User-Created Global Leaderboard II

And here is the monthly leaderboard for March, among private_peek’s friends.


I think I’ve been neck-and-neck with @FishSlap for about 3 years.:race_car:

I’m going to be racking up points for a while because I’m taking a couple of weeks to catch up on some neglected watering, but then I’ll be back to “slow and steady” progress! I’m also going to create a course to teach the proper use of Y and En, so you’ll probably pull ahead of me in points while I’m doing that.

I have to say sorry for the delay, I’ll post the next leaderboard in a couple of days, probably saturday


Hi @FishSlap, I’m looking forward to your new course distinguishing Y and En - a real bug-bear of mine. Merci beaucoup.

private-peek’s all time Top-264 as of Apr 15 11:30 am UTC. Accounts with the ratio points/words = 5000 or less have been included. If you can add any names into this list, please let me know.


Thanks so much!

it’s going to take a looong time for me to get in that top

do you mean only people with less than 5000 words can be on it? if that is not so, you have missed out Vsuzie, she has 151,000,000 energy points —>

No - it means < 5,000 points per word. So for this user, to be eligible they would need to have fewer than ~45,000,000 points. They likely re-started courses to get more points, or did some other form of behavior which is not construed as learning. The difference between a user which doesn’t overuse the review/course re-start functionality and one like that is quite easy to see. If you notice by comparison I have learned 2X as many words as this person, but have 1/6 the points. Granted, if you stop learning new words and just review, your proportion of points/word will increase.

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This problem could easily be resolved by Memrise by putting a damper on the scores for previousy learned words.

why should they do that? we’re here to learn, not to collect points, so the points as such are not important, they’re only a way to measure our progress, if somebody cheats with it, he cheats himself


ah, ok :slight_smile: thanks for telling me!

They should do that because the points are used as motivation. Otherwise they can just as well get rid of the points system and only show words learned.

Hey @ApolloNexus, I’m not familiar with the term “energy points”. Can you please fill me in?

sorry : D should just be points : P I am thinking of something else :smile:

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I personally like the current system. Because if we create arbitrary cut-offs for points per word, won’t some people stop learning particular words before they actually know them? Some “words” on Memrise are much, much harder to internalize than others. For example, in Chinese, 4 character idioms where you are forced to type Chinese with an English prompt is much more arduous than one of those multiple choice courses. It may take much longer on average to learn those words, or to retain them. So, why should there be a line drawn in the sand for this? So be it if a few people cheat the system, it’s truly their loss not ours.

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Well, they should give less points for multiple choice questions, that’s quite obvious I think.

multiple choice questions are great for kanji, kanji are difficult to type, technical problem

also: it is you who decides who’s on your leaderboard, if you think they get points to easily, stop following them
it doesn’t make any difference for the course leaderbord
and there’s no global leaderbord, so that doesn’t matter either

the 1st spot on my leaderboard is firmly in hands of an overloard, if i would really be annoyed by the fact i can’t keep up with her, i would simply kick her out

the real problem is that almost nobody uses the full course creating possibilities of memrise, most stick to using it for excercises or simply flash cards

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private-peek’s all time Top-288 as of April 30 12:30 pm UTC. Accounts with the ratio points/words = 5000 or less have been included. If you can add any names into this list, please let me know.