Russian 1 level 11 spelling mistake?

At Level 11 it says, мне нравится …I like … ; I enjoy … but мне нравятся апельсины I like oranges. The first one spelled with an и, but the second one (and some more) with a я. I don’t know which one is the right one, at one point I had to choose between them and the right one was with я which doesn’t make sense.
мне не нравятся яблоки I don’t like apples
мне не нравится … I don’t like … ; I don’t enjoy
Any idea, help please?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

there is already a forum for that:

Sorry, I wasn’t familiar with the topics and threads :slight_smile:

Hi KrisztinaCzirbesz6,

НравИтся - is for a singular (one orange), нравЯтся - plural (oranges). Unfortunately, English does not reflect this distinction, so you will need to keep the singular/plural in mind.

Hope it helps.
Regards, Pasha