and maybe that will help then. :slight_smile:


@clex, Sorry, the board is not updating yet.
Thanks for your work.

It looks like there has been an update on Memrise side that broke memtop, I’ll take a look one of these days but I’m very busy at the moment, sorry about that.


Just follow me, you’ll be added automatically.

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Aw man… I’m nearly 10,000 positions down… I really ought to study more.

Nice to see a global board, though!

edit: Actually, on second glance, I have like 5mil more than it thinks I do. Guess it updates slow.

I’m in 34386th. What are you in @isharr?

9887 — but it only shows me to have 11mil instead of 16mil, and to have learnt about half the words I have, so maybe I’m not so low… Or maybe everyone ahead of me has also racked up a ton of points, and I’m even lower. Oh well. Not like I was actually in competition with anyone other than myself, lol.

How can I follow you?

Following :slight_smile:

Just got 6 million. :slight_smile: Not bad for that in 2 years, eh?
And it says I have 4.5 million…


Yeah, the site hasn’t updated in quite a while.
As it says I have 91 million still, but I currently have 114 million.


Yeah. Following you is just depressing. You work so hard all the time! Even when active, I only do about a hundred thousand a day. You do crazy more than that! How do you find enough time?

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Short answer… Boredom, lol.
Haha, I just get a tad addicted to it to be honest, in my free time, even if I’m watching tv, waiting for food to cook etc, I’m usually on memrise at the same time.
I usually try and have the weekends off from it (still do the reviews though) to give my brain a rest, especially lately since trying to learn 50 - 100 words a day it is frying my brain, ie; why this week I have mainly just been reviewing and not really adding any new words.
Plus my brain forgets things all the time, so I find myself reviewing the same courses over and over just to get things to stick a bit better. :persevere::slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, like you @isharr I do around 100,000 a day. No more. Usually 750,000 to 1,000,000 a week now, It’s mad that @tampora can get 1.5mil+ a week! Keep up the good work though! And do you guys have goals? I’m aiming for 10-15 million. :slight_smile:


To be honest, my only goals are to not break streaks and to remain on-level with @smutsigakläder (who apparently doesn’t have a community account, judging by the lack of autocomplete) who, though several thousand words/millions of points my superior, is generally on-pace on my leaderboard; because our follow is reciprocal and we’re both consistently active, sometimes we chase each other up and down the board — sort of nice.

I think if I made a points goal, I’d go mad. I mean, I’ve been here about six months, so it’s easy to see you end up with rather a lot (nineteen mil, without really putting that much effort in) just so long as you show up every day. I don’t think about the points so much as trying to make sure my points/words ratio doesn’t get worse than 1:3000 (not always so easy, when too tired to do more than review everything).

@MarshallLanguages, you’re Japanese/French/German triple-learner, right? Do you focus particularly on one language, sometimes only reviewing to maintain (rather than learning new words every day) on one/two of them? I just find myself switching my focus every few weeks, letting things on another subject sink in before I come back to them, review and move on. Wondered if learning more than one language is like that for anyone else?

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I’m aiming for 1st place in the all time leaderboard…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
:rofl: Nah, I’m just hoping to learn Japanese well and hopefully next year re-add French into my learning and Korean.
The points are just a side effect of the learning, lol.
But 1st place would be good, haha. :slightly_smiling_face:


You have a lot of Japanese courses. Kudos, obviously – Japanese is pretty tricky… I wouldn’t be able to learn it. Plus, maintaining that many streaks definitely would send me mad. Aiming for it or not, you’re on your way to being first on the all time leaderboard (except for the cheaters, who really don’t count).

Hope you do put French back in the new year. I could do with someone to practice with, lol.

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Yes I am, I basically change every week. It’s a LOT to keep on top of. But it’s manageable.

I have 1 million points on Memrise’s Korean 1 course at the moment. So I do 4 languages @isharr. lol. It may seem overwheling on doing 4 different languages at once. But I’m just one of those people who can retain so much info at once. I’ve just learnt to remember all the vocab for these things.

I may not have anywhere NEAR @tampora’s 100 million points. As I have a mere 6 million. But I don’t do it as often, and because I do 4 languages. But yes I do review rather than learn 100 words a day, but overall I’m just going at my own pace. Trying to eventually reach top 1000 or even just 15 million! But if you want to do Korean @tampora. You’ve got some catching up to do :wink:.

But enough of me blabbing on about my learning. How many languages are YOU guys learning? :hugs:

  • 1 Language is enough for me! :grinning:
  • 2, I like a challenge. :grin:
  • I do 3, as I have nothing better to do :unamused:
  • Well, I do 4! :star_struck:
  • I do 5+… My life is built on Memrise :confounded:

0 voters


German, French, Norwegian, early Solvenian, and some very casual Gaeilge… But five. I get bored easily.

I do more German than anything else and Norwegian is so easy I think I could probably do it while sleeping, so French is my slowly-starting-to-make-sense challenge, and Gaeilge because… Well, was interested to see how it differs from Gaelic and Manx. Slovenian was just because I have a Slovenian friend, and it was there — you know how it can be when you get bored and don’t think you can learn even one more word in your main learning language. Just needed a change.

Actually, I hadn’t noticed I was working on five. No wonder I always seem to have courses left to do, no matter how much time I put aside for stuff.

Back on topic (sort of), I wonder when the global leaderboard will finally update. Has anyone seen @clex recently?