System Not Recognizing Lack of Accents

This is just a little pet peeve of mine at the moment but I was wondering if there would eventually be a fix to the memrise system where it would fault me for forgetting to put the correct accents in my words and make me go back through them again because as of right now, I can pretty much freely go on my way even if I forget to put in the correct accents for the words. This, of course, is leading to me remember the words wrong and thus writing them wrong and so I’d thought I’d just throw that out there.

-Cheers, Vuski

The creator of the course can choose between ‘marking answers strictly’ and not. The first one forces user to type the exact answer, i.e. with all the spaces, accents, commas, dots, capitalizations. The second one ignores accents, allows user to type only part of the answer (e.x. abc; efg; ijk - you can type one of those three and the answer will be accepted).


That’s not quite true. With non-strict typing, you can omit all of the accents, and that won’t cause your answer to be marked wrong. But if you include any accents in the answer, then all accents must be correct.

For example, say the right answer is élève (French for elementary school student/pupil).

If the course is strict typing, you must answer exactly, “élève”

If the course is non-strict typing (as most courses are), then “eleve” is marked right. “élève” is also marked right. However, “éleve” would be marked wrong. “éléve” would be marked wrong. “elevë” would be marked wrong.

You can either omit all accents, or you have to get the accents exactly right. That is not the same as “ignores accents”.

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After a review session, there is a page to look at all the words from that session. I try to skim through that list for any accents I forgot to enter. Then I copy those words a few times by hand.


You can set up Memrise so that it does not accept an answer lacking accents or with the wrong accent etc… as long as you have set it up that way to start with.
To do so, when typing your vocab list (= when making the course), click on the language in bold at the top of the left hand side column (eg French or Spanish) and a window will appear. In the window, choose the “testing” tab and then tick on “Mark typing strictly”. Be aware that this will also make it capital letters sensitive. Click on save to close the window, and again on save to close your vocab list and that is done. I discovered this completely by accident and wished that Memrise made some of their very helpful features more obvious.
Hope that helps, I have been acing my Spanish accents since! :slight_smile:
PS: of course, you CANNOT do this on a course that you have not created yourself as you are not allowed to edit someone’ else course.

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Salut ! I have only just discovered this in a course I am doing which does not require strict typing. I mistakenly typed « un esprit » as « un ésprit » and it was marked wrong. Although I would prefer strict typing to be set, this is better than nothing, I guess.


Hi, I have the same problem with Spanish.
However, though it is mentioned here that you can set it up as “mark strictly”, that doesn’t really solve the problem as “mark strictly” is a tad too strictly if you ask me.
If I want the word to show me three different definitions, for example, then it would ask me to write everything down in the same order including commas. That’s not exactly a good option either but the non-strict typing created false corrects and you’ll learn the words incorrectly if you forget the accent once or twice and it never corrects you.

So this is still a fault in the system.

Thank you.