Request to become contributor to Basics of Biblical Greek

Hi there,

The Basics of Biblical Greek course has a number of issues highlights in this thread. I have also noted some duplication thought the course.

I would like to be added as a contributor to the course. I am aware that I do not have any published courses currently, but would rather fix an existing course than create a new one.

This is the course

Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary - by Xenolinguiphile - Memrise

and this is the [Course Forum] :

@Xenolinguiphile does not seem to be active.

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Hi @oWretch

Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the delay here.

Unfortunately it looks like this user is not active on our community forum.

I’ve now added you as a contributor to this course. :slight_smile:

You can learn more about what you can and cannot do as a contributor here:

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Thanks @MemriseSupport. Does this take some time to take effect? I cannot see how I can get into edit mode on the course.

Thanks in advance


Hi @oWretch, thanks for letting me know. Can you please try again now? You shouldn’t have any other issue :slight_smile:


Thanks @MemriseSupport. That has worked, and I now have edit access to the course.

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@MemriseSupport I know that contributors are not able to add columns to the database of a course - is there any way to get them added? As mentioned above, the owner of the course does not appear to be active, so I cannot ask them to add additional columns to enhance the course.

Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately we can’t change ownership of the course, which means that sadly you won’t be able to add a new column at this time or perform actions outside of this list.

Apologies for any inconvenience.