The difference is that a criticism of a business for its objective practices, by veteran customers of that business, and in a thread specifically about that business’s practices, is entirely appropriate, and in keeping with the terms of services of this site.
But that’s not what this guy did. He made an uncalled for slur against one particular religion, which was totally unrelated to the subject of languages. This wasn’t in a thread that was debating the merits of religions in general, or Christianity in particular, where the identical comment might have been appropriate. His comment was totally inappropriate, and indefensible in the context of his post, and contrary to the high-minded terms of service of Memrise which state that the following “inappropriate content” is prohibited:
Content that is offensive, indecent, objectionable, tasteless, harmful, hateful, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inflammatory, harassing, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, invasive of privacy, or publicity or human or personal rights, or any content that is racially, ethically , sexually, politically or otherwise humanly unacceptable;
How is his totally irrelevant and false blanket statement that Christianity is for “repeated practice but without understanding,” not considered tasteless, offensive, defamatory, inflammatory, ethically, and otherwise unacceptable, in the context of his first post in a language forum?
If we are allowed to go off on tangents, and make irrelevant slurs on people’s religions, ethnicity, nationality, sex, age or disability, then Memrise should come out and say so, and modify its terms of service accordingly.