Log back in with same account/passwd
Expected result: Same status on courses concerning progress
Currently: Wiped out, you start from zero with all registered courses
THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG AND WOULD RECOMMEND NOBODY TO LOG OUT AND BACK IN. I will also head to the App store and warn any prospective users to purchase this app as it’s not properly maintained and supported.
I found one solution mentioned in another thread so I post it here to help out anyone else stuck in this situation with missing progress. Remove the app, reboot the iOS device, re-install the app and log in.
Looks like they don’t do a good job of keeping the iOS data records in sync with the web site resulting in data corruption on the device. Shows how little testing was done when they upgraded the database schema recently.
Shutting down the app (double click on the home button and swipe the app) before logging in again worked for me. I’ve tested it a few times both on the latest release and the beta.
They have at least confirmed that they are working on a fix for it: