The page you are trying to get to doesn't exist

does anyone know about this error on the page of some courses:

The page you are trying to get to doesn’t exist.

I saw it on different GRE courses like “barron’s 800 essential words list” and “barron’s 3800 GRE words with sentences”
these are the links for these courses:

I also want to know that is it possible that this problem occur to other courses.

Have not seen that so far with any of the course I take.

unfortunately i’ve seen it on many courses and i don’t realize why this happened!
i don’t know if is it related to “” and its issues cause this problem arouses within this month.

Are you seeing this issue on any courses that don’t have “Barron’s” in the name?

No! “kaplan’s root list-GRE”

Hi :slight_smile:

I don’t know if there are other causes for this problem, but one of them is when the creator of the course deletes his course.

See an example in another post:

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it seems a little wired that different creators delete their courses together and another problem is that i can’t find out who is the creator of these courses. Thanks for your help cause i learnt here that i can contact memrise support. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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is there a possibility that you contact the creators of these courses or find out what the problem is?
“kaplan’s root list-GRE”, “barron’s 800 essential words list” and “barron’s 3800 GRE words with sentences”
these are the links for these courses: ](


Thanks for getting in touch.

Unfortunately these courses have been deleted due to copyright infringement.

Please note that courses containing copyrighted material are not allowed on Memrise. If a course has been reported as infringing on someone’s copyright, we will remove the course in question.

Please see our terms of use for more information: - section 8, Posting Information and User Content.

I hope this clears any confusion. Please understand that we can’t disclose any further details regarding this.

We apologies for the inconvenience.

Best wishes,
Memrise team