Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

*and a very high bar.

This all for me just applies to straight vocab courses, though. I definitely wish I could turn it off for courses focusing on conjugation and declension. There I hate it the most.

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Yep, this is true. Also even if you consider only 3-4 most common uses, in the case of phrases, where there are 3-4 different parts with variable translation, the number of total alternatives easily surpasses 100. It is unreasonable to expect from a course creator to manually enter all of them and do so for every item in the course.

But for such cases, a completely different system is needed, as auto-accept is not of much help either (although it still increases chances of getting things right).

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I am full of multiple, and profound criticisms of the recent changes to Memrise, but I love autoaccept. I have no objection to it being an option, of course. The one change I would make would be to autoaccept all correct answers, and especialy to ignore final spaces, which often mess up autoaccept. But fundamentally, for me, if I try a few things and get it right after a few guesses, it doesn’t feel like cheating. If it does for you, then that is a very good reason for it to be an option.


Correct me if I am wrong @James_g_memrise but is the leader-board on the home page restricted?

I always look at my position against those I follow - it’s on the home page right side pop-out.

I am number 13 but I can only see up to 9th.

Why can’t I see the top eight (which I could before)?


If I go to the Learning Stats I can (only) see the top 4 and myself at 13.

And I need another click to see them all.

Perhaps you need two buttons on the side pop-out, one for » learning stats « and one for seeing more of those you » follow «.


I have discovered that I need yet a further click to see the missing people above me!

On a positive note, eventually after several clicks I can see the last month’s score that used to be on my home page.


I’m afraid I don’t know anything about this feature,
If you think there’s a bug then I would tag Memrise Support to log it.

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I can live with the changes, but the one thing that is driving me crazy is not seeing the percentage of items answered correctly at the end of a session. This was a good incentive for me because I could see visible improvement while learning, or relearning. For example, I have extremely poor visual memory so I tend to struggle with both learning new characters in a non-English language and also with categories such as maps or animals that rely on visual learning. So… when I have a round where I do really well, as I just did with a map test, I like having that little “pat on the back” of seeing a high score or, better yet, a high percentage of correct answers. Can you please bring this feature back? It really dulls the learning experience without it.


Thanks for your reply @James_g_memrise

It’s not a bug but the scroll bar is restricted.

But it would be nice to have two buttons linking as I suggested at the end of my “PS”. That should be easy.

Still not addressed (see below). Please note this is important issue for some languages. Please at least say if you are going to fix it or ignore it forever.

Maybe my explanation was unclear. Let me just shorten it to one sentence: Forcing people to type spaces at specific places is very detrimental to learning languages as Chinese or Japanese, at least because it collides with the way the IME (typing hanzi characters on a computer) works.

The correct way is to ignore all punctuation while matching entered text (this is how it worked before this recent change).

This did not change since Dec 21th when I wrote it. So let me repeat:

Please return the old, more forgiving, algorithm of matching typed text input. In the mandarin course, the input was accepted without any spaces. In the new version, it now requires spaces between some syllables (not always, looks difficult to guess where). In languages with longer words, typing spaces is not such a burden, but in language, where average “word” is two letters long, is typing spaces very cumbersome (and not really needed as nearly any sentence can be parsed correctly anyway). Even worse is that, when using chinese IME, the space key has special control meaning and it is extremely bad to get habit of pressing space after a syllable written (the IME needs bigger context to be able to choose the right chinese characters for inherently ambiguous pinyin text).

I was used to do reviews without errors. Now about half of entries are marked bad. I really do not want to learn, where exactly your input matcher requires spaces and where not. This change (in context of mandarin language really stupid - see above) made this site unusable for me.


Another vote for adding a link to edit the term during classic review. Mistakes are an unavoidable part of language learning – spelling errors, bad translations, ambiguous terms lacking context – and it’s essential that we fix these as we recognize them. Restoring the parameterized link that takes you directly to the database entry would be so helpful for this :pray:

Also, please let us hit enter to advance to the next term during classic review! That extra second waiting for the term to load by itself is adding a lot of unnecessary time to review. This seems to work for multiple choice already, so we just need it for typing too.

Thanks and congrats on the launch of the new design!


I’ve been using the new system for about a week now. In my view, it’s a mix of good and bad. Some thoughts:

  • The learning / reviewing speed is much faster. This is a real bonus. It’s much slicker and gives me much more efficient learning sessions. Great job on this.

  • The removal of the timer is a good thing. It means you can go back to the review session after a short break and it’s still there as you left it.

  • Could we have the option to remove the on-screen keyboard, please? I currently use an adblocker to hide it which works fine, but there was an option to hide it, that would be better.

  • The dashboard text size is too big for my liking.

  • It would be good to see a % correct score at the end of each review, like we used to have in the past.

  • I’ll add my voice to the chorus calling for mems to come back. They are a great help in remembering words, and to echo a comment made further up this thread, they give emotional support to learners. They make you feel like you’re part of a community when you see the methods others use to remember things.

On the subject of mems, I remember when I first came to Memrise back in 2012 when I started learning Chinese. At that time, there were some truly excellent mems in the Chinese courses created by Ben Whatley. The artwork was excellent and there were some inspired animations that really helped me embed the Chinese characters firmly in my mind. I remember thinking to myself just what a fantastic site this was.

Over time, the artwork and animation mems disappeared from the courses, and I have absolutely no idea why. Now, years later, all mems have disappeared. Mems were a key part of the Memrise experience for me, and I hope they will reappear down the line.


I remember those, they were superb. I only dipped my toe into Chinese and then gave it up as it was too much for my brain, but I still remember Ben’s mems.


The thing about the timer is that there was an option to turn it off before, so this is no improvement. Also, there was a pause button, so you could always take a short break even if you had the timer turned on.


I have used Memrise since around 2012 and it was the best language learning platform on the internet for several years.

The Memrise developers have made a series of strange and poor decisions, and it is truly devastating what has happened to it.

There were so many great (and SIMPLE) features (referenced throughout this thread) that have now simply disappeared in the interest of an apparently more ‘streamlined’ app style experience.

The removal of Mems is the final straw for me. It seems utterly illogical (particularly noting the name and roots of the website) and to make it worse the Memrise team led users to believe they would re-introduce them!

It is almost like the developers thought to themselves, hmm how can we make the platform worse for users and not listen to feedback from some of our oldest most loyal users.


To be fair, it’s too early to say if the team is giving a false hope to us.

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Hey @MemriseSupport, can we just get back our “difficult words” review?


The same situation happens all the time. Memrise changed the visuals and functions again. Nobody asked for this, nobody likes it but Memrise changes it anyway. Why? Why are you destroying system that uses are used to use? The system that worked? I really do not understand why all the changes happen all the time. I am using Memrise for a long time and this scenario happens again and again. Why are you changing the platform so often? I am a Pro member for some years but this makes me wonder… do I want this changes to happen? No. So why are you changing everything? I just really do not get it.


@MemriseSupport Is there ANY talk of a timeline on returning Mems or providing some kind of notes feature on words? I know I am a broken record, but DEAR LORD it is so much harder to memorize vocabulary, especially very similar-sounding vocabulary on an alphabetical list, without being able to leave yourself any linguistic explanation/breakdown, clue, or mnemonic of any kind.

I have been holding onto my subscription (not cancelling early and just moving elsewhere) on the slim hope that you will actually add even the most rudimentary notes feature to words. Please, is that anywhere near in site, or do I actually just have to completely move to Anki?


It feels like I spend an eternity in these Difficult Words rote-cycles which would take 1/10th of the time if I could just ground the words in SOMETHING. I know the people who made this website initially did realize that (I will again reference the NAME of the website), so why is there literally no way to add any kind of mnemonic? Help me out guys, this is getting old fast.


FWIW: Thankfully, Mems are still present in the Android app. Maybe under iOS as well?