[Site Feedback] [Suggestion] Typing Timers: Too Fast

Hello, is there any way to change the speed of the timer (like 1.5, 2.0 longer) via third party scripts or in settings.

Particularly when doing typing exercises. Learning a language and new script is no easy task, and typing fairly long stringing sentences with perfect spelling in 25 or so seconds is very difficult (I am above average in typing speed, imagine those who are less computer literate and speedy, it is even more difficult.)

I sort of get that it pressures one to provide typing real-time quickly as if one is in a conversation, but it is personally de-motivating to come back in a day, and make 4-5 errors just on speed alone learning a different language with different script on level 1.

Realistically speaking, languages like korean and arabic take 3-5 times longer than European languages to learn for an English speaker, and thus, it is expected (in my opinion) that writing and typing exercises should give more leeway with timing typing for these languages.

It is just a personal opinion, does anyone have any suggestions other than bearing with it- settings wise, third party settings support, or personal suggestions?

If you’d like, there is a script for fully disabling the timer:


However I myself have never tried it, so I won’t be of much assistance on how to use it.


The Memrise Timer Disabler script is great!!

If you’re using Chrome, install the add-on TamperMonkey. If you’re using Firefox, install GreaseMonkey. Then click the link in RyouBakura’s post and follow the installation instructions.

I believe the current version of MemriseTurbo also disables the timer.