Streak error on Android

Lost another 60+ streak. :+1:

Logged in to see a conspicuous 0 staring at me this morning, so I closed the app and reloaded it. The streak then went from the 0 to 1 day streak without ever doing a lesson.

It’s a joke.

I can add that observed a new problem last Saturday when I was “quickly” doing my streak-courses. That is, when I don’t have much time I tend to only do the repetitions up to ~2000 points for courses with a 5min daily goal (which is my goal for all active courses) on my mobile.
Back then, I noticed that even though I reached/exceeded my goal within a single repetition session, the system didn’t acknowledge that by filling out the circle. I had do start a second session where I answered 2 or 3 questions and then stopped the session. Getting back from there the system acknowledged the streak.
I rarely do those quick sessions so I haven’t yet seen this again, but it happened across a whole bunch of courses. There is a chance though that this was connected to a slow and laggy internet connection.

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I wish this woud be fixed already, I los a streak again yesterday.
Alternatively it would be lovely if there was an option not to see streaks at all, because working owards keeping them no matter how busy or tired you are, and then losing them for a bug is beyond irritating. And the counter is made even more useless by the fact that the counter is still broken as well, and has been for a long time (I have 5 words as a goal but I always need at least 10).

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Is that an iOS thing? I only know about a [x] minutes daily goal.

You can set a daily goal of 5, 15 or 30 words per day on both versions of the app. On Android, tap the course title and then the space rocket (alternatively, on some course home screens, you can seen the purple rocket icon towards the top right corner).

Gee, you’re right! Obviously I’ve never changed that setting in the app. On the Web it’s minutes and in the app it’s words. Does make sense, doesn’t it! :lying_face:

No, not really. I don’t usually set targets but I just tried it on android. It was a little odd because I set the target for 5 words but my planting cycle took me through 7.

Life is so full of inconsistencies! :yum:


again it happened that streak got lost.
since months I’m waiting for a restore for three courses. I guess solution is still not in place but I really request to finally get the restore. It was a general service to get it and it should first stop when a new solution is in place. so please reset the following courses to the day count as bellow from the today date. June 12th 2019
Russian course 1, 2 and 4 to 245 days
Russian course 6 to 238 days
Russian course 7 to 226 days

thank you

@MemriseMatty, any plans in sight for this bug to be fixed on a permanent base?

And are we going to get eventually our lost streaks back or is this a lost cause?

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I got the following feedback using the help in app:


We do understand that losing your Streak can be demotivating, however as confirmed in our previous emails, unfortunately we are not resetting Streaks at this time.

We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.

Now I’m again waiting for feedback
Did write the following:
the point is that the app is sometimes not working correctly.
Your users (customers) have to check several times if it was counted, see also statements in the forum. I understand that you want to have a new solution but this is not helping your customers. Even so we do not get any information. I first asked in January and still the statement is 2019. But when.
I have been working for years in service and we never stopped providing something before a new solution was available.
This is why I recommend you to keep the old service running and satisfy your customers before you going to lose more and more.
thank you


It’s been eight months, clearly this issue and our broken streaks are not a priority.

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Last year I lost over 600days strike. They didn’t even care to reply to my request to restore it. I’m losing my strikes over and over again on multiple courses, it’s really upseting as strike is quite a good motivation

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Hi jamie16 (and all the others)
we are currently working on improving streaks reliability. I fully understand that this is a key feature you use and that using has been very frustrating for some time. We are working hard to change that and expect to be able to deliver some changes to it soon. I also understand that we have not been very responsive but we are trying to change that. Genuine apologies for all the inconveniences.


Are there any news now ?
Unfortunately it is very frustrating to wait that long for getting a solution.
I’m already waiting more than a year to get my streaks restored.
It still feels strange that memrise did shut down the service for delivering restored before having the new solution running. I have for years been working in service and it was never acceptable to do sometimes like that.



We are on the last phases of these improvements. It should not take much longer now. When they are out in the next few weeks and we have verified that everything is alright, we will proceed to do it. I am again very sorry this has taken that long.

Thank you for your patience again


While doing my japanese after 10pm I suddenly lost my daily streak on 10 of my courses for no apparent reason.