Troubles with course creating

At the moment I’m trying to create my first course on Memrise and have encountered with some problems.

  1. I’ve occasionally added one phrase that was not meant to be in the course. It was a phrase from somebody else’s course, it appeared in that section in which you are placing words and which automatically suggesting translation afterwards. This phrase is showing up every now and then in the answers despite its elimination. Is it possible to delete it for good and never see again?

  2. The very similar problem. One word was added twice, and notwithstanding that its copy was deleted later, this word appears as a twin in the flash cards. Looks like it somehow was saved in the course. Do you know what to do?

  3. There’s such thing as synonyms, I’m sure you all are aware of them. These synonyms are very hard to distinguish when they are showing up all at once. Is there a way to prevent it?

I’d be grateful for any help and tips.

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1 + 2 : I assume you deleted those entries from the database and not from the levels (deleting an item in a level leaves the item in the database). If so, use neoncube’s script, i’ve used with no prob, but! not for courses with more than 1000 items (does not really start with anything more than that, and neoncube is not using memrise that much nowadays; [Userscript] Attempt to Eliminate Phantom Entries)

3: introduce some disambiguation methods/hints: for example :

house (2, not 房子, 屋子 etcetc) or house (f), 2 for number of characters, f as being the first letter, or some other methods. Or introduce all synonyms as visible/invisible alts

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There are some bugs with course creation as you’ve found. Getting rid of phantom entries even when they are deleted from the database is difficult/impossible these days without trying a user script.

Don’t delete mistake entries - edit them to something you do want on the course.

Adding your entries to a ‘test course’ and then when you are ready and happy with the content transfer it to a new ‘clean course’ is a bit of a faff but is worth it long term IMO.

Many ways to try to deal with synonyms. It depends on your circumstances. The disambiguation method as hydrodroptere suggests is one easy way. You can create more than one database, words for the multiple choice will only be drawn from one database at a time, so that can work - only one database can be used per level though!

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Just FYI, @Hydroptere, the phantom entries and replace comma scripts should still work on courses with lots of items – just expect your browser to freeze for a while. I’ve run the scripts on DrewSSP’s HSK 6 course and other large courses; it just takes a long time. (At least on my computer)

it always froze until now, but good to know, i’ll set the script running on other laptop :rofl:. Danke

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@Hydroptere and @leggi, thank you, guys!

I’ve installed Tampermonkey and run the script. Seems like the issue number one is resolved, but the second problem is still on.

As for synonyms, I’ll try to think something out. It’s a shame there’s no option to exclude simultaneous appearance of some words.

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For problem #2, try going into your database and seeing if words you’re seeing duplicates of have two entries there. Deleting an entry from a level doesn’t delete it from the database, which can lead to issues.

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