Strict typing days over?

Hi everyone - come back to Memrise after a few years away. I used to do a very good German course that was strictly typing only. Now - despite trying out various options in the settings - I can’t seem to be able to go back to only being able to type in answers. is there a way round this? I don’t really want to using Memrise if most of the words are going to be presented via multiple choice (having same problem on a Latin course as well). Thanks!

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Hi @ryankemp92 and welcome back,

It sounds like you may have the Memrise Beta version settings turned on. Untick the “Beta” box on the first page of your settings and turn off “Memrise Labs” in your learning settings, That should take you back to a more familiar version of Memrise. Your learning will be saved and you can switch back to Beta later if you want to. If necessary, having turned Beta off, you can add Cooljingle’s “All Typing” script. The scripts don’t function on Beta.

Hope that helps. Good luck!


Thanks for your quick reply! I did have both turned off already and it didn’t make any difference. Do you happen to have a link to that All Typing Script? I wasn’t sure whether it worked still with the current version of Memrise (even with those settings turned off)? Thanks!

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Yes, I have Beta turned off so that I can use the All Typing script. Here’s the link:

And here’s a link to the others - [wiki] All the Userscripts


thanks very much!

I remember that @MemriseSupport has expressed somewhere that they may add an option in Beta for us to do all-typing tests.