[Site Feedback] I'm now starting to think adding the course-forum TAG is pretty useless

Not a reply directly to you but to this sentiment: I wouldn’t be so sure. All it takes is clicking on a tag, for example at the top of this topic and you can see all the topics that have the same tag. That’s a pretty quick way to browse. Then if you’re a bit curious, you can go to http://community.memrise.com/tags/ to explore more tags.

That isn’t possible. If you want to request tags, look here:

I’m not sure if the Memrise team reads these Site Feedback tagged topics, but I think a good way to deal with this situation would to bring back the direct link between the course pages and the course forums (ie: the forum button that used to be on all the course pages).

The way I suggest doing this is adding a new field in the “Course Details” tab, when you’re editing a course, that allows the course creator to specify the URL for the community.memrise.com topic that they created for their course.