[Site Feedback] There Is No Point in a New Forum Unless It Is Promoted

There doesn’t seem to be a response at present although many of us “regulars” have drawn this request (for increased publicity) to their attention from time to time.

May I suggest you explore the various forum categories, including the “Course Creators’ Corner” and “like” some of the comments you read. They may answer some of your questions.

If you haven’t found this thread, this one will give you a lot of information and lead you on to others. Click here to find out about how we are managing the loss of “Course Forums”.

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This continues to be an issue - with only 2,900 users having found their way to this new forum - and the suggestion made by @Kaimi near the top of this thread would be an easy way of solving it. However, we know from what we have been told that Memrise have no plans to develop the website, so I’m not ‘holding my breath’. In the meantime, in addition to including the url of my course forums in the details area of my courses, I have now added the words “YOU CAN ALSO GET THERE VIA THE “FORUMS” LINK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE”. Every little bit helps…

The route to the Forum from the IOS App appears to be even more tortuous! Unless I am missing something, you have to navigate through: ‘settings’ and then --> ‘feedback & support’ (which takes you to the Knowledge Base, where you look without success for any reference to the forum), then, in desperation, you try --> ‘Memrise’ (which you almost need a magnifying glass to see at the bottom of the page) - this takes you to the website homepage (!), from where you can scroll down to -->‘Forums’, which brings you here - but I expect many people will have given up long before this.*

I would like to be able to add a mention of the forum in my course details area on the App, but can’t find any way to edit that area. Does anyone know if that’s possible for course creators?

*Edit - The alternative - but equally tortuous route in the IOS App - is: ‘settings’ --> ‘feedback & support’ --> ‘social’ --> ‘chat with other users or send a message to others’ (and then scroll down to find a link to: --> "Community Forum’s Language Quarters’.


Do you mean this?

You can change it-> edit course → details-> short description


Hi Ann,

Thanks! I think it’s because I have the iOS App. Looking in the website’s FAQs --> iOS App --> Things you can’t do in the iOS App, it says you cannot create mems or courses. You have to do it in the website and it should then sync across to the mobile device. I guess that means you cannot edit in the iOS App either. Although the screen on my iPad looks similar to your first screenshot above (but not identical), with the same 4 buttons (rocket, download, activities and trashcan), I can’t find ‘edit course’ or a route to it anywhere.

The edits I made on the website earlier have not yet synced across yet. I’ll leave it for a day or so and see what happens.

Thanks again
:confounded: :head_bandage:

Hi Alan!
You can’t edit on Android also. You have to go via browser and do the editing there. And then you have to do the out-in logging thing also

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Thanks Ann!


You beat me to it @Atikker .

Do you mean this? . . .
You can change it -> edit course -> details-> short description . . .
You have to go via browser and do the editing there.

That area appeared some time ago (after creating or contributing to a lot of my courses) [PS 2015 I am told] and I have been meaning to go back and fill in that field.

I would like to be able to add a mention of the forum in my course details area on the App,

Good idea @alanh to also plug this forum at the same time :slight_smile:

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you might be doing too many courses

I believe, that to some standards I ma be doing too many of them. However as long, as I do manage them :slight_smile: and I am making progress, who cares? I am learning 4 languages every day, sharpening one other, learning other two occasionally and learning some chemistry, coding and whatsoever… sure, that is not a little,

Excellent ideas lets hope they work on it soon, I would like to use forums often but sifting through them to find something relevant to what I am thinking is like looking for a small screw in a saw pit full of saw dust.