Apologies if this has been already covered, but been having this issue in the 5000 German Words (ordered by frequency) course whereby the correct answers are being marked as incorrect.
I thought this was fixed last month, but seems to have resurfaced…
Please also specify which version of Memrise you are using (ie, web version or one of the mobile app versions).
I don’t think that any new issues have arisen in the last few weeks (apart from changes to the way the Tapping tests are being handled on the web version), but you may have an encountered a content-related issue.
I am having the same issue. I am using the web app, and for tapping tests that contain the characters ‘-’ or ‘,’ or ‘"’, it marks them as wrong even when the order is right.
I think that the problem is the comma in the content, which is not compatible with the latest version of the Memrise tapping test. The commas, used as separators from the plural, need to be changed to semi-colons.
I’ve been having exactly the same problem since 4 days ago with the extrict version.
I am using the web app and tryed it in Safari v10.0.1 as well as Firefox v50.1.0 and have cleaned the cookies etc.
I am sure that the problem is not with the comma, this happens in all my French courses, all of them strict testing type, in approximately every second tapping test, most of them does not have a comma. It seems random when the bug occurs (I found no consistency with special characters like commas, or length or anything). It seems like a bug, someone was complaining about the same issue with a Japanese course in the forum. I use the web version, Chrome browser. I experienced this first 3 days ago, same problem was still there today.
I hope there will be a solution soon.
It may have to do with capitals as well as punctuation? Here’s a list of things that people have had marked wrong in this thread:
Things marked correct:
Every thing marked incorrect has either a non-alpha character or a capital letter, while none of the things marked as correct do. It’s a small sample, but it’s something to start with.
Hello, I think, you could add another meaning for word “vorstellen”. As far as I’m concerned it could be both “introduce” and “imagine”. And maybe change the word in Germany to “(sich) vorstellen”?
What do you think?
Ich stelle mich vor = I introduce myself
Ich stelle mir etwas vor = I imagine something.