[Site Feedback] Suggestion for how to post about specific courses

Since memrise is planning to shut down the course forums (the forum each course has to itself) without providing any replacement, people are going to start making posts here that are only of interest to people using a specific course. These might be problem reports from learners, or announcements from a course maintainer to the people taking their course, for example.

To make it easier to find the posts for the courses you are taking, and see more clearly which posts are for courses you aren’t taking, I’d like to propose a standard practice we can all use for such posts:

  1. If your post is about a specific course, include the course name in [square brackets] in the title. Some courses have very long names so it may be prudent to abbreviate them somewhat, but make the shorter text clear enough that anyone taking that course would still recognize it.

  2. In the text of your initial post, always include a link to the course it’s about on memrise.com. Since some courses have similar titles, seeing something like [Intermediate French Vocabulary] in the subject isn’t always enough, but a link to the exact course makes it clear.

  3. Post in the most appropriate category, of course. But there will be plenty of other courses using the same category, so that by itself is not enough.

For example, here’s a post I made about one of my courses:

Notice that:

  1. I put “[Tropical Coral Reef Fish]” in the subject.

  2. A full URL to the course itself is right there in the post.

  3. It’s posted in the “Natural World” category.

If we all do this, I think it’ll make the mess of combining lots of courses’ discussions into the same place much more manageable.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: To use the [Course Forum] prefix and put all comments about a single course into a single topic or not?