Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

I left because of Decks, which they ended up not implementing. They lost MANY longtime creators who went back to Anki and never returned.

I wanted to work on Japanese again (which is only possible to learn with mems!) and decided to check out the forum first because Memrise is always messing things up like removing important features and changing the UI on a whim. No one asked for this garbage.

Cue my non surprise when I read they are removing mems. I’ve read through every single comment here. It took hours but I did it. The support team say they will remove mems, then contradict their words by saying they plan to bring it back. Now they are saying they will ‘try’ to bring it back.

I don’t trust Memrise and haven’t since Decks. I do not believe they will ‘try’ to bring mems back. They are only interested in learners who quit after a week. They do not care about longtime users. I have been here for many years and I will always remember what they’ve taken away.


As a long time pro user it pains me to think of canceling, finally. Can anyone sane in your team tell me what the hecking heck you are doing?
The website is gigantic, everything takes way way to much space, as if it was designed for toddlers seeing this on a tv. If you want a mobile website then design one for that screen-size and not force everyone to use this abysmal design. The - by now - not new design is not an improvement at all.
The pro page is still crap, it doesn’t tell me anything, not when I last paid, not what features am I getting, nothing, I can’t even change the payment method. NOTHING BUT the next due date.

And then comes the cake: mems. Why are they gone? Not enough people use them? Then maybe make the feature better? Memrise if named after them? They are incremental for learning new terms for me. Make the feature better for crying out loud so people can use them easier. For me it is rather annoying that they are gone but other bs like missing subtitles for spoken things you don’t get are still not a thing. Or like, super crazy idea, letting people repeat and write down things they did not get right after the mistake was made.
It seems to me the team just kills options instead of making the platform better.

And last but not least: Put the forum on the platform. It’s not even linked. How do you plan to get more feedback if you hide the ability to give any on a secondary platform not even mentioned anywhere on the platform itself?


Could you imagine how I feel? I paid for the lifetime license, as they were removing the mems :skull: and I couldn’t continue.
Mind you, I’m Mexican, 150$ is quite expensive to me xd.


I’ve been on this site for nearly 10 years now. Every time I’ve considered getting a lifetime licence to thank them for everything, I remember every unwanted change they’ve made. Then I remember they might change it again after I pay so I stay on free


Took me awhile to decide but I finally cancelled mine as well. After 6 years as a pro user too.

I’m still using it but at least I am not paying for it anymore. After finishing my self-created course, I’ll likely move elsewhere.


May I recommend Kitsun?

Let me recommend you Kitsun.

I haven’t read the whole thread.

I’d like to comment two things:

One: I don’t see a fundamental difference between languages and other subjects. You need to learn concepts and you need to be quickly able to recall them. You need to come across the concepts repeatedly and you need to be able to use the concepts in “live situations”. Also, for any subject: use it or lose it, so the need for a spaced repetition system to retain the knowledge.

There are an unlimited number of pairs you can let your AI generate, and let your users choose from. [Basic Math: Addition] one watermelon + one watermelon = two watermelons; three apples + four apples = seven apples. Testing and repetition should be different though, you shouldn’t present the user with an identical pair but choose from a pool of similar pairs. So your job becomes subdividing each subject into sub-sub-subjects, adding dependencies between them, and populating them with pairs. Get a high enough percentage of questions correct and you can move up to the next sub-sub-subject.

If you don’t have unlimited time and funds and skills you could start an alpha or beta with basic addition and gradually introduce more subjects as you learn more about how to do it right. And try to avoid removing the ability to learn non language courses in the meantime.

Two: I’ll assume written input will come back if it hasn’t already, or if it ever went away, as active recall is a very important part of learning or acquiring a subject. Answering multiple choice questions isn’t active recall.


Welcome back @Arete_Hime, nice to see you reappear after three years.

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I don’t buy that at all. People loved mems. When I first started using this site ten years ago there were few Mems and they kept banging on about creating them. First it was just Mems using words, then they urged users to add photos. They even had a feature of “Best Mems”. Now apparently Mems are rubbish and not needed. I hate the new Memrise and don’t use it anything as much as I used to. I used to pay to be a member, but no longer.


Thank you, this looks promising! I will give a try!

Unsubscribed also. Anki is too complicated for me.

Hope it’s of your taste :v.

I hate how they removed mems!


“For these reasons, we’ll stop supporting the creation and browsing of mems (both your own and the community created ones) across all our platforms from December 31 2021. From this date, you will no longer be able to create new mems or view them during Learning Sessions. An app release that will be rolled out on Android in January 2022 will also remove the mems feature in the app.“

So I see mems are still available but only for difficult words. Why the inconsistency? I thought they were being retired?

Are you on iOS? I think someone wrote that they’re not available on iOS anymore.
I’m on Android where they’re still there (and I use them every day too!) …


:shushing_face: don’t tell them


Ok, I think this is the place to write. I need help. Someone please respond. I bought a lifetime account to this garbage website. I call it garbage because they keep changing things without asking us what we want, and without these changes making sense. I was angry about them changing the old ranking system to the new one, and turning the beautiful classic purple into that grotesque yellow. I hated the changes, but I figured I could live with them.

That said, this new change might take me off the app. I honestly don’t know what’s happening. I came onto the website yesterday and added some new courses. The iOS app looks completely different after I did that. Now, my app no longer shows individual courses, just blocks of levels under specific languages. How am I supposed to find the community and official courses I signed up for? If I wanted a Duolingo experience, I would be over there! Why can’t I see the scores of the people I follow in-app anymore? How can I play the courses I downloaded offline in the subway? I don’t see a download button anymore, or any of the courses I downloaded! Who said this was intuitive?! Did you do any user testing?


So shortly after writing this post, my app has reverted back to the former version. The 24-hour nightmare is over. Thank you to the Memrise staff. That said, if the monstrosity I saw is the future of Memrise, I think I need to find other pastures. It is ridiculous that you have people shelling out $500 CAD of their hard earned money for your blinking app, and you bend over backwards in making the user experience unenjoyable. Stop changing things without asking for our input first! I use this app to calmly learn languages, and every year or two, you make major changes to frustrate my life.


It’s like you completely forgot the horror show that was the separate Decks website a few years ago. I don’t see why you can’t maintain the old working system as an option, while creating whatever new system you wish to implement.