Tapping Test - Words are joined together causing answer to be marked as incorrect

Hi, we are aware of this issue. We are working on a fix for this bug.

In trying to “learn new words”, I cannot get beyond “Wir sind in ein abgelegenes Dorf gefahren”.
The reshuffled sentence is marked wrong and blocks the progression.

You can add the sentence and any other troubling sentences you encounter to your ignore word list, until this bug has been fixed.

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Thanks Joshua! I hadn’t noticed that way of getting past the obstacle. :slight_smile: Too concentrated on learning German to explore all the technical tricks. :wink:

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I’m having the same issue in Russian 7 - I’ve been ignoring the phrases, but this isn’t ideal as it’s happening for a lot of them! Should I create a new thread for this, as it’s for a different course…?

We are aware of this issue and are still working on it.

Hi, i was learning french course 5 level 20 , and found a mistake. The fact is that i can’t finish this level, because whether i put words into correct order, it shows that i have a mistake. I added a screenshot.
Please check it, and fix it
Thank you!

@grizlikot I moved your post here. This has been highlighted before.

In the “Russian 3” course, Level 3 (“Retail Therapy”), there’s a very annoying problem. It keeps offering me the last sentence, “вон тот вообще-то больше”, with the “pick the words in the right order” interface. Following previous examples, the site is expecting:

[вон] [тот] [вообще-то] [больше]

but “тот вообще-то” come in a single block, making the only option:

[вон] [тот вообще-то] [больше]

and this is graded wrong every single time. Please fix!

A2 German word order exercises aren’t working (right now in level 16 but it’s happened previously), One of the ‘words’ is two words together, and although you can put it together in the right order, it’s marked wrong. Hard to get screen shot because it goes straight to the correct answer. One example:

‘Sohn ist’

In which case ‘Sohn ist’ together on one ‘word’. I put them together in the order above, which is correct, but it’s marked wrong.

The same is happening with sentence after sentence, and it just keeps giving the me same malfunctioning sentences over and over again, making it unusable.

Have you tried logging off and on again? Clearing cache? If the problem persists after that, then the old bug is back. If not it’s lucky they got rid of it.

I moved your post to bug section because it’s not about language but a technical issues. I hope it’s ok @ElHeim

Thanks, good suggestion. I tried it just now, but still the same.

Hi. I get an error message even though I click on the right letters. It’s in the Advanced English (C1, C2) course.
The troublesome word “Mergers and acquisitions” = M&A.
Screenshot attached.


I moved your post to bring it closer to the right subject. Seems to be some bugs at the moment with tapping tests. I think you’re in the right place. Thank you for your feedback.

Thanks @Atikker. I was not sure about were to fill it, because it doesn’t really look like a bug on the application, but on the course itself.

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Found a new one today. “Russian 3”, Level 4 (“Found in Space”). The problematic sentence is “можно задать вопрос?” In this case, “задать вопрос” comes out in a single block.

Thank you for your patience while this was resolved, and apologies for the inconveniences it caused. Words previously conjoined are now separated and answers containing special characters such as &, / and full stops will now be marked as correct.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Double spaces in item causes answers to be marked as wrong

Tapping tests are especially broken with Chinese sentences.
No matter what I do, its either always wrong or tapping test is not an option.

How I tried adjusting Chinese sentences - and the results:
:diamonds: Removed punctuation - all answers incorrect
:diamonds: Removed double spaces - all answers incorrect
:diamonds: Allowed only one space in the sentence (你好 小姐) - all answers incorrect
:diamonds: Removed all spaces in sentence (你好小姐)- there are no tapping tests given

If this can be fixed it will be greatly appreciated

Below: Tapping test answer vs the original answer

Thank you~