Suggestions for updates for memrise

A lot of people seem to dissagree with the updates memrise brings out, but I think memrise is trying to focus on a younger generation. And I don’t think there are a lot of young people active here so thats probably why they don’t really talk a lot with us and keep changing things. This is becoming a bit of a problem for the original users, so lets try to find a solution for both Memrise and the users :slight_smile:.

What I think is maybe they could make a different version of memrise only for pro-users, with that I mean a version with all the old features memrise deleted and with the original flower planting and watering idea. As a pro-user you could of course choose between the versions you want but v1 will be the version memrise now works on and v2 will be a version for pro only. I think memrise and the community could make a lot of profit of this idea because memrise will probably have some more pro subscribers which means more money for them and more money to expand, for the community I think it would be profitable because memrise doesn’t want to lose pro subscribers because they are a main income for them. So if there would be a special community just for pro they would sooner listen to them and probably try to improve memrise for them.

This would offer also some new reasons to buy pro because you instantly have acces to a whole other way of learning on memrise. I am not a pro subscriber but if this would be a feature I would surely buy pro :slight_smile:. I think it has some extra benefits like if v2 would just be for pro there would be less people try to set up ways to get free points or other stuff, this is because I wouldn’t pay just to get something I can’t use.

Of course it will have probably some downsides but if memrise chooses to look more into this plan they will sure find a solution.

Feel free to post your comments and/or some other suggestions, but keep in mind I didn’t set up this topic to critisize memrise on what they are doing wrong, but to give suggestions on what they could do better :slight_smile:.


to buy pro in order to be compelled to learn as an alleged “majority” would want? You forget that the main issue is web users “vs.” app user, as 90% of all clients use the app, the team can “abuse” the web users as they find appropriate to. I would like (?!) to be able to use at least my own courses as I find myself appropriate, not some other person to tell me how to learn in them…

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I understand about the the courses but app or no app, some people just don’t like the new updates memrise brings out and I want to find a solution so memrise and the users are happy and I believe that 2 versions of memrise can work if there is enough effort put into this plan. Maybe there is a smaller group of people who actualy want this but memrise now focuses on very young people, like around 8-10 years or something like that I think but from all these people only a few will keep doing memrise but will sometime outgrow the system, then there will be v2 which will focus more on learning for adults. And the ones who are willing to pay for v2 are mostly frequent users so they will probably keep doing memrise for years

(My English isn’t the best in the world :slight_smile: so maybe I won’t always clearly understand what point you want to make)

Hi (Ciao/ Hola) @L.u.c.a,

You may like to explore around these existing threads: [Site Feedback] Memrise Improvements Suggestions (Users)

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