[Solved] Shō-san/翔さん typing problem

[SOLVED] Two solutions for the 翔 Mozc input:
- Type “kakeru”, as it gives 翔
- Type “shousan”, as it givesしょうさん and then 翔さん


I’m new here. Thank you for all the work put in the community and on the main website. I took the Japanese 1 course after I learned the hiragana and katakana systems by myself. Obviously, I am not familiar with kanji yet.

I installed a japanese keyboard on my computer (ibus with the Mozc input method). It is effective as it allows you to type in and select the sign you are looking for switching between hiragana, katakana and kanji. For example, I type genki and it converts to げんき and then to 元気.

In the level 6 “I come in peace”, there is an introduction to the name Shō followed by the polite address san. So far, so good. Yet, the correct kanji which is 翔 is not accessible through しょう. I looked online and discovered it was a Jinmeiyō kanji specifically used for names. I also found that it has other readings such as zō or kakeru. I tried them but I could not find 翔. Maybe, there is another combination to type so as to get the sign but I cannot find it. For example, I type ha for は even though it is pronounced wa.

Can you help me? Thank you for your consideration.

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hi @mialino!
there is a special course forum thread for all memrise official japanese courses

would it be ok, if I moved your post there, so the japanese specialist can look into it?

Yes, I did not realize there was this thread.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise