Speedreview doesn't work with the Numeric keypad ever since the UI update a few weeks/months back

Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.

  • Description of the issue: Please describe the issue in detail. e.g. do you see an error message? What is the issue preventing you from doing do? What should be the expected behaviour? Does this happen only on certain courses, levels, items, learning modes or devices?

I used to use the number keypad to answer speedreview faster. Now I can only use the arrow keys, or the numbers on the top row of the qwerty keyboard.

  • Your device and browser details
    Ubuntu 20.04
    keyboard: Microsoft ergonomic keyboard 4000

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Start speedreview (make sure num lock is on so you can use the keypad).
  2. Press numbers to select the correct answer (nothing happens)
  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

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