Streak progress not showing

Where there had previously been a long horizontal striped line counter (it should be between 38 words in LTM and the review/learn buttons), telling me how many points I’d gotten that day to count towards my streak or if I’d gotten enough to count for that day, I’m now seeing nothing. It’s rather worrying because then I’m not sure if I’ve done enough for my streak to continue.

hi! have you accidentally turned off your daily streak while changing the amount of energy points you have to get? if not you might want to talk to one of the memrise team like @lien or @Joshua

P.s: I like your tab thing at the top :smile:

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@ApolloNexus I seem to have done something to my learning style/pace, although I don’t remember doing anything of the sort! Problem solved! Thanks for the help and the compliment :smiley:

Huh. Just went to do some reviews, having made sure my learning style was set to ‘standard’ instead of ‘custom’ (although, thinking about it, it should show up regardless), and the bar still isn’t showing up. I also can’t find anywhere to adjust how many points to get in a day. Oh dear.

Edit: I figured out that you can change how many points to earn in a day from the dashboard, which is all fine and well… unless your course isn’t showing on the dashboard. Please, @lien @Joshua , help would be dearly appreciated!

hmm, does it show on your dashboard could you (maybe) post a screenshot of it?

Could you please try again?

You should now have the ability to edit your daily goal.