Removing the Roomaji?


I just started Memrise today. While I’ve studied Japanese in the past and remember pretty much all my Kana and some vocabulary, I wanted to go from the beginning. I’m really liking the interface and the point system, it reminds me of :smiley: However, I’ve ran into a problem.

The words have the ‘Japanese writing’ in Roomaji, not Hiragana. I have successfully stayed away from using it as a crutch in the past, and I don’t want it being in my lessons. Kind of a deal breaker if I’m not able to see the Hiragana, I’m afraid :confused: Do you guys know of a way to change the Roomaji to Hiragana?

Or if it is phased out early-enough on?


the course you’re taking introduces slowly the hiragana and then the kanji: look at the next desks in the course. There is no point is trying to remove the romaji.

you should maybe just explore the hundreds of Japanese courses that exist on memrise

(the fora:; the courses for English speakers:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise