Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

Thanks for removing the only thing that made me use this over Anki. Great job, really. Good on you for trampling over people’s completely unpaid efforts to help each other. I’m sure it’ll be worth it.


Maybe so, and maybe the problem is that I only use the desktop versions of things, but I find the desktop options for Anki to be pretty unnecessarily buried, the options for downloading decks a bit overwhelming/messy (plus you can’t test decks out as easily as you can test out courses here), and it’s like I have to beg the program to let me study more that day than it recommends. Maybe I just need to watch some tutorials, though.

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The thing about Anki is that it is very moddable. There are mods that change the user interface as well. So you might find one you like.

I, for one, just found out, there is a mod allowing you to create anki cards that require typing your answers.
One more reason to start transferring all the learned stuff to the independent platform.


I have used your app daily for years.
Please reconsider removing the typing-only function. Tapping test really slow down my reviewing and some days there are hundreds of words to review.
At least keep the old features as an option.
I have loved your app and it’s horrible to see it being ruined like this.


Dear Memrise folks,

I’m not sure if you’ve yet to realize this, but receiving this kind of feedback from a beta program is not normal.

It’s typical to have a few folks who aren’t pleased with changes, no matter what they are.

That’s not what you’re seeing here. This isn’t a thread with a bunch of people excited about upcoming changes and ready to join you on the path to a better future. That’s what you should be seeing if you were doing the right thing and you’ve missed the mark, badly.

What you’re seeing instead are your customers who really want you to succeed give you direct feedback about a set of changes that are problematic in really substantial ways without literally any positive feedback at all.

You really need to think long and hard about what you’re doing here.


I rely heavily on mems and have created 1,301 thoughtful ones, so I’ll be finding another platform, maybe just making my own learning tool. That is something I can control. Memrise could probably benefit more by selling my Mems than just deleting them. That would be better for me and everyone else than just wasting them all, which is what will happen, because it is practically impossible to save them all in a useful way. Also, how hard would it have been to install a download feature for users to download all their content in bulk, anyway? It seems Memrise didn’t even try to respect all the hard work that was put into creating that content. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I would think there’d be a terrific AI application for them. Bizzare what’s going on here; am I in the twilight zone?


こんにちは :rage:

I normally don’t write comments on anything anymore, but I just confirmed my community account for this here, because this is nothing but hugely disappointing.

Just like everyone else, I tried the soon-to-be-forced-on-us beta for a ~30min review session of several courses and I swear to god, this has to be the worst update any company has ever done in the history of the internet.

There is not a single thing that is to be liked about this update :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

And that’s coming from someone, who doesn’t even use the mems, which seems to be the main point spoken about in this ‘explanation’…

  • you can no longer speed-up reviewing by pressing enter??? (at least I can’t and used to)

  • the auto-matching your answer feature does no longer work as quickly when using an IME (for Japanese in my case), since with the update you now need to press enter to confirm what you write first, before your answer is checked… this slows down reviewing quite a bit, since often times different courses expect different answers for the same English word, so sometimes I just have to retype my answer, as I obviously won’t waste my time on remembering which course expects which specific answer. This was the main reason I used this feature and now it’s basically useless since it would take forever again…

  • on the front page, the streak and monthly review stats are now replaced by huge white space, just awesome!!!

  • (this one I won’t count fully, but will say regardless, because it doesn’t matter at this point with all the other bad stuff, but the new UI works way worse with the dark reader app that I use… and of course, memrise doesn’t offer a dark theme natively either…)

Wish I could just get my money back for the remaining months of my yearly subscription (Just re-subbed in August…)

Oh well, guess that just means I can soon focus more on other STILL GOOD websites / learning material.

't was a fun time I guess



Words can’t say how disappointed I am with the lack of flexibility in your “improved” learning system. Your program is useless to me without the flexibility to select only typed tests. Forcing multiple choice questions on your users wastes time and doesn’t contribute to learning. Do you honestly think that, when you’re trying to speak a language and can’t remember a word, that someone is going to hold up a flash card with options to choose from? If the option to choose only typed tests is not restored, I will take my business elsewhere.


Really, really gutted. Mems were a big reason for using memrise, and part of the reason for choosing to use it to learn Japanese primarily here rather than on Wanikani, as I found the range of community mems meant there was almost always something I can latch on to. (Note as well, I’m solely using community courses, not official ones.) Have used memrise since 2012 and paid for pro for the last few years, but will definitely be rethinking that now :frowning:


Lovely. So all day, it has felt like I have had less to review than usual (meaning before I tried my hand at this crappy new dashboard), so I switched between the two and LO AND BEHOLD, there are items for review on the old version missing on the new version. So we’ll be having a different spacing system now too? Or is this a bug? Either way, it sucks.


I encourage everyone to toggle between the two and check for yourself. I will definitely be checking mine in the morning when I have my biggest batch of review items. I bet cash-money there will be a discrepancy. The review items in the old version keep going up (it has gone from 2 to 9 items in about 5 minutes) with nothing registering in the new version. It is still showing no items for review. Infuriating.

A subscription was definitely sold to me under false pretenses. :frowning:

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Dude, what are you guys doing?? The reason I use memrise and not anki is that I have access to user created mems. The power of the hive mind! I show new people Memrise and I always show them how “you can contribute a little story to help you remember and use ones that other people have contributed.” To take away mems makes this site into Quizlet! I can create mems myself but it’s so much easier and useful to use mems others have created. Listen to all your users! They don’t want this!

I can only think the reason you’re doing this is profit and your bottom line. Like literally why would you take this away otherwise? I’d be more than happy to pay 60 bucks a year or whatever to have access to mems. I’ve used Memrise since 2013 and it’s helped me so, so, so much in learning Korean and other languages. Without mems, this site is crippled. Please don’t take away the reason I love Memrise.


I tried out the new version and it sucks. It’s CLEARLY not meant for pc users with how massive and distorted everything looks. It also hides learning stats and leaderboard too. And then actually using it to learn is worse because it doesn’t auto accept, which is a problem when you know several thousand words and there’s a lot of different words that could mean the same or very similar things. Also if you get things wrong, then reviewing difficult words has the spelling laid out as you type, meaning I don’t even need to try and remember it to get it correct. It’s much better to be told the answer if you enter the incorrect answer, not have it there to just copy along, that’s not good for learning.


Another site overhaul, another example of Memrise taking away functionality for no reason and spiting people who dare to use the community courses over their official ones which allow them to more heavily push monetisation.
I’m fairly sure that no one involved in this decision has ever tried to study kanji, for which mems are an immense help due to the amount of elements each kanji has (multiple meanings, multiple readings, radicals making them up, and mnemonics to help remember all of those things). Taking mems away from a kanji course may as well render the entire website worthless for studying Japanese.
I suppose it’s about time I sought out an alternative. If Memrise’s regularly worsening UI wasn’t itself still significantly better than Anki’s I would have already switched long ago.


Wow, this takes the prize. Not sure if you really know anything about research, but for starters, I’d suggest looking at the correlation between the use of memes and Pro subscriptions. I’ve been a paid subscriber for years - until today, that is. Good luck with your bottom line Memrise, you’re gonna need that luck to make up for all the subscribers you’re about to lose.

I actually find this public suicide mildly amusing, perhaps because I’ve been lucky enough to keep the 3407 memes I’ve created over the years in a separate folder on my desktop. Hello Anki, here I come!


Thank god, I was minutes away from purchasing an annual subscription on memrise before reading this. Earlier I was trying to decide which language learning service I would be paying for so I listed the pro’s / con’s of my top three choices, the only reason memrise came out on top was because of mems, now that they will be removed makes it a no brainier to pay their competition instead. Epic failure on the insight of the decision makers and I thought the reason it was called MemRise was because of the brilliant, unique mems.


What a pathetic thing to do. Mems and user-generated content were the very foundation of Memrise and why it was created (not “immersion learning” like the bs that you’re spouting out of nowhere on the Memrise philosophy page). I am extremely concerned with this statement:

we’ll be retiring our classic learning sessions

I really hope that doesn’t mean that you will eliminate all courses that were made in the past. The learning plan curriculum of words/phrases in the course directly previous was outstanding (I’ve so far learned Portuguese, French, and German through them). The current courses are a disaster and ruined my Italian learning experience. If you’re getting rid of all access to them, I’m downloading all the Memrise words from the languages I want to learn and moving them to Anki.

And that goes the same if you get rid of the user-generated courses.


If anyone remembers they tried to get rid of Mem’s back in 2017 as well but stopped. I say someone else please make a website for mems and user generated language learning. Even charge some money for maintenance. Anything is better than this crap they are trying to pull. Seriously… people have spend thousands of hours creating mems and you’ll just give people a month to try and screen shot their way through others mems… I definitely will not be giving money to memrise and if it goes through will actively discourage people from using memrise.


I joined in 2014 and I’ve learned a lot of stuff from doing so. I also made a ton of courses for myself. And the ability to create mems was totally crucial to doing so.

Memrise without “Mem” is “rise”, as in “you’re getting a rise out of your users”.

My subscription isn’t due for renewal for a few more months, so I’m going to keep an eye on things to see if there won’t be a humiliating climbdown, but if this decision is not going to be reversed, I’ll probably be heading over to Duolingo, Drops, etc.


If it’s a matter of storage space for the mems, perhaps research would indicate that users would be willing to pay a little extra for being able to store and view other’s mems. Monetization achieved! But it’s probably more that that.

Maybe Memrise execs are frustrated and angry that the lessons created by individuals are more popular and / or cutting too significantly into their possible pool of more monetized company-created lessons. It’s laughable when they assert that results from “research” indicate their lesson and learning environment characteristics are better and more effective. How about an independent review? How often does a company report results of research which find that community based products are better or more liked than the products they are trying to sell? LOL.