[Site Feedback] Permutations of word definitions

this is a general feature request, not sure I’ve come to the right place though. It would be good if selecting word definitions in the review sessions would be allowed in any order. It doesn’t really make sense that you have to type them in or select them from the options in exactly the right order to get a pass. E.g. Hebrew Adon means master, lord or sir, but that would give me a fail because I have to enter it exactly as “lord, master, sir”

If they are separated by commas, you should be able to type just one (any) of them and it would be considered correct.

yes sometimes that’s the case, but sometimes I need to enter all of them, in the right order. The commas then indicate which is the last one of the definitions (i.e. the one without comma) but that’s a bit awkward, I think there should be no commas and the definitions should be enterable (if that’s a word!) in any order.

There is no good place for this. Still, we have to make do, and I’ve changed this topic according to this guideline:

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If a course is requiring you to type a series of words in a specific order, that’s a bad course, and the course maintainer should fix it. Usually, though, when there’s a list of alternate words for an answer, the intent is for you to be able to enter any one of them, not all of them in a specific order.

Bad courses will exist, that’s the nature of a crowdsourced platform like this. If there’s no active maintainer fixing problems in the course when you report them, I suggest abandoning that course and taking another.

BTW, I have been slowly making a Hebrew course over the past couple of years, which I invite you to try if you’re learning Hebrew:

In my course you should never have to type a list of meanings in a specific order. If there are multiple possible answers, you can type any one of them. If you run across a problem in my course, post about it in the Hebrew category here and I’ll see your post.