Streak error on Android

Same thing. Something wrong is going in last few weeks. I do my exercise in the morning, I see that it’s completed. Next morning I find out that my streak is broken… It happened at least three-four times. So, in fact I did not miss a single day in my French 5000 course since November 2017, but my streak now is 7. Today it almost happened again - I have completed the daily task of 6000 points before 7:30 in the morning. At noon I opened the app and checked out the the mission of completed for today. It was OK. Then I checked it again at 21:00 and voila: it showed that I did not finish my task for today. Please fix this behavior. Thank you in advance.

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I can provide even more info about this bug. Today I reproduced it:
a) performed the daily quota. Got “V”.
b) closed, opened memrise app, still see the “V”
c) performed “Forced stop” of the memrise app
d) opened memrise app, see no “V” anymore, one exercise is missing.

So, it seems that you don’t actually save the last status until… ???
if the Android OS stops the app for its own reasons or if a user stops the app using the “forced stop”, then the last result is gone.

Hope it helps.

Forgot to specify:
Samsung S8+
Android 8.0.0
Memrise app 2.94_6875_memrise

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Is there any way to flag that we’ve lost streaks because of this bug? I requested a streak reset back at the end of September when it first flared up (when I thought it was just a sync issue with offline mode) and haven’t got it, even though it’s been more than 7 days. I presume this is because I hadn’t actually met the daily target according to your records, but it doesn’t seem very fair.


Well, it’s getting more and more annoying.
Yesterday I did my quota twice: first in the afternoon, verified in the evening - some points are missing, did it again. Today my streak is lost. Seriously?
OK, I did my today’s quota 30 mins ago on my phone, now I am looking at the web page, what I see: Today: 4888/ 6000 pts

Guys, are you going to fix this bug?



I have screenshot here.

For programmer: This error is not dependent on the type of tablet or phone or course type (see other posts). The system appears to write a negative value to a user’s STREAK account when a user is logged out of the system. Unfortunately, this is not a regular error (ie one that happens always), so it will be more difficult to discover and correct it.

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Can we have an update if the problem will be solved soon.

And are we getting our lost streaks back.

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Happened to me twice this year. I do have the feeling that this happened when I only did the minimum amount to achieve the daily goal (5 mins for all here). Usually I’ll do quite a lot more than that, but if I’m busy I might do the minimum to keep the streak.
FWIW, I have been doing 7 courses each and every day for more than a year now, with some (!) streaks lost twice. It’s been only a few of the courses where the streak got lost, with others being just fine, so I assume that the app (Android here, tablet and phone) might show you that you have reached your streak when you actually hadn’t.


Hopefully you’ve already gotten a reply to this, but i’ve gotten the same situation (prob because of last update) cause I was fine before and I was on 260+ streak and lost it all and used this link to get it back, however this problem is reoccurring and will just cause me to lose my streak again. Hopefully the problem gets fixed soon!

Did your streak actually restore after that link though? I requested it twice for the three highest streak courses I lost and it hasn’t been actioned.

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I have not gotten a reply so far. And my lost streaks are still lost. :cry:

I just saw that there is an update for Androids brought out today. Hopefully that fixes the lost streak issue and we don’t have to watch our streaks like a hawk.

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They didn’t fix anything. New bugs arrived…

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It worked the first time I had done it but now that it’s happening more frequently for me on all my courses, it’s not been reset yet and i’ve just given up doing it :persevere:

The same thing is happening to me, it’s been going on for almost a month now. Lost my 363 day streak on a Korean course and an over 100 day streak on my Spanish course. Sent in bug report, and various streak reports, the streak keeps disappearing. The latest occurrence is here:

These both happened a day apart. Is there any hope for getting our streaks back, or no?

That’s frustrating. Besides the need to have this bug fixed, for now you can get your streak back here: How to restore your Streak

I now hope that the area of bugs-fixed will emerge soon.

I wouldn’t hold your breath on getting your streak back - I lost a c.300, c.200 and c.100 day streak because of this error and repeatedly asking for them back by that form has done nothing. (Not that I’m bitter or anything. #blatantlies)

I lost my 870+ and 650+ day streak. I filled that google form every week 3 times and nothing. I’m continue losing my streak day after day. Cmon guys, what the phuck? May be you need stop playing with icons and fonts in app and focusing on real problems?
Before 870+ streak i lost my 350 or 400 streak, it was 3-4 years ago.