Speed review now limited?

I’m currently using Memrise to learn German and I love it! The app is great for review and for moments I feeling a bit bored or unmotivated with other ways of studying. The feature I use the most is the speed review, prior to the update it would simply keep going until you lost all of your hearts or ran out of words in the review. (150 usually.) Now it is capping out at 20 or so. I’ve checked the settings and set the word review as high as I could to no avail. This could completely be fault on my part with user error. I’m curious if this may be true and if so how I can remedy or if the speed review was limited / changed in some manner in the latest update. Thanks y’all! Love the app.

Hi @levijamesharvey1963 :slight_smile:

There is already a topic about the changes.

For example, see JBorrego’s post:

Link to learning settings: https://www.memrise.com/settings/learning/


Hey sorry it took us a little longer but we have now added a setting for you to configure speed review items up to 150. You should be able to download it from Google Play in the next hours/days.