[Site Feedback] Changes to Course Forums - email from Olivia Zavala

@pdao I agree with all that you are saying, I published my courses because they are of a high quality and I want to share, but I just don’t have the time at the moment to go through them all (and too fussy/anally retentive to do a rush job!) even if it’s of benefit to the learners. I have changed my profile description and added the forum address there.

To me, it’s just another thing that Memrise could have done so much better to improve the experience for both learners and creators (their generous content providers at the end of the day!), but I’ve been around long enough to at least know I shouldn’t, yet again, be disappointed with changes, Memrise does as it wants and ignores suggestive feedback from it’s users - those that want Memrise to be as good as it can be!

@DW7 I hope too, but experience says Memrise will just move on to the next aesthetic change.

As @alanh has pointed out elsewhere, the old Course Forums have now gone (presumably inaccessible).

However, the good news is that the “Forum” button on every course is still there and leads to the home-page of this Community.

We wait to see what users make of it and if they find their way to our [Course Forum] threads.


It’d be nice if both the App and the website had clear links to the forum (unlike the small existing one at the bottom of the website).

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the old forums are down

no answer to our concerns from the team. great.


Looks like the language on the Memrise KB about forum posting will also need to be changed regarding the new state of affairs. Here is what it currently still instructs users to do:



Memrise feedback pages open automatically in “Google-German”? in my browser- or what the name of that language might be. In any case, it cannot be “German”. The whole FAQ is one most hilarious? mad? “instructions for use manual” ever :grin:

(" Fragen in Community gestaltet Kurse (wie meinen?): Es tut uns leid zu hören , dass Probleme in der Gemeinschaft geschaffen Kurse mit Ihrem Lernen stören! (wie meinen?) Haben Sie versucht, mit dem Verlauf Schöpfer (loool) in Verbindung zu setzen? Die Mehrheit der Memrise Kurse werden von der Gemeinde gemacht und Ihre Eingabe wird sicherlich den Kurs zu verbessern (???), aber es ist bis zu Schöpfer (who what?), diese Probleme zu beheben. Sobald Sie 50.000 Streckenpunkte (haia!haia!haia!) haben, können Sie sie kontaktieren , indem Sie eine Nachricht auf dem Kurs Forum zu verlassen (die Nachricht , die Sie ihnen auch gemailt werden lassen), und sie werden es mit Aussortieren auszukommen. " HUH? jeeziee creeziee)


I’m really disappointed about the changes to the forum! I put in a lot of time and effort to create detailed descriptions/lessons and now they are all gone without any warning.

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I’m really sorry to hear that @fractal_shadow. A lot of us got the email from MemRise - as you will have seen by this thread but I also know a lot of creators did not.

It is really sad to have lost a lot of good information in those Forums - for all of us.

Probably the safest place for useful information is in multimedia levels in the course - but that won’t help you now, unless you kept a copy.




you made my day!

Sorry but I don’t quite understand what you are saying here. It’s the content of the old-style course forums that have been removed, not your courses themselves. Could you give a bit more detail of what has been lost?

Sure @alanh

The course forum was were I posted detailed descriptions of grammar with lots of examples, stuff that wouldn’t fit in the course itself. I created flowcharts and images to make it as understandable as possible.

I’m disappointed because I put a lot effort into that stuff and now it’s all gone - not the course itself but the stuff from the forum.

I guess others received an e-mail, I unfortunately did not.


OK, got it now thanks.

The only thing I can suggest is that you could try sending in a ‘support request’ form - accessed via the “About” area (in the 3 bars icon at the top right hand corner) - asking if your old course forum is still accessible to them and, if so, whether they could extract and send you the stuff you want.

Probably a ‘long shot’ though.


Appears to be another example of Memrise mgt. doing what they want and not listening or caring what learners or course writers concerns are. We should still have some ability to make comments on a course forum. Maybe Memrise is not really aware of the great amount of anger and frustration that has resulted. Please consider making modifications to allow learners more direct course interaction. The new format basically puts everything together in a big jumble.

Here’s an idea for a QUICK SOLUTION until we get more space (as hoped for) on our Course Forum Descriptions (or wishful thinking, a ‘link field’):

As stated before, I have a ‘top level’ thread to re-direct anyone looking for support from me.

I have now modified my Profile Description to include that thread, so at least if people look for me, they are then sent to a central ‘redirecting’ thread which then leads them to the appropriate subject thread.

It seemed the simplest solution for me to be able to continue to offer support.


I just found out the course forums have been removed. So I’m here to say that I agree that the change seems to be done hastily and not very thoughtfully. It’s not as easy to report mistakes, ask course specific questions or discuss the course all in one single topic. :-1:


I agree with @Leshonim. I’m studying the “Current World Leaders” course and even though the creator updates regularly she seems to have missed out on some changes in the world. There’s no way for me to communicate with the creator as she didn’t create a course specific forum (very few have created one: http://community.memrise.com/c/community-hub/course-reports)

This is quite annoying. The responsibility of improving a course has now become the sole responsibility of the creator and not the community. A step backwards in my humble opinion.


Hi @Zurreal,

Are you a Contributor to that course?

I agree the change has made things harder but re

There’s no way for me to communicate with the Creator as she didn’t create a course specific forum [thread]

If they are on this forum you could PM them and ask them to set one up.

Also any Contributors could attach their names to the thread so they could be involved as well. And they could modify the description to lead to that thread.

That’s the wrong link. This one is better: http://community.memrise.com/tags/course-forum (if you know the category the course is in, it’s quicker to go to that category and then look for the [Course Forum] topics in that).


Thanks for the tip - that works really well! And I agree it’s best to look in the Category.


This discussion, to which I have added, is quite relevant.

We really have a problem now in not being able to contact Creators or Contributors who haven’t appeared on this Forum yet.

It would be really helpful if either PMs worked, even if they haven’t found this area yet, or if we could invite them, somehow - perhaps by contacting @OliviaZavala or @Joshua

Any help would really be appreciated.