[Site Feedback] Quality of user created mems

I don’t know about the app, but in the web version you can see a little flag in the upper right corner of the mem box (hover mode). Click on that if you want to flag a mem.

Another solution: you can write a message in here, address it to some members of the team - even start a new topic - and mention explicitely the users/usernames (creators of those mems), the courses as well. You can see “under” the mem box, something like “user X / Y years ago”. Open the part with “ago” in a new tab, then you have a better view of the mem and of the user name; the user name is of course “clickable”

Thank you for this. It seems like the app is lacking most of the relevant features for mems - no way to select mems, make them, or flag them. I think I’ll do as you suggest by switching over to the full web version, then I can have a bit more control!

It is possible to just use the web version in Safari on the iPad, although it still doesn’t have the flag function, but it does allow you to make and select mems, so that’s an improvement at least.

Thanks for your help!


What is a robot account (what does it look like, what is it for) ?

I found this topic since I was debating entering a mem I came up with and was wondering if darker subject matter, let alone that which may be offensive, is frowned upon.

The thing is that the more emotionally charged a mem is, the better it will stick, so I will use associations with words that I don’t use in conversation–there are even some I use that I wouldn’t share in a public forum like this so as not to encourage, support, or strengthen various viewpoints.

Anyway, I’m comfortable using anything, but others are clearly not, as such I would suggest that there be an age or ‘safe’ option established under a user’s profile, and when entering a mem you can indicate if it’s safe or not. Of course, we have to rely on users to make sure that mem’s are labelled appropriately since it’d be impractical to expect the site staff to review every submission, but that’s life. Maybe even a ‘safe,’ ‘moderate,’ and ‘uncensored’ scale of options would be advisable.

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I’m not if I’m posting this in the right spot or not, but what is the quickest way to find one of your own Mems which you want to edit?

Hi @Maxine_Downunder,

I’ve never found a really quick way.

If you know the course and level that the word is in, you can use the Preview feature to scroll through that level to the item. If you don’t, there is a really good search method that user meh2 describes in a post dated Sep 28 in this topic: Locate Specific Reviewed Word

Otherwise, it’s a case of going to your Profile page and then scrolling through your list of mems created. As these are listed in order of date created, you may be able to speed the search up a bit by using the page number selector at the bottom of the page, if you know roughly how long ago you created the one you are looking for.

It’s all a bit ‘clunky’, I’m afraid!

Good luck!

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Thanks @alanh, that’s really helpful. I know which course, but not the level. I have spent a lot of time in the past scrolling through looking for Mems - but before I did that again today, thought I ask in the form. Thanks for the link to the older post - great info there also.

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No problem! Hopefully, meh2’s search method should take you to the level page quite quickly then.

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